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Transcript for 8/7/24: RAGE BAIT W/ MICHAEL RECTENWALD

While the American press pretends to be in love with Kamala Harriss and Uncle Wally as the running mate, there is upheaval going on in Europe. Something that again can show you how agendas can fuel rage bait that hardens the resolve of the police state.

We can look at it from the outside, realizing that this could be the United States at any moment as tensions flare in a heavily divided system and ready to snap.

Just in case you need to catch up-- it has been almost a week since a 17-year-old walked into a children’s “Taylor Swift dance class” in Southport U.K. and started stabbing little girls, wounding 10 and killing 3.

The news reported that he was a Muslim immigrant.

However, This story was reversed within hours, the new story “revealing” that he was born in Cardiff, the son of Rwandan immigrants. He was named “Axel Muganwa Rudakubana” 

His religious affiliation had not been established.

Another young man was, allegedly, arrested later while in possession of a machete at a vigil for the victims. He was, again, reportedly Muslim.

This, allegedly, resulted in what are described as protests and riots, the destruction of a brick wall outside a mosque and the burning of a police van.

The violence spread like wildfire into London and surrounding areas.

All of this is coming hot on the heels of the Manchester Airport incident, where police officers and Muslim youths allegedly clashed violently in as yet obscure circumstances.

Violence between groups of men broke out in Whitechapel and police said the unrest was linked to protests in Bangladesh.

Both sides were provided with adequate rage bait to get them worked up.

Now using this case as a microcosm and an example of what could lead to civil war --we begin to see how the British are handling this situation, and we should be learning from what is being done just in case we have to face the same rage bait provided by the Deep state.

This widespread violence has shown what officials will do and can do --at least in the U.K. about a surveillance crackdown --even to the point of arresting anyone posting riot pictures or reporting about the riots on social media.

UK media warn reposting other people’s social media content related to riots could be a criminal offense, and that there are teams of people scouring the internet looking for what they call misinformation.

This "misinformation" could simply be posting pictures of the event on the internet -- independent journalists have been served notice.

Attacking free speech is now the norm and the headlines in the mainstream are accusing the right wing of spreading misinformation and that it should be dealt with.

ABC News reports: “Online misinformation fueled tensions over the stabbing attack in Britain that killed 3 children.” The Hill also reports that misinformation floods social media in the wake of the breakneck news cycle.

It's obvious to the British what the agenda is -- but it should be a fair warning to the United States of how easy it is for a country to break out in mass violence, because of the heated immigration issues -- or even the violence being carried out between Hamas and Israel.

It is time to be ever vigilant and prepared for something like this to spread in America. It has happened before and the antics of those wishing to spread violence were ignored by left-wing governors and mayors.

This “strategy of tension” has an immediate political agenda already becoming clear -- Curtail free speech, control social media and the internet, create increased surveillance, and police state controls.

Authorities in Britain have stated that "Unregulated social media disinformation is wrecking Britain – Free speech must come with accountability."

Imagine what is going to happen if an all-out war breaks out around the world and the internet is shut down, or you are jailed for expressing your views on a social media platform.

The New York Times reported "The U.K. Riots Were Fomented Online. Will Social Media Companies Act?"

You see it is social media's fault even though the mainstream media made a mistake in reporting the truth about what had happened-- the media tends to attack social media because it has been known to break up agendas and the framing of stories that appease the government.

The media would stop being a mouthpiece for the globalists, and perhaps people would not become outraged at the injustices they have to face every day --and how they are being ignored by their governments and by the media that defend them.

You cannot begin to fathom how irritating it is to the tyrannical globalist cucks that ordinary people are allowed to just say whatever they want whenever they want – including having the audacity to fact-check the media in real-time, with no repercussions at all.

They hate the fact that they cannot fool us and that every time we rebel and demand accountability the Great Reset plans are shown to be fallible and hopefully it slows down their Marxist agendas.

The oppressors throughout history have always been the bad guys. There is not one story in the history books where the good guys censored the people from expressing themselves.

The Globalists believe that all of the anti-new world order dialogue can allegedly be “solved” with censorship.

Why stop at censorship-- why don’t they move from censoring people to silencing people? Why not march an army of thugs into a neighborhood and hunt down those who are speaking up against the police state tyranny? 

It has been done before many times throughout history -- it is called Fascism -- and it works to scare people into marching lockstep with the miscreants that thrive on greed and control.

Because once free speech is abolished everything that comes afterward gets so much easier – including the second agenda being pushed right now: Mass surveillance and facial recognition technology.

When it comes to this secondary goal the media are yet to reach the “call for action” phase. They are still locked into “fearmongering”, with widespread warnings about nineteen future “far-right” marches and protests from domestic terror groups.

They are even asking for police to crack down on what they call antisocial behavior.

UK Home Secretary Yvette Cooper was already discussing giving police “new powers" such as:

Pledging to counter the “far-right” with a new police division, and increased use of surveillance and facial recognition technology to “limit their movements.

Wider deployment of facial recognition technology…And preventive action – criminal behavior orders…To restrict their movements.

And let me also say to large social media companies and those who run them…Violent disorder clearly whipped up online…That is also a crime. It’s happening on your premises. And the law must be upheld everywhere.

She even pointedly made clear his response wasn’t just about now or about countering the “far-right”, rather it was about ALL civil disobedience, for any reason:

“A response both to the immediate challenge which is clearly driven by far-right hatred. But als “all violent disorder that flares up whatever the apparent cause or motivation – we make no distinction…Crime is a crime.”

This is the beginning of a new crackdown on digital free speech and real-world protest.

Tyrants don’t like people who speak truth to power. Cue the rise of protest laws, which take the government’s intolerance of free speech to a whole new level and send the resounding message that resistance is futile.

n fact, ever since the Capitol protests on Jan. 6, 2021, state legislatures have introduced a broad array of these laws aimed at criminalizing protest activities.

There have been at least 205 proposed laws in 45 states aimed at curtailing the right to peacefully assemble and protest by expanding the definition of rioting, heightening penalties for existing offenses, or creating new crimes associated with assembly.

Weaponized by police, prosecutors, courts and legislatures, these protest laws, along with free speech zones, bubble zones, trespass zones, anti-bullying legislation, zero tolerance policies, hate crime laws, and a host of other legalistic maladies have become a convenient means by which to punish individuals who refuse to be muzzled.

In Florida, for instance, legislators passed a “no-go” zone law making it punishable by up to 60 days in jail to remain within 25 feet of working police and other first responders after a warning.

Yet while the growing numbers of protest laws cropping up across the country are sold to the public as necessary to protect private property, public roads, or national security, they are a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a thinly disguised plot to discourage anyone from challenging government authority at the expense of our First Amendment rights.

Yes, violence is a crime -- and those who create violence at gatherings should be prosecuted and jailed-- but some who protest for the "left" and destroy property have a friend in Kamala Harriss-- yes the cackling pick for the Democrat ticket.

Her running mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz played a central role in the debate over policing and crime in the United States at the time of the Minneapolis Riots in 2020.

Anti-police protests quickly spread from Minneapolis to the rest of the country. He was criticized for dragging his feet in helping city police quell the unrest, withholding the National Guard for days. Years later, he finally called rising crime "unacceptable" and stepped up state support for the embattled city.

Ohio Sen. JD Vance, the Republican vice presidential candidate and running mate of former President Trump, poked at Walz's 2020 record calling his addition to the Democrat ticket "an interesting tag team."

"If we remember the rioting in the summer of 2020, Tim Walz was the guy who let rioters burn down Minneapolis," 

Vance was speaking about the riots that began in Minnesota in response to the death of George Floyd while being arrested in Minneapolis. "

And then of course Kamala Harris was the one who bailed the rioters out of jail.

Rioting over Floyd's death in Minnesota soon led to fiery demonstrations across the country, as well as police morale and staffing issues that continue to this day, and Walz has been criticized for allowing the chaos to fester by delaying the deployment of the National Guard.

With Harriss and Walz you get the candidates of urban chaos--and we all know whose side they would be on if any riots or protests broke out -- we saw the performance and the left's neglect as cities run by liberal leaders just stood there and let everything burn.

It is the same side the British globalists seem to be on -- contributing to a lax immigration problem serving as rage bait.

The riots in the Summer of 2020 led to calls to "defund" police around the country, increased oversight and tough work conditions for officers who have remained on the job in some of the bluest cities.

The policies espoused by Gov. Walz are anti-police, pro-criminal and leaning toward Marxism in a lot of ways.

Now we know why these candidates were chosen -- we will see a civil uprising in the future if we see them in the Whitehouse. Be warned -- no country is immune from civil war --at least not at this time in history.

Just like the policies of Joe Biden, there will be legislative attempts to redefine and criminalize speech.

This is a backdoor attempt to rewrite the Constitution and render the First Amendment’s robust safeguards null and void.

No matter how you package these laws, no matter how well-meaning they may sound, no matter how much you may disagree with the protesters or sympathize with the objects of the protest, these proposed laws are aimed at one thing only: discouraging dissent.

Of any kind. 

Even hashtag activists, talk show hosts, and social media influencers -- all could be seen as belligerent combatants.

Remember after the January 6th event that we are reminded of daily by the left -- Several radical left-wing politicians set up something called "The Trump Accountability Project," a website that asked people who they think should be on a list that was a critical offender or belligerent combatant in the war between political ideologies.

According to “Trump Accountability Project” website that features pictures of Kids in cages along with images of Trump surrounded by his insiders -- it reads:

We should welcome in our fellow Americans with whom we differ politically. But those who took a paycheck from the Trump Administration should not profit from their efforts to tear our democracy apart. 

The world should never forget those who, when faced with a decision, chose to put their money, their time, and their reputations behind separating children from their families, encouraging racism and anti-Semitism, and negligently causing the unnecessary loss of life and economic devastation from our country's failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Coming together starts with acknowledging the truth: These individuals have shattered laws and norms that hurt our democracy, including right now, as they use the levers of government — DOJ, GSA and state officials — to subvert the fundamental underlying tenet that makes America what it is: The peaceful transfer of power from the loser of an election to the winner.

Then below it states

We should not allow the following groups of people to profit from their experience: Those who elected him.

Individuals who worked for the Trump for President campaign, the Republican National Committee, and affiliated organizations and contributed to undermining confidence in the American electoral process and the objectivity of fair journalism with baseless claims.

Those who staffed his government.

You get the picture, when the left tells you that the right wants to round up people and put them in boxcars -- you can read the Trump accountability screed and realize that these people are no better than their Nazi counterparts.

It is so aggravating that the "war" is against anyone who differs in opinion against the current regime... and even though this is aimed at MAGA Republicans -- those who are moderates or independents will be rounded up too.

This is how civil war-minded the left can get when they are criticized and told to step up and protect America and not sell out to the Marxist globalist agenda.

During the Vietnam War, from 1965 to 1972. The Phoenix Program was a CIA-designed and coordinated infiltration of the political infrastructure of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam, also known as the Viet Cong Communist Army. During this operation, the CIA had been covertly infiltrating Viet Cong strongholds and creating what can be called execution lists of those who were considered subversives or dissidents.

One of the tactics was to create show trials of subversives where they made to confess that they were part of these dissident groups and then some were also forced into demonstrating where others like them were holding up. 

Some of them were leashed like dogs and were told to lead soldiers to the dwellings. The next day, The CIA’s Provincial Reconnaissance Units would kick the door down and kill everyone inside, women and children included.

In South America, there was an experiment that took place in 1973 where the United States took part in an operation where civil upheaval and civil discord were used to facilitate an exchange of power.

The power that was exchanged was economic power, political power, and power over the people whose lives were controlled with the aid of a secret national security apparatus. The enforcers of the new experiment were clandestine intelligence operators who were later revealed to be CIA operatives. 

Their objective was to create a common enemy or ideology, then round up dissidents, and then place them in internment camps where they were either tortured or killed.

These individuals were actually on a political hit list and were visited in the middle of the night, drugged and put in a truck. The truck transported them to a helicopter where they were dropped into shark-infested waters.

The CIA set up a fascist organization called Fatherland and Liberty, headed by a former public relations man for Ford Motor Company, Federico Willoughby McDonald, who became Pinochet’s press secretary after the coup. This operation was called Condor. It began on September 11th, 1973.

The CIA helped the military in Chile draw up lists of those to be exterminated. On September 10, 1973, the day before the junta struck, the names of 3,000 high-level and 20,000 mid-level leaders of popular organizations — trade unions, student groups, tenants’ groups, peasant committees, civil rights and civil liberties groups, left-wing political parties — were distributed to the death squads. Virtually all those who did not flee the country were hunted down and murdered.

Who could forget the revolutions in Russia under Stalin, or Mao, and even Franco of Spain -- this is all part of a Rage Bait scenario where the government wins and the police state remains intact.

It is a brutal future we face as we try to defend our rights and freedoms -- all that is the spark the lights the fire. 

It is happening all over Europe and when they have a cough sometimes we end up with pneumonia.