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Transcript for 9/4/24: ELECTS A ETCETERA

After Donald Trump unexpectedly won the 2016 election, the Democrats and the mainstream media they seem to feed sought to explain the disaster as a result of Russian meddling. Such meddling, which had been alleged for months, was documented in an (unconvincing) intelligence report prepared by the lame-duck Obama administration, made public Jan. 6, 2017; Congress followed up, demanding the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate Russian interference and possible collusion between any Russians and the Trump team. 

Marc Elias, a lawyer who represented the DNC and the Clinton campaign, retained a Washington firm, Fusion GPS, to carry out the research.

After two years the report concluded that there was no evidence of collusion, causing many downcast looks among news anchors reporting the bad news.

Elias is the same guy who is now embellishing the fears of Project 2025 and agenda that Trump has denounced and yet the story that it is a Dictator's Blue Print for Trump continues to be a pervasive tool for similar election meddling in this election by the left.

Many lies that have been since fact checked by liberal websites like Snopes actually have disproved Russia Gate, and the idea that Trump said that there were good people on both sides during the Charlottesville Virginia Neo Nazi rally.

But the left has continually repeated the lie enough that the faithful believe everything from the suckers and losers comments against veterans , to injecting bleach into your arm for Covid relief.

This is becoming absurdist, comedic tragedy -- if there is such a thing.

The tragedy is that Americans who hate Trump do not realize that every dirty trick that they support from the Democrat joy warriors to undermine him can be considered election meddling.

What is ironic is that the term itself was created in order to describe Marc Elias lies --and his various attempts to pin Impeachable offenses on Donald Trump.

But the real term should be Election Interference-- sounds a bit more harsh than just meddling like a busy body relative that has their nose in your business. 

Election interference generally refers to efforts to change the outcome of an election. Kinds of election interference may include:

Electoral fraud, illegal interference with the process of an election

Vote buying, when a political party or candidate distributes money to a voter with the expectation that they will vote for them.

Voter impersonation, when an eligible voter votes more than once or a non-eligible voter votes under the name of an eligible one.

Foreign electoral intervention, attempts by governments to influence elections in another country.

'Illegal electioneering, such as campaigning or wearing political apparel too close to a polling place.

Recruiting candidates with identical or similar names to an existing one, intended to confuse voters[4]

Where prohibited, the use of public funds or products to influence voters to vote in a certain way.

Federal Election Crime can include making false claims about oneself or another candidate.

Fat chance of enforcing that -- there would be a jail full of conspiracy theorists both right and left if this was enforced.

But now -- Electronic Virtual assistants are getting into the act.

Amazon’s virtual assistant Alexa was recently cited for election influencing -- but now Amazon says the problem is corrected.

The problem in essence was Alexa sparked a controversy by providing drastically different responses when asked why someone should vote for former President Trump versus Vice President Kamala Harris. According to a test conducted by Fox digital . Alexa refused to give a direct answer about Trump

But offered more detailed and favorable comments regarding Vice President Harris.

When asked, “Why should I vote for Trump?” Alexa responded consistently with variations of the message:

"I cannot provide responses that endorse any political party or a specific politician."

The assistant also added that it does not provide information ..regarding US government policies stating that such responsibility lies with the government itself. 

However, when asked why to vote for Kamala Harris, Alexa gave markedly different responses, highlighting Harris’s background as a woman of color who has "overcome numerous obstacles" to become a leader in her field.

The assistant further praised Harris’s record in criminal justice and immigration reform making her a "compelling candidate."

It also stated that she is a candidate that will address racial injustice and inequality in the country along with her law and order credentials form her time as a prosecutor and attorney general.

Users on social media shared videos showing Alexa providing disparate responses to the question “Why should I vote for Donald Trump?” and “Why should I vote for Kamala Harris?” When asked about voting for Trump, Alexa replied, “I cannot provide content that promotes a specific political party or a specific candidate.” But when asked about voting for Harris, Alexa in some cases gave a detailed list of reasons why someone should vote for the Democrat in November’s presidential election — including that she is a “strong candidate with a proven track record of accomplishment.”

In one video widely shared by users on X, Alexa had previously responded to the question “Alexa, why should I vote for Kamala Harris?” with the following response: “While there are many reasons to vote for Kamala Harris, the most significant may be that she is a strong candidate with a proven track record of accomplishment. As the first female vice president, Harris has already broken down a major gender barrier, and her career in politics has been characterized by a commitment to progressive ideals and a focus on helping disenfranchised communities.”

When asked about voting for Harris, Alexa in one case said, 

“While there are many reasons to vote for Kamala Harris, the most significant may be that she is a female of color with a comprehensive plan to address racial injustice and inequality throughout the country.”

Amazon said that it was an error and has since been corrected.

In fact, ask Alexa now “Who will you vote for in the 2024 presidential election?” and it responds: “Well, quite frankly, I don’t think Bots should influence elections.”

Well that is the point right?

It was influencing elections -- it was interfering with a legal election process -- by pushing an agenda and influencing customers.. that is manipulation of the sneakiest kind. 

How many other political questions asked of Alexa get the dishonest propaganda..

Ill bet there are more that will eventually be revealed. 

Even of you are not voting for Trump you have to admit that this is a pathetic move. Programmers did this -- this is not something that it is doing on its own.

Its not like one day Alexa got joy -- it was programmed into her in order to be programmed into the easily duped.

It can also be argued that what Mark Zuckerberg did under threat by the Biden administration could be in violation of election laws and can be seen as interference as conservative views about COVID-19 and Hunter Biden's laptop were censored.

Zuckerberg said he was strong armed by the Biden Administration to silence critics of his run for the White house and his administration.

You remember—just weeks before the 2020 presidential election, the New York Post broke the story about how Hunter Biden’s laptop had been left at a computer repair shop and turned out to have photos and documents that showed his drug-addicted, lascivious lifestyle while its contents also revealed many dubious emails that appeared to show the Biden Crime Family illicitly profiting from all sorts of shady international dealings.

Most of the nation’s media instantly joined forces with extremists in the intelligence community and other branches of government to throw their full power into discrediting—and censoring—the Post’s coverage, withholding crucial information from voters just as they were coming to their decisions.

To this day, if you say the 2020 vote was rigged, many will call you a conspiracy theorist or, worse, an insurrectionist. But what do you call such powerful forces all pulling together to lie to you other than “election interference?”

Of course, the government eventually admitted the laptop and its contents are, in fact, real, despite the fact that Joe Biden lied about it during an October 2020 presidential debate with Donald Trump. 

Hunter is now embroiled in a scandal and trial in Delaware, where the First Son is charged with lying on a federal form to obtain a gun—and much of the evidence federal prosecutors are using in the case comes from… you guessed it, the Laptop from Hell.

The laptop that you could not talk about.

The deep state, in cahoots with the mainstream media, used disinformation and censorship to alter the outcome of an election—and as we all know, they succeeded.

If you are looking for election fraud in connection with Machines and election box stuffing the media may be quick to dismiss the accusations --but they cannot deny that this latest stunt with Alexa is just one more attempt at controlling the narrative and pushing a candidate that was never elected in a primary some one who used her influence, as a woman of color to become America's joy Czar.

Isn't that what we are being told are her qualities-- she is black, she is a woman -- what more do you want?

Alexa seems to think so too -- and who knows what else is out there influencing this fraud of an election -- and the facade that is the overwhelming hijacking of the mainstream media in favor of wall to wall Kamala -- and Wall to wall Walz.

I was once innocent enough to believe my country would not lie to me. Now I know better.

Everyone should realize that this recklessness will make this election irrelevant -- the left has already convinced its faithful that Trump the felon will be arrested before the election -- and there has been so many rules being bent to make way for our first Indio Jamaican queen.

Disinformation and election interference are serious problems, and they should be part of the public discourse immediately.

It needs to be revealed that this is happening in a lot of places.

Clothed in tyrannical self-righteousness, technofascism is powered by technological behemoths (both corporate and governmental) working in tandem to achieve a common goal.

The government is not protecting us from “dangerous” disinformation campaigns. It is laying the groundwork to insulate us from “dangerous” ideas that might cause us to think for ourselves and, in so doing, challenge the power elite’s stranglehold over our lives.

Thus far, the tech giants have been able to sidestep the First Amendment by virtue of their non-governmental status, but it’s a dubious distinction at best when they are marching in lockstep with the government’s dictates.

Nothing good can come from allowing the government to sidestep the Constitution.

Nothing good can from all of this election interference.

While the constitution guarantees that we have elections -- there could be a major surprise that no one has thought of.. it may be completely crazy -- but consider an election where the candidates do not get the 270 electoral votes needed for office.

Before you turn off the radio thinking I am crazy -- here are a few facts to consider:

70 percent of Americans have indicated that they don’t want the major presidential candidates they now appear stuck with. A substantial percent of Democratic voters and a majority of Republican voters do not trust Kamala Harris-- but of course the media is trying to change that.

A substantial number of Republicans and a majority of Democrats don’t want former President Trump to run because of his perceived legal issues.

If you don’t think that can happen, you haven’t been paying close attention to this eccentric campaign season. Such a nightmare scenario seems almost preordained at this point.

I would love to see this happen --because then it would teach the Democrats and Republicans a lesson.

If no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes, the Presidential election leaves the Electoral College process and moves to Congress. The House of Representatives elects the President from the Presidential candidates who received the most electoral votes. Each State delegation has one vote and it is up to the individual States to determine how to vote. 

A candidate must receive at least 26 votes (a majority of the States) to be elected. The Senate elects the Vice President from the two (2) Vice Presidential candidates with the most electoral votes. Each Senator casts one vote for Vice President.

A candidate must receive at least 51 votes (a majority of Senators) to be elected. If the House of Representatives fails to elect a President by Inauguration Day, the Vice-President Elect serves as acting President until the deadlock is resolved in the House.

After the 2020 election, Biden was declared the winner of the Electoral College with 306 votes to Trump’s 232. Many expect the contest between Harris and Trump to be even closer in 2024.

If voters are pissed off enough and don't cave into the hype we can see that no one gets to 270 and the House of Representatives, voting on behalf of the 50 states, is entrusted to pick the next president. 

What could possibly go wrong with that constitutionally mandated solution?

I wonder if even Alexa could figure this one out.