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I received an email the other day from a listener in Massachusetts who was begging me to do a show where we would contact Dr. Heldore. 

He wanted to know about the prediction she made about Mosquitoes.

If you recall Heldore made another one of her predictions about a pestilence that would make people very sick. She would not say what disease but attributed it to Aedes aegypti-- the common mosquito.

She did not elaborate but she predicted saying something about the health of President Biden that it would keep him from running for President.

Heldore has been known to predict multiple crises -- in fact, too many for me to recall but many listeners are very precise when it comes to Heldore's predictions. 

I have been thinking that I should compile a list of hits and misses -- but many of her predictions have been hits and crisis after crisis plagues us -- too numerous to keep up with.

There have been so many things going on that you could definitely say that we are in what can be termed a polycrisis. Bogeymen from all shapes and sizes are putting us in harm's way -- mainly on the war front as we have never been closer to that moment where someone will set the spark off and survivors will not have to learn Russian or Chinese-- we will have to learn to speak cockroach. 

I guess it would be easy because they don't talk much -- they just scurry away --but in the nuclear future, they may be as big as Great Danes.

I have said before that old science fiction films that feature giant bugs or swarms are terrifying. Mothman is terrifying but with all of the spiders, and ants, and all of the other bugs represented in horror films there is one that has been avoided-- The Mosquito.

There are plenty of killing machines on this planet from sharks to bears, wildcats, and alligators-- but no one stops to think how dangerous a Mosquito is . 

In my newsfeed, I have been experiencing Mosquito Week-- something that I would say is rivaling Shark Week on cable TV.

News story after news story has been indicating that mosquitoes are giving people little bites but they are causing a big threat. Diseases like Malaria, Dengue fever, and West Nile Virus are affecting many people --and this has somehow convinced health officials in some areas to demand curfews and lockdowns.

Mosquito maladies are spreading so much that ironically Dr. Anthony Fauci is recovering from West Nile Virus.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, reported that the virus hit him like a truck. He was forced to spend several days in a hospital after getting the virus from a mosquito.

In a press conference, Fauci claimed that he never has been as sick in his life. Ever" he continued to say that by far, this is the worst I’ve ever been with an illness.”

Fauci's was a rare case. Most people infected with West Nile by mosquitoes don’t develop symptoms, although rare cases can result in lasting neurological issues and even death. 

So far in 2024, the U.S. has reported 216 cases – 142 involved people who developed the severe neuro-invasive form of the disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It can get so bad that people contract encephalitis and in rare cases cerebral hemorrhage.

This furthers the idea that Mosquitoes are the most dangerous animals on the planet.

West Nile is the leading cause of disease wrought by mosquitoes in the U.S., according to the CDC. In August 1999, the first year it was introduced to the U.S., there were 62 cases and a handful of deaths. 

In subsequent years, the virus began to spread by migratory birds when they traveled across the country. The U.S. has seen a surge in human infections beginning with about 66 cases in 2001 and rising to more than 4,100 recorded cases in 2002. There were 284 deaths from West Nile that same year. In 2003, 9,862 people were infected and 264 died in the U.S. Cases are now highest in the central and western U.S.

Mosquito-borne illnesses are becoming more pervasive and in the past few days have garnered headlines but not top stories, they are mostly been put on the back burner -- probably because people would probably figure out that Mosquitoes have been deployed and used for Gain of function Data --ever since the days of MK NAOMI.

MK NAOMI was the code name for a joint Department of Defense/CIA research program lasting from the 1950s through the 1970s. Unclassified information about the MKNAOMI program and the related Special Operations Division is scarce. It is generally reported to be a successor to the MK DELTA project and to have focused on biological projects including biological warfare agents.

MK NAOMI was a series of Gain of Function experiments or that were considered bio-security experiments.

In recent years, some members of the scientific community have been involved in a vigorous debate over so-called “gain-of-function” experiments involving pathogens with pandemic potential, such as the Bird Flu virus. Proponents and opponents of GOF work engaged in extensive discussion about the value, safety, ethics, and validity of this type of research.

It is quite suspicious that before the election we are being fed fear porn over Monkey Pox, Bird Flu, and various other viruses that lead to Mosquitos, and the spread can be deadly.

Four towns in the northeastern United States have implemented voluntary lockdowns to contain Eastern Equine Encephalitis another Mosquito-borne illness.

Eastern Equine Encephalitis is a deadly mosquito-borne virus with a 30% mortality rate.

As summer ends and mosquito populations peak, four towns in Massachusetts, New York, and Connecticut have taken drastic measures against Eastern Equine Encephalitis and of course, EEE is very rare but with this pestilence, it is spreading.

The severity of the virus, which kills nearly one in three infected individuals, has already claimed several lives. This has led local authorities to impose curfews and recommend voluntary lockdowns urgently to protect residents.

Eastern Equine Encephalitis is among the most dangerous mosquito-borne viruses in the United States. Although infections are relatively rare, the disease’s severity is unparalleled: about 30% of those infected die from the illness, and survivors often experience severe neurological damage.

In recent weeks, health officials have confirmed multiple cases of EEE in the Hudson Valley region of New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. The virus’s rapid spread has prompted towns like Sudbury, Massachusetts, to implement curfews, restricting outdoor activities between dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active. Meanwhile, local governments have urged residents to stay indoors voluntarily and limit evening activities to prevent further cases in the Hudson Valley.

The response to the EEE outbreak has been swift but challenging. In a reassuring show of dedication, local health departments have ramped up efforts to spray insecticides in affected areas, targeting mosquito breeding grounds to curb the population. However, the effectiveness of these measures could be improved, as mosquitoes can quickly repopulate, and many areas remain vulnerable.

Officials are urging residents to take preventative measures to avoid mosquito bites, including wearing long pants and long-sleeved clothing while outdoors, avoiding peak mosquito time, and wearing insect repellant while outdoors.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most people infected with the EEE virus do not develop symptoms. The incubation for those who develop symptoms ranges between four and 10 days, according to the agency.

The CDC said the infection could range from febrile illness or to a neurologic disease. The disease can turn deadly if the infection leads to encephalitis, which is the inflammation of the brain, according to the CDC. About one-third of those with encephalitis end up dying, according to the CDC, with the survivors often needing long-term care.

Town officials in Plymouth, Mass., have closed all public parks from dusk to dawn in response to the increased risk of the virus, according to a press release.

Oddly enough in 2014, Bill Gates spoke in Massachusetts about how a disease could spread from mosquitoes and kill 30 million people.

He believes that mosquitoes are far deadlier than sharks and sadistically released mosquitoes on an audience that was there to hear him speak.

He also funds the world’s largest mosquito factory in Medellín, Colombia — which is part of the World Mosquito Program — and releases “thousands” of altered mosquitoes per week using gelatin capsules, drones, and motorcycles.

The World Mosquito Program’s goal is “to protect the global community from mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue, Zika, yellow fever, and chikungunya.”

The most deadly of those diseases — dengue — infects an estimated 400 million people, with 40,000 fatal cases per year. However, the World Health Organization notes that “a vast majority of cases are asymptomatic or mild and self-managed, and hence the actual numbers of dengue cases are under-reported.”

The World Mosquito Program releases these mosquitoes in 11 countries, including Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Australia.

Scott O’Neill, the CEO of the World Mosquito Program, says that the program focuses on mosquitoes such as Aedes aegypti, which thrives “in discarded waste and plastic containers,” has a “strong resistance to pesticides” and “loves big cities and has spread across the world’s tropical and subtropical diseases.”

O’Neill says that the World Mosquito Program is using a bacteria called Wolbachia to prevent the spread of these viruses.

It has been theorized that genetically modified Mosquitoes may have been responsible for the outbreak of the Zika Virus in Brazil. The World Health Organization said that this was disinformation.

But what I am sure these madmen don't tell you is that there can be a slippery slope of what is called directed mutagenesis.

Directed mutagenesis, also known as directed mutation, was a hypothesis proposing that organisms can respond to environmental stresses by orthogenetically directing mutations to certain genes or areas of the genome.

We have seen over time how the environment is affecting the genome. We have also seen how tinkering with the natural processes can create circumstances that cannot be reversed and so the natural world begins to change in unimaginable ways.

It is alarming when you hear of how easy it is to get sick and die, especially when it comes to something as small as a mosquito bite -- but it gets more horrific when a Mosquito bites you and it creates an even greater problem -- the spread of something so rare that epidemiologists are alarmed and baffled.

Something that could very well be linked to mutagenesis. 

More than 8,000 cases of Oropouche virus a little-known disease spread by mosquito bites have turned deadly.

Most have been in South America, but infections are also spreading in countries where it hasn’t been seen before, and dozens of travel-related cases have been reported in the United States and Europe.

The Pan American Health Organization, a regional arm of the World Health Organization, has issued an epidemiological alert for the Oropouche virus and raised the public health risk level to “high” for the Americas region.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has also issued a health advisory warning healthcare providers and public health authorities to be on the lookout for new cases and recommending that pregnant women avoid travel to affected areas.

At least 21 US travelers returning from Cuba have tested positive for the Oropouche virus.

About 60% of people who are infected develop symptoms, according to the CDC. These can appear similarly to those caused by dengue or Zika, including sudden onset of fever, chills, headache, muscle pain, and joint stiffness. Other symptoms can include eye pain, light sensitivity, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, and rash. In rare cases, the disease can infect the nervous system and cause meningitis and encephalitis.

Oropouche virus comes from a different viral family than Zika, but it raises many of the same concerns – and similar unknowns. It seems to be a mutagenic partner with Zika and Dengue --could there be a connection between the chimera Mosquitoes being genetically modified and the unknowns associated with Oropouche?

The current outbreak is spreading rapidly in countries where the virus is known to circulate and in new places. Locally acquired cases have been reported in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, and Peru. There is no evidence of local transmission in the United States, but several cases have been reported in people who have traveled to places where it is spreading.

It really fuels some conspiratorial speculation, especially when it comes to government experiments and possibly biological weapons that can be used on citizens without them knowing.

The idea is shocking, and some may call it some tinfoil hat science fiction but in reality, some scientists are arguing that “gain of function” experiments are key to monitoring the effects of pathogens on animals and maybe even humans.

Gain of Function experiments or GOF experiments are bio-security experiments that are routinely done in labs all over the world.

One of the things that I think that is often overlooked by the media and by those who should know better is accountability. We find ourselves in a situation where we are cajoled into following the science, rather than questioning its motives. We do not hold scientists accountable when they do bad things or disseminate bad science.

In modern society, the problem of accountability is too often “solved” by dividing it: the acts of innovation and creativity are separated from the responsibility for those acts.

The concept of responsibility is removed from the scientist and researcher and allocated to the professional “ethicist.” This kind of offloading of responsibility is precisely what led to cadres of otherwise brilliant scientists working day and night on the Manhattan Project to create a nuclear bomb while the ethical consideration of whether it was right to devise such a weapon (let alone use it under the circumstances) was wrongly delegated to others.

The “others” were the leadership elites, the politicians, and the generals who, history has proven, are too often the most egoistical, the most fraught with ulterior motives, the most psychologically unfit, and the most ethically challenged.

The indisputable reality is that despite long-standing international conventions banning the development of biological weapons all large, powerful countries conduct research that, at the very least, can be converted into biological weapons. The work conducted under the guise of “defensive research” can, and sometimes is, easily converted into the banned weapons themselves.

It is very difficult for me to even fathom that viruses we are now hearing about are organic in nature -- I am willing to believe even without so-called evidence that biological weapons are being used against us.

From Chemtrail spraying to genetically modified mosquitoes’ governments have had a long history of exposing people to deadly diseases and genetically engineered pathogens.

Now with the popularity of DNA registries, these weapons are highly advanced and can target certain victims by genetic traits.

China has a huge DNA registry and with it can kill 81,000 people due to Fentanyl deaths. In many instances this would be seen as an act of war -- the communists taking over without firing a shot and participating in the depopulation agenda.

Biological tinkering and mutagenesis is a creeping horror that is far more terrifying than a nuclear explosion because nukes tend to wipe out an area and vaporize anyone within a small radius- but biologicals can kill a population silently and with plausible deniability.

Science has always dazzled the majority who regard it with simultaneous feelings of ignorance, awe, and fear. Perhaps that is why we have customarily given a free pass to everyone who wears a white lab coat, regardless of whether the scientist/doctor/researcher is a genius, a saint, a charlatan, or a maniac.

We should be less automatic in our simple reverence for scientists and researchers, reserving adulation for those who genuinely benefit humankind and a healthy skepticism for all the rest.

We just learned recently of the Biden administration's pressures on Facebook to cover up awful truths about COVID-19 . Shouldn't this be any indication as to how they wish to kill billions in their quest for global sustainability?

The censorship and shutdown of alternative ways to combat disease should be suspect, as should all of these newly generated mosquito viruses. There should be questions asked about Monkey Pox transmission and how Bird Flu is such a threat when the spread between animals and humans is rare.

If it jumps from species to species just all of a sudden you should suspect biological warfare.

I guess there is some form of justice with the announcement of Anthony Fauci having West Nile --and more justice served to hear that the Democratic National Convention was a COVID-19 spreader.

Again irony rears its head as the Democratic National Convention reports that many attendees are testing positive for Covid.

They include members of Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign staff, who are now contending with sickness from Covid, according to two sources close to the campaign with knowledge of the cases.

Since the convention wrapped up Thursday, various attendees and reporters have posted photos of positive Covid results. 

It appears that no matter what party affiliation you have COVID does not respect anyone -- and those tales of vaccines being safe and effective are just another lie that the administration kept censored for the public.

Justice is blind -- but it appears to see who the enemy really is, the mad scientists and politicians who think they have it all under control.