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Transcript for 8/6/24: SIMULATION OF ALL FEARS

So yesterday we saw the economy collapse, stocks and shares lose crazy amounts, and people are wondering if it was a test or an attack , a drill, or a signal of what is to come.

No matter what --it got the attention of a lot of people. I am also leaning towards the idea that they are also monitoring the outcome for an even bigger system failure.

But what is most interesting is that there was one sector that wasn't affected by the plummeting stock market and that was the war industry. 

In an astonishing development, the shares of Lockheed Martin – among the world leaders in the war industry – rose 23% while global markets have suffered significant declines. This anomaly can be attributed to a combination of strong financial performance, geopolitical tensions and increased demand for defensive technologies.

I think it doesn't take a brain trust to understand why the stocks fell and the Military Industrial complex went without a blemish -- 

While the general market suffered declines, Lockheed Martin shares benefited from increased defensive spending and investor speculation about potential conflicts. The VIX index, a measure of market volatility, rose 180% in a fortnight, indicating significant anxiety in the market. 

At the same time, US and Asian equities suffered sharp declines, suggesting a shift in investor focus towards defense and security stocks as safer bets in uncertain times.

Everyone is waiting for World War III.

There seems to be some interesting tinkering happening in the world which makes you wonder about how inside knowledge is more of a planned gaming exercise where events that are happening are being watched and monitored closely to approximate desired outcomes.

For example, weather forecasts are made using computer models and meteorologists have to do the arduous task of predicting the outcome of various possibilities --especially when it comes to devastating threats like Tornadoes and hurricanes.

Weather has always been a crap shoot -- it was almost like prognostication in the past -- now with computers and simulations the weathermen, if they pay attention to past climate behaviors and other variables can get real good at predicting weather that won't rain on your parade.

Geoengineering can also be used as a factor and there have been many weathermen who have lost their jobs changing forecasts over the latest laying down of chemtrails.

Computers don't have all of the answers... or do they?

There are many films that I never grow tired of watching -- and now with cable running films all the time on certain channels those movies come on -- and I find myself just staring at them and their symbolism. 

One of the films that will always stop me in my tracks is The Matrix. When it came out I did close to four different shows about it because of all the things it brought up.

Mostly the idea that we live in a simulation. 

The idea of A.I. feeding on human brains and bodies seemed like a thought experiment. But the movie’s warnings about A.I. — and everything else — have sharpened over time, which explains why it’s been harnessed by all kinds of people in the years since: philosophers, pastors, techno-boosters and techno-doomers, the alt-right. Judged solely on cultural relevance, “The Matrix” might be the most consequential film of its time-released just before the turn of the 21st century.

Amazingly, one introductory scene manages to draw together many thematic threads, explaining why in today’s world of pervasive internet, AI, deep fakes, and extremism, “The Matrix” feels more relevant than ever.

Neo is instructed by some shadowy presence seemingly in his computer to “follow the white rabbit.” That’s a reference to Lewis Carroll’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” one of the movie’s structuring literary bridges.

A chapter titled “Down the Rabbit Hole” coined the phrase that is now used to describe becoming so obsessed with something that you start to lose your grip on reality. We all know what that’s like, thanks to the internet. 

One particular rabbit hole The Matrix” has pushed people into is a philosophical inquiry known as the simulation hypothesis, which asks whether we’re actually living in a simulation. If so, what does that mean for our lives? 

The 2021 documentary “A Glitch in the Matrix” even centers on a man who came to believe that “The Matrix” literally depicts reality, and it drove him to murder.

The Truman Show is another one of those movies that also makes the mind wonder about whether or not your life is your own and you are just a player in a huge simulation and that God watches over it -- or that aliens are sympathetic to our history and so we are someone's electromagnetic page in a cosmic encyclopedia.

Again the idea that when things are not as they seem -- you are either teetering on a nervous breakdown -- or you have to concede that something may be controlling things -- creating so-called Mandela effects, Deja vu, or strange synchronicities.

It is quite amazing how close people are to serious mental illness. What is serious mental illness? Suicidal depression, psychosis, anxiety that requires hospitalization, and frankly anything that keeps a person from living a functional life, a life with its share of sadness, trauma and suffering, but also with moments of happiness, fulfillment, love and laughter.

That’s serious mental illness. What about “not so serious” mental illness? Well, we’ve got a lot more of that than one could even imagine. And then twice that many hanging by the thread, just about ready to drop into depression, anxiety, personality disorders of a dizzying variety, sadness, emotional dysfunction, relational wackiness, and on and on.

It is a pandemic, and yes, a real one that isn’t a hoax.

But are you really losing your mind? Or are you wondering what happened to the world and why people are becoming so easily manipulated?

It is estimated that approximately 76 million people in the US, of all ages, have been prescribed, and are consuming, some form of psychiatric drug.

It is not a moral failing -- the world is losing its mind -- it is as if something has its grip on the world --something amoral that somehow knows you without even meeting you -- it is an unnamed unseen entity that somehow knows the future -- or at least approximates outcomes from almost every single human being on the planet.

Yes -- this sounds crazy but it is not a hoax -- it is very real and I was inspired to go down a rabbit hole after seeing the Movie Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning. 

In the film, we learn of a thinking and nearly sentient A.I. called "The Entity." The Entity is an advanced, self-aware rogue AI capable of penetrating cyber-security and predicting probable futures.

The Entity began as an AI designed by several US government officials, to hack into enemy hardware. 

The Entity began hacking into the world's various intelligence communities to gather as much data as possible, resulting in a massive race beginning between the various countries of the world to gain control over it and thus, gain the ability to control the perception of the truth.

It is a clever plot device -- as it indicates that in the future there very well could be a rogue A.I. that would only be satisfied if it controlled governments and institutions of the world by giving human officials a way to see into the future.

I was curious if this so-called entity is based on anything that the government may have at its disposal and I was very surprised to find out that there is something that they have been working on that will have you wonder if the people of the world are making all their decisions based on possible outcomes that have already been simulated in a computer program. Simulations that are being weaponized to psychologically manipulate an entire country.

It is called the “Sentient World Simulation.” The program’s aim, according to its creator, is to be a “continuously running, continually updated mirror model of the real world that can be used to predict and evaluate future events and courses of action.” In practical terms that equates to a computer simulation of the planet complete with billions of “nodes” representing every person on the earth.

The project is based out of Purdue University in Indiana at the Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulations Laboratory.

The project is spearheaded by a private company, called Simulex, Inc. which has an impressive list of clients such as the Department of Defense and the Department of Justice, as well as private sector clients like Eli Lilly and Lockheed Martin.

The simulation project is under the control of creator Alok Chaturvedi, whose ambition is to create reliable forecasts of future world events based on imagined scenarios. To do this, the simulations “absorb breaking news, census data, economic indicators, and climactic events in the real world, along with proprietary information such as military intelligence.” 

Although not explicitly stated, the very type of data on digital communications and transactions now being taken up by the NSA, DHS and other government agencies make ideal data for creating reliable models of every individual’s habits, preferences and behaviors that could be used to fine-tune these simulations and give more reliable results. 

Using this data, the SEAS Laboratory and its Sentient World Simulation offshoot can create detailed, operable, real-time simulations of at least 62 nations. “The Iraq and Afghanistan computer models,” according to a 2007 Register report on the project, “each has about five million individual nodes representing things such as hospitals, mosques, pipelines, and people.”

At the time of initial reports on the program five years ago, only 62 country-level simulations were being run by the US Department of Defense. These simulations grouped humans into composites, with 100 individuals acting as a single node. But already at that time, the US Army had used the systems to create a one-to-one level simulation of potential Army recruits. The ultimate aim would be to archive enough data on each individual to be able to make a computer model of everyone on the planet, one that could be used to predict the behaviors and reactions of every single person in the event of various scenarios.

The program can be used to predict what would happen in the event of a large-scale tsunami, for example, or how people would react during a bioterror attack. Businesses can use the models to predict how a new product would fare in the market, what kind of marketing plans would be most effective, or how best to streamline a company’s organization.

The original concept paper for the project was published in 2006, and in 2007 it was reported that both Homeland Security and the Defense Department were already using the system to simulate the American public’s reaction to various crises. In the intervening five years, however, there has been almost no coverage at all of the Sentient World Simulation or its progress in achieving a model of the Earth.

It is like the defense strategists have a one-way mirror into the future where a vast computer network can approximate thousands of outcomes that can be processed and used for future war plans or even for future catastrophes-- I am sure they have various outcomes for a nuclear strike-- or some other horrific extinction level event -- perhaps even a simulation of an alien invasion.

The government has been massively expanding its ability to know everything that we’re doing, it has simultaneously erected a wall of secrecy around it that prevents us from knowing anything that they’re doing.

We always hear the same old axiom of “If we have nothing to hide then we have nothing to fear,” yet at the same time we are asked to believe that the government must keep all manner of information secret from the public to carry out its work of “protecting” that public.

This is their secret weapon -- and I am sure this is the reason why they do what they do knowing full well the reaction that they will have ahead of time.

The Sentient World Simulation is just one example of one program run by one company for various governmental and Fortune 500 clients. 

But it is a significant peek behind the curtain at what those who are really running our society want: complete control over every facet of our lives, achieved through a complete invasion of everything that was once referred to as “privacy.” To think that this is the only such program that exists, or even that we have any significant details about the ways that the SWS has already been used, would be hopelessly naive.

So where does this leave a public that is at such a disadvantage in this information warfare? A public that is effectively told that anything and everything they do, say, or buy, can and will be cataloged by the AI control grid, even as the details of that grid are to be kept from them? 

Unfortunately, there is no easy way back from the precipice that we were ushered toward with the creation of the national security state 

Agent-Based Modeling, Line Ground Experimentation, and Targeted Individuals -- all part of the big brother network that plays out every possible outcome it can and tells those pushing the buttons what they can expect from you --and the rest of the world.

Our recent past is our foreseeable future, because neither the ideology nor the power-centers profiting from it have changed. Until a true effort by humanity to achieve higher consciousness happens with a revolution of the mind, it will be the same old story with the same old outcome -- this could explain why talking points during elections never change --and the same wore out issues are ignored to fuel rage and anxiety -- those who control the world know what will trigger a civil war and so the program is launched and the outcome and the body count are already tallied.

How do think they could throw out random numbers about pandemic deaths? They already ran the simulation and the data readouts gave them an idea -- but it was not as accurate as they had hoped -- so they are ready to calibrate the system again with another pandemic, a possible assassination. a nuclear war, a flood or a hurricane-- the algorithms certainly will find the sum of all fears.

Or would we call it the simulation of all fears?

It proves that reality can be created --and that we have the power to do it too -- but our fight is not against flesh and blood it is a fight against a technotronic panopticon, that shapes bias and breeds cognitive dissonance.

Can anyone stop and think of the power that these technologies give to the Total Surveillance network, or corrupt groups within those agencies, to destroy the lives of targeted individuals?

What can happen to specific, targeted individuals in such a scenario, however, is a much larger question: What if this data, our emails, our phone calls, our credit card transactions, our social media posts, our cell phone GPS logs, and all of the hundreds of other pieces of data that are admittedly being collected on us every day, were being fed into a database so gargantuan it contains a digital version of every single person on the planet? 

And what if that database were being used by the Department of Defense to war game various scenarios, from public reactions to natural disasters to the likelihood of civil unrest in the wake of a declaration of martial law?

It is already underway.

If you think about how far away humans are from living a natural life, it isn’t much of a stretch to believe we are all suffering from some sort of confusion -- we stop and wonder if reality has now derailed -- nothing makes sense, crisis after crisis is happening, war is imminent, riots are happening all over the world and things that were once seen as mental illness are not being embraced and everyone is under some delusion that this is normal.

I mean humans have always had weird behaviors and fetishes. But wouldn’t you say today it appears to be much worse than it was 100 years ago? 200 hundred years ago? 

The disintegration of moral values, character development, a misunderstanding of “right and wrong,” the dissolution of family, community, spirituality, gender, and even the sanctity of the human body have all had their toll on healthy emotional and mental processing.

It is like we think more like machines rather than like humans. This is obviously by design --and what is it that is pushing our buttons?

Perhaps we have already stepped over that precipice and there is no going back in the current political paradigm. These are things for an informed, aware, knowledgeable citizenry to decide through a societal dialogue over the nature of and importance of “privacy.”

In an age of prosecutions for thought crimes, pre-crime deterrence programs, and government agencies that operate like organized crime syndicates, this is a new kind of tyranny being imposed on those who dare to expose the crimes of the Deep State, whose reach has gone global.

Never forget, what the architects of the police state want are submissive, compliant, cooperative, obedient, meek citizens who don’t talk back, don’t challenge government authority, don’t speak out against government misconduct, and don’t step out of line.

The reason is simple -- if you work against their algorithm, you ruin the outcome of their schemes. You reduce the body count; you reduce the damage done.

But again, we must wonder just how smart the simulation is and whether or not it can be fooled. 

To climb into the rabbit hole, you must understand that in the end, Wonderland is absurdist. It is a clown world. 

Yet the reality that Alice lives in, with its imperious leaders and convoluted systems, is just as absurd. They all have their plans and they all seem mad as hatters.

But the reality is in what system you wish to dismantle and reveal first. Being on to their schemes is only half the battle.

Technological cages and artificial intelligence have only become more relevant, not less.

The odds are forever in their favor -- unless we wake up to what all of the craziness is about.