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Transcript for 9/5/24: SPY VS SPY – LIE UPON LIE W/ NAN SU

In the good ole days it was always good advice to never discuss politics, religion or sex. This always kept you out of trouble. Now of course, these are the ONLY things to discuss. It is the only thing that we have in the media-- more politics now and a lot of malfeasance that most Americans don’t seem to care about.

Criminality in government and in the lection process is going on everywhere and there are revelations that are not being reported that certainly need to be but how can we get a straight answer when the answer is biased politically to lean left of center? 

I once had a conversation with someone who told me that they sometimes wish that they were ignorant. It would be less intense and stressful. Being informed is not always a pleasant experience. It can create a whole plethora of cognitive dissonance. 

Sometimes, you need a break.

Some days it is possible to convince yourself that nothing is actually happening and all we have is a whole bunch of people convincing us that things are happening.

Every little jot and tittle is now being used against us. It is getting so bad, that we are now becoming the paranoid "trust no one crowd."

You are not paranoid if you know they are out to get you.

If the truth be known, we all want to smile sanctimoniously—it’s a terribly ugly but impelling human need. Being right is right up there with food and water and a roof over our heads.

It is like a drug .. we all want to make the right decisions and we dont want to be fooled if a conspiracy plot is afoot and we want to get ahead.

Its like there is a conspiracy within the conspiracy -- a never ending chasing of the dogs tail and in the end we wonder if we can trust the mail man, or the delivery guy -- or even members of your family.

It is like when neighbors are asked about a mass shooter by the media.

Oh he was a nice man, didn’t bother anyone always put flowers on his mother's grave kind of guy. 

But the whole time he was little Norman Bates next door -- with them not knowing that he has cheerleaders in his freezer.

But when your government becomes a pack of criminals and spies -- America seems to have an indifference to it.

We have become guinea pigs in a ruthlessly calculated, carefully orchestrated, chillingly cold-blooded experiment in how to control a population and advance a political agenda without much opposition from the citizenry.

This is mind-control in its most sinister form.

We are all being programmed to be agents of the government and being good little zombies following every whim and believing all the propaganda -- not knowing how close to the precipice we have become.

With alarming regularity, the nation is being subjected to a spate of violence that terrorizes the public, destabilizes the country, and gives the government greater justifications to crack down, lock down, and institute even more authoritarian policies for the so-called sake of national security without many objections from the citizenry.

The recent shooting in Georgia is an event that becomes an exercise in the Hegelian dialectic. It is always Problem, Action , Solution.

Dominant groups or organizations covertly exploit a problem to make laws, rules, and restrictions seem legitimate. Then, the groups use the method to make social problems seem bigger to get populist support for laws that society would normally consider unacceptable.

Bad things happen and the government exploits it for political points. Or bad things happen because the government has recruited Manchurian candidates, sleeper agents, and spies to carry out brutal acts of espionage.

Some call these actions false flags -- some use the term to indicate what they believe to be a faked event -- but it is not a fake event -- it is a real event carried out by agents and then blamed on individuals and or countries in order to justify draconian measures by a government.

Some believe that agents provocateurs and spies are part of cloak and dagger conspiracies that are cold war relics.

But suspicions grow as countries like China and Russia have been deemed adversaries and have a whole bunch of tactics that they can use to get information and use it against people.

Last year, a declassified Document revealed that in 1990 the CIA, MI6 and NATO trained and directed an underground army of fascist paramilitary units across Europe, deploying its assets to undermine political opponents, including through false flag terror attacks.

This group is called GLADIO -- NATO denies its existence. 

Nonetheless, the released material is highly illuminating. Covering a fraught twelve month period after the first public disclosure of Gladio's existence, the papers illustrate how London's foreign intelligence apparatus kept a keen eye on the continent as events unfolded.

The papers not only shed fresh light on the conspiracy, they underline Gladio's relevance as British intelligence joins its America counterparts in contemporary plots involving secret partisan forces from Syria to Ukraine.

Gladio consisted of a constellation of "stay behind" anti-communist partisan armies whose ostensible mission was to fend off the Red Army in the event of Soviet invasion.

There is no Soviet Union now -- but there are still spies and agents carrying out terrorist attacks on behalf of NATO.

Meanwhile the media is again generating new interest in Russian meddling of elections.

The Justice Department alleges that a Tennessee-based company and conservative internet platform was being funded by Russian operatives working as part of a Kremlin-orchestrated influence operation targeting the 2024 US election.

That company is called Tenet Media.

The indictment unsealed in New York’s Southern District accused two employees of RT, the Kremlin’s media arm, of funneling nearly $10 million to an unidentified company, described only as “Company 1” in court documents.

CNN has independently confirmed that “Company 1” is Tenet Media, which is a platform for independent content creators. It is self-described as a “network of heterodox commentators that focus on Western political and cultural issues.” 

The alleged Russian operation tapped two people to set up the company in their names to add to its legitimacy and the two founders were aware Russian money backed the operation, according to the indictment.

The goal of the operation, according to prosecutors, was to fuel pro-Russian narratives, in part, by pushing content and news articles favoring Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

The indictment claims that Kremlin deemed Trump to be friendlier to its interests.

This is some real cloak and dagger stuff and the bias here is noted -- getting money from Russian Interests makes you an informant or an agent spreading propaganda for Russia apparently propaganda promoting Donald Trump. 

Among the commentators listed on Tenet Media’s website are right-wing personalities Benny Johnson, Tim Pool and Dave Rubin. All have released statements saying they were victims of the alleged Russian scheme and they maintained editorial control of the content they created.

Each has a loyal fanbase online, with a combined roughly 6 million followers on YouTube alone. Pool interviewed Trump on his podcast in May.

The indictment outlined how the American social media stars were hired by Tenet Media. Some of the creators were told the project was being bankrolled by a man named Eduard Grigoriann. “In truth and fact,” the indictment reads, “Grigoriann was a fictional persona.”

The indictment outlines how one of the social media stars was approached by Tenet Media’s founder with an offer of $2 million a year to make videos for the company. One of the founders later wrote, “It would need to be closer to 5 million yearly for him to be interested,” according to the indictment.

Eventually the social media star agreed on a contract of a $400,000 monthly fee to create “four weekly videos,” along with a $100,000 signing bonus.

Tenet Media’s US-based founders are not named in the indictment, but business records filed in Tennessee reveal two people connected to the company: Lauren Chen and Liam Donovan. A Twitter account for Donovan identifies him as the president of Tenet Media and his Instagram account describes Donovan as Chen’s husband.

A private message between the two in May 2021 read, “So we’re billing the Russians from the corporation, right?” Two weeks later, another message said, “Also, the Russians paid. So we’re good to bill them for the next month I guess,” the legal filing details.

Chen, who goes by the name “Lauren Southern” on social media, is a rightwing online influencer in her own right. She is listed as a commentator on Tenet Media’s website and has more than 700,000 followers on YouTube.

The Russian state-controlled media RT lists Chen as a contributor for several articles in 2021 and 2022. She is also linked to the conservative youth organization Turning Point USA.

A YouTube video referenced in the indictment further describes Tenet Media as “a project of Lauren Chen and her husband Liam.”

It just goes to show you how serious these guys are about taking money from an adversarial nation to create counter programming against the left.

But the problem of having agents doing the bidding of an adversarial nation does not just effect right wing commentators. 

The Left is now having to answer questions about their Chinese associations.

Former chief aide of New York Governor Kathy Hochul has been arrested in New York -- accused of being a Chinese spy.

Prosecutors said Linda Sun, who was born in China, influenced New York politics at the highest level and allegedly reported back to the Chinese government. She is alleged to have forged Hochul's signature to make it easier for a Chinese Communist Party delegation to come to New York and to have a face-to-face meeting with Hochul.

On Wednesday, Hochul expressed her outrage and shock at the news and said she had sought the dismissal of China's former New York consul general for his alleged role in running Sun as an agent inside Hochul's government.

Much of Sun's undercover work was directed by China's New York consulate, the indictment alleges. It states that in the spring of 2018, one consul official tasked Sun with arranging for a Communist Party delegation from Henan Province, China, to travel to the United States and meet with Hochul.

On the evening of March 18, 2018, following a dinner event to which the consul official and Sun were both invited, the consul official provided Sun with a list of Hunan delegation members and an English-language document called "Reference of Invitation Letter" for Hochul's signature.

On March 29 and April 5, 2018, Sun allegedly provided the official with two versions of an invitation letter from the governor's office that Sun had created.

Sun held roles in New York state government as Hochul's deputy chief of staff and as the chief diversity officer for former Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Department of Financial Services.

On Tuesday, the FBI arrested Sun and her husband, Christopher Hu, at their multimillion-dollar home on Long Island. Prosecutors said Sun earned millions from her illegal interference in U.S. politics.

The Chinese government allegedly paid Sun and Hu millions to influence New York politics, secretly funneling money to the couple to buy a 2024 Ferrari, an apartment in Hawaii and their five-bedroom house on Long Island, which the FBI raided in July.

Meanwhile the Chinese influence goes even deeper into the political arena and has fallen into the lap of Vice presidential Hopeful Tim Walz.

The House is now Investigating Tim Walz’s and his alleged China Connections.

Gov. Kristi Noem of South Dakota testified before Congress about the multiple dangers China poses to American agriculture.

Governor Noem points out that Tim Walz is a National Security Risk! He has gone to China 30 times because he has business ties with China and CCP leaders. Walz taught in China from 1989-1990. Walz reportedly promoted Chinese communism to his students.

Walz has also been accused of crusading against Christianity. According to his detractors Walz decided that Christian teachers are no longer welcome in the state’s public schools.

Retired CIA operations officer Sam Faddis that Walz has had a cozy relationship with the Chinese Communist regime for 30 years. Faddis says Walz believes the CCP is on the right side of history and we are the bad guys. 

A Chinese consulate official attended Walz’s inauguration as governor.

Walz has a long history of appearing at Chinese-sponsored events and singing the praises of the totalitarian regime. “Global Minnesota” allows the installation of Chinese police stations in Minnesota where Chinese hunt down, apprehend, and sometimes drag to China dissidents trying to fight for democracy.

House Republicans are seizing on Walz’s role leading field trips to China as the basis for a new probe. House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chair James Comer sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray seeking information on Chinese entities and individuals with whom the Minnesota governor may have engaged, as well as any documents and communications between Walz’s office and the FBI pertaining to warnings or guidance about government officials engaging with Chinese government representatives or proxies. 

It’s unclear whether the FBI has had any such communications.

In 1993, according to the Star-Herald, as a teacher, Mr. Walz organized a trip to the PRC with Alliance High School students, where costs were paid by the Chinese government. In 1994, Mr. Walz set up a private company named “Educational Travel Adventures, Inc.,” which coordinated annual student trips to the PRC until 2003 and was led by Mr. Walz himself. The corporation was reportedly dissolved four days after he took congressional office in 2007.

While serving in Congress, Mr. Walz also served as a fellow at the Macau Polytechnic University, a Chinese institution that characterizes itself as having a “long held devotion to and love for the motherland.” Governor Walz spoke alongside the President of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, which, a year later, the Department of State exposed as “a Beijing-based organization tasked with co-opting subnational governments,” including efforts “to directly and malignly influence state and local leaders to promote the PRC’s global agenda.

Chinese agent infiltration is not limited to agents that may be in high places of government. 

In a recent episode of Dr. Phil, Donald Trump was presented with a startling map that revealed the extent of Chinese land purchases near U.S. military bases. This eye-opening moment highlighted the serious implications of foreign ownership of land in strategic areas, raising questions about national security and sovereignty. 

During the show, Dr. Phil presented a map illustrating Chinese investments in farmland surrounding key military installations. This revelation raised immediate concerns:

The discussion on Dr. Phil’s show underscores the importance of addressing foreign influence in America. There are theories that China is already conducting hybrid warfare against the United States.

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) military theorists frame hybrid warfare as how countries deploy all aspects of physical and non-physical state power, including civil society, to confront an adversary indirectly. They also view it as a means of confronting great powers within an interconnected and globalized world. Their framing presents hybrid warfare as a competition of holistic, comprehensive strength. 

They are very fond of slow incursions and falling under the radar undetected.

China has used cyberwarfare, psychological warfare, and the so called fentanyl crisis.

The fentanyl crisis is how China kills Americans without firing a shot.

China has been fueling this crisis, acting as the number one supplier of illegal fentanyl and the precursor chemicals of fentanyl to the United States. While China imposed regulations on fentanyl in 2019 that reduced direct shipment to the United States, fentanyl precursors continue to flow in via Mexico.

It’s unlikely that the CCP will acknowledge and therefore cease what appear to be the state-sanctioned abuses of its pharmaceutical industry, so the US and global court systems must step in to deliver justice.

To bring China to court, the United States must first make the case that the CCP is involved in driving the opioid crisis. The US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has classified the precursor chemicals for fentanyl (which China supplies) as controlled substances, essentially making them illegal. 

The CDC estimates that there are deaths involving fentanyl ever 4 1/2 minutes and no quick fixes · Tolls of nearly 80,000 Americans have died from overdose. 

This could be seen as a hybrid war death toll. You could even include COVID deaths as part of the agenda -- but then you would be accused of bigotry.

There may also be a growing involvement of Chinese fishing ships in facilitating drug trafficking.

And there is the possibility that Chinese fishing flotillas or individual vessels operating around the Americas and around the world may be equipped with spy equipment for collecting intelligence on behalf of China.

Oh and then we had the spy balloon fiasco -- that the Biden Administration downplayed.

The Chinese spy balloon that flew across the U.S. was able to gather intelligence from several sensitive American military sites, despite the Biden administration’s efforts to block it from doing so.

China was able to control the balloon so it could make multiple passes over some of the sites at times flying figure-eight formations and transmit the information it collected back to Beijing in real time, the three officials said. The intelligence China collected was mostly from electronic signals, which can be picked up from weapons systems or include communications from base personnel, rather than images.

China has said repeatedly that the balloon was an unmanned civilian airship that accidentally strayed off course, and that the U.S. overreacted by shooting it down.

Meanwhile the ancient war of spy vs. spy rages on. The FBI now opens a new counterintelligence case against Chinese spies and agents every 10 hours. 

The CIA’s assistant director for counterintelligence sent an alert throughout the agency noting that, in recent years, dozens of recruited informants in China, Iran, Pakistan, and other hostile nations have been compromised and turned against the United States as double agents, or arrested, tortured, and killed. 

Now we are learning that they are everywhere -- and many I am sure have entered into the states illegally over our blurred borders.

It is a certainty that, at this moment, the U.S. government is penetrated by spies, foreign and domestic, as has been the case for nearly a century.

The awful truth is that no outsider for that matter can say for sure whether U.S. counterintelligence is better or worse than it was two, four, or eight decades ago, because no one knows if there are two, 20, or 200 moles burrowing into our body politic at this moment.

Makes you feel like you can trust no one.