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I find myself totally in awe of a media that could do so much to investigate an attempted assassination of a former President but insists on blaming it on Trump’s so-called dangerous rhetoric. 

It has now gone from a condemnation by both Kamal Harris and Joe Biden to another cover-up about a suspect that has so many ties to the CIA and NATO Deep State operatives it is unbelievable.

Perhaps we’ll find out eventually but I really don't think we will have an in-depth special or a series that attempts to reveal a conspiracy like we get with the Kennedys every November. — if Mr. Routh doesn't get Epsteined while in custody we could probably hear how exactly he learned Mr. Trump would be on the golf course that afternoon. Trump's round of golf that day was supposedly a snap decision known only amongst his innermost circle. Or how did Ryan Routh figure out the most advantageous fairway to lay at for a clear shot? The FBI is on the case, so who knows what will be revealed.

So far nothing that the media will touch.. but the conspiracy theorists can dig up -- or reporters outside the United States that have nothing to lose in reporting the cloak-and-dagger antics of the world's shadow government or deep state.

Think of how many Warhawk futures will be destroyed if Trump squeaks back into power-- who stands to be removed if he decides to clean house and bring to the table leaders who wish to have a cease-fire.

Especially the NATO-Ukrainian alliances that have been continuing the war in Europe.

You may have seen the photo last week of “Joe Biden” meeting with UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer, or, even worse, President Biden's conduct toward a reporter asking him a question about the threat of World War III.

The reporter asked him to respond to Vladimir Putin’s statement that the US and Russia would effectively be at war if Biden lifted restrictions on Ukraine’s use of long-range missiles inside Russia.

Biden snapped at the reporter, “I say you be quiet until I speak. Okay? That’s what I say. Is that a good idea?” 

The journalist persisted, “But what do you say to [Russian President] Vladimir Putin’s threat of war, sir? It’s a serious threat.”

“You’ve got to be quiet,” Biden replied. “I’m going to make a statement here, okay?”

The reporter was concerned Because Biden is considering giving Ukraine the green light to rain long-range missiles deep into Russia. 

Meaning, let NATO technicians work the targeting console to send US or British made rockets any place they want, Like, Red Square comes to mind. Or the or maybe Winter Palace, St. Petersburg? 

Find an actual Ukrainian to push the launch button. Or if you are like Ryan Wesley Routh, Trump's bumbling would-be assassin, head to Kiev and recruit agents and mercenaries to go and do the dirty work.

It is so bizarre that Routh's background as a CIA asset has been ignored in the press-- and no he could very well have been a NATO asset as well-- I mean Trump is one of NATO's biggest threats and who better to be called upon than someone who knows what NATO wants -- unplug the threat the war goes as planned and we find ourselves in World War III.

Brilliant plan -- but not so effective as the execution of the plan which we now see was a failure.

It did open up important discussions about just what shadow organization could be out to assassinate the former president.

The Butler, PA, head-shot op came awfully close to eliminating their, problem, when that didn't happen there was yet another useful idiot who wanted to get into the history books.

If there is a deeper conspiracy involving the CIA or even NATO agents -- then this is not just a national crisis -- this is a worldwide conspiracy to kill a former President.

The case deepens with new revelations and pieces of the puzzle that need to be connected-- so far all we see are the loose ends that only Ryan Wesley Routh can tie up because the rest as they say is conspiracy history.

For example when Thomas Crooks wannabe assassin number one was called the suspect -- he was the second name that was brought up -- but the first name that was thrown into the mix was a name announced by The Heritage Foundation-- yes the very same foundation responsible for the project 2025 document.

Viral posts identified Maxwell Yearick, as the shooter. In 2016, various, media outlets, reported that Yearick who looks a lot like Crooks was arrested outside a Pittsburgh Trump rally after an altercation with police. Immediately fact checkers honed in on this and said that it was disinformation.

According to journalist Edward Heckman, it is alleged that Yearick went missing on July 14th --the day after the assassination attempt on Trump.

Yearick and Thomas Crooks both trained at Clairton Sportsman's Club, where ICE agents and DHS agents train. Ryan Routh and Maxwell Yearick worked at Patterson Energy, between April and July 2021 Two months later, Yearick joined Clairton Sportsmen Club where he met Thomas Crooks.

In 2022, Routh and Yearick traveled to Ukraine. 

It was reported that Yearick fought against Russian forces in 2023 and after his success was recruited by the CIA. It is believed that he was reintroduced to an operative named Ryan Routh.

Yearick and his family are allegedly involved with Armament and explosives manufacturing. They have a history of selling these goods to guerrillas in Peru and Columbia through the auspices of the CIA.

Could the plot to assassinate Trump go deeper than some CIA conspiracy -- or could this be a NATO operation where devoted soldiers working side by side with the AZOV battalion made a deal to protect NATO's interests?

Heckman according to his New Twitter account -- his old ones were taken down -- says that he believes that there will be another attempt on Trump's life and he predicts the suspect will be Peter Riddle.. Heckman reports that Riddle, along with Ryan Routh and Maxwell Yearick, have worked together in Ukraine for the CIA.

What if they made some sort of pact with each other -- or maybe they got their orders from a NATO ops organization that has long been forgotten by many governments but exists in the shadows carrying out acts of espionage on behalf of NATO?

There is a red thread that binds the Italian Parliament with Langley in Virginia, the headquarters of the CIA,

This thread is so knotted and woven that over half a century, it has become an international noir, involving the fate of the world in a secret and paramilitary spy story. 

Everything begins and ends with the Cold War, when the world was divided into two blocks and the Italian boot acted as a watershed in the Mediterranean Sea. 

The newly formed NATO, in order to prevent a potential invasion into the allied European countries by the Soviet Union, created a stay-behind operation in western Europe, called Operation Gladio, which was largely funded by the CIA.

Silendo Libertatem Servo. This Latin saying, which means “By being silent, I protect liberty,” became a part of the coat of arms and the motto of Operation Gladio, the all-Italian stay-behind paramilitary organization. Operation Gladio was born just after the end of the Hungarian Revolution, in November 1956, and also involved European countries like the UK, France, Belgium, and West Germany, a key part of the stay-behind clandestine network. 

Although officially Gladio wasn’t a part of NATO, being created by the Coordinating and Planning Committee and the Allied Coordination Committee, its role over the years reflected the geopolitical interests of the Atlantic pact. 

Gladio, more than a paramilitary clandestine army to counteract Communism in Europe awaiting American reinforcements, played a dangerous role within Italy. If there was supposedly an external Communist threat, how come even Yugoslavia (a socialist dictatorship bordering Italy) joined the stay-behind network? 

The fact is that a secret structure of spies and paramilitaries can act outside the control of the official army and the organs of the state, and consequently affecting internal policy more than they ever thought possible.

The secret of Gladio was made public in 1990, when the then Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti authorized the judiciary to access covert intelligence which had found weapon depots in northeastern Italy. 

It is believed that Gladio was disbanded after the fall of the Berlin Wall -- and NATO also faced a shutdown because it was their objective to prevent the Soviets from annexing Europe. But now they are still here -- protecting us from the evil Russians and supplying operatives to fight in Ukraine.

Has Gladio been resurrected to eliminate threats to NATO’s power? Is Trump one of those threats and is Edward Heckman correct in his speculations about Wesley Routh , Maxwell Yearick, and Peter Riddle working together in Ukraine?

Well, Ryan Wesley Routh said in a book he published in February 2023 that he looked forward to World War III and hoped he could burn down the Kremlin.

Routh wrote in the book titled "Ukraine’s Unwinnable War:"

"I do dream of the day that we cross over into Russia and march towards Moscow. That is the part of this third world war that I look forward to. I want to be the one that burns down the Kremlin and all the cruelty that it signifies." 

In another part of the book, Routh criticized Trump for pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal and said he must share the blame for voting for the former president.

"I must take part of the blame for the retarded child that we elected for our next president that ended up being brainless, but I am man enough to say that I misjudged and made a terrible mistake and Iran I apologize," Routh wrote.

Routh went on to say that Iran could assassinate both Trump and himself. "You are free to assassinate Trump as well as me for that error in judgment," he wrote.

In the book and in social media posts, Routh repeatedly expressed his wish to fight in Ukraine against the Russian military. In 2022, Routh traveled to Ukraine, but he said in an interview with Newsweek Romania that he was too old to fight.

Routh said his "plan B" was to help recruit people from around the world for Ukraine’s foreign legion. In an interview with Semafor in 2023, Routh complained that Ukraine didn’t want to take Afghan soldiers. "Most of the Ukrainian authorities do not want these soldiers," he said. "I have had partners meeting with [Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense] every week and still have not been able to get them to agree to issue one single visa."

In a follow-up article published on Sunday after the arrest, Semafor said that when they interviewed Routh, he was the head of a group he started called the International Volunteer Center. The article cited a Ukrainian involved in foreign recruitment and said that Routh was "even by the standards of that frantic moment, a bit over the top."

But the Ukrainian also said that Routh was authentically involved in the efforts to bring in foreign troops. Since his arrest, Ukraine’s foreign legion has distanced itself from Routh.

So could we speculate the Routh is or was a NATO asset working for Gladio?

Furthermore in his Book Routh says that Routh says he’d like to see Putin assassinated, hoped for Trump’s assassination as well, and calls for the US to “instigate” a nuclear war with Russia,

Stating he’s neither a Democrat or Republican, Routh’s clearly articulated mindset toward Russia mirrors that of Beltway Warhawks. 

Routh seems to embody the feverish insanity of the Neocons and their intelligence apparatus allies, their revulsion for diplomacy and their preference for violence-assassination and war.

He is the very extremist we have been warned about -- only we have been told that they are right-wing MAGAs.

No -- this guy is a leftist nazi supporting shill for the intelligence apparatus.

When the left and the mainstream media say they want to combat domestic terrorism by censoring those they don't like, they seem to be ignoring the real terrorists who are anti-Trump!

This is not sympathy for one devil but calling out the hypocrisy of another and conveniently the one devil is trying to convince you that it is not corrupt or even full of flaws and deceit.