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When it comes to outer space affairs, we have to conclude that it is a case of unfinished business. 

For some time, there has been an attitude of malice towards the government and the military with regard to what is invading our airspace. 

This has engendered cloak and dagger attitudes that have lingered after the Cold War with regard to cover-ups at Roswell, Men in Black, detainments at Area 51, and the belief that the new Space Force is all about alien warfare in a future war in space.

But there is an extension of space observations that also include the chaotic nature of our galaxy, the geomagnetic health of the sun and cosmic messages that are now playing the magnetic field's strings like a harp.

And yes there is that nuisance called UFO or UAP investigations.

We are constantly hearing that we are on the verge of some remarkable discovery --when facts are telling us there have been numerous discoveries that tend to be rejected because science is too stubborn to move forward with investigations of what is out there.

We have had a major problem when it comes to humans reaching out to space. We are being told that we are headed back to the moon and yet we have astronauts stranded on the ISS and they wont be able to be rescued until February of 2025.

It doesn't bode too well for scientists pulling their superior attitudes when they are having a logistics crisis with astronauts stuck above the earth.

Especially when the cases for UFOs are overwhelming and the latest stories out of California indicate that perhaps a UFO flap is underway.

A flurry of California Ring-camera users claim to have spotted and filmed UFOs zigzagging across the nighttime sky. Multiple individuals have shared their accounts, describing a bright light, a hovercraft-like aircraft, and unusual flight patterns.

The sightings were in Palmdale, California near Edwards Air Force Base, which is the second-largest base in the U.S. Air Force. It’s long been a center for advanced aerospace testing and numerous UFO sightings. Like its counterpart base Area 51 The installation has been the focus of numerous conspiracies involving extraterrestrial life and UFO sightings --including the famous UFO incident of 1965.

The event remains resonant because the witnesses were extremely credible. It is not in doubt that they saw something — though it remains unclear what exactly that something was. The fact of the report’s existence — and the existence of myriad similar reports — does, however, confirm that there was a massive government conspiracy to cover up, well, something. 

People weren’t exactly sure just what, or the people quoted in documents weren’t anyway. 

Just because the truth was out there didn’t mean it was filed away beneath some four-star general’s desk.

In a more recent report the Tic Tac incident of 2004 again is in the news. The Department of Defense is not only investigating the UFO flap in Palmdale -- but are also investigating fantastic reports of Underwater USOs that were seen by Navy personnel.

Two Navy officers have gone on the record stating that masses of high-quality radar, sonar and other data of the strange craft were sent to a Naval base on shore – as they accuse the government of a cover up after the Pentagon claimed the data is nowhere to be found.

A source who investigated the incident for the Department of Defense says that they were briefed about sonar data from a nearby submarine that tracked the UFOs moving at more than 460 mph underwater during the shocking November 2004 encounter.

Ahead of the 20th anniversary of the storied 'Nimitz Incident', their revelations add a new, intriguing dimension to the most prominent UFO case in recent history.

This incident occurred 10 miles east of Catalina Island. About 50 miles out of that location is an area known as Point Dume. In 2017, Jimmy Church of the pod cast Fade to Black reported that there were several different radio signals coming from an alleged underwater UFO base there. 

A Ham radio operator claimed that he had picked up several signals in the Pacific and it was believed that they originated somewhere near Malibu.

There have been many signals that have been reported in the past that have been linked to artificial sources. Many of these are picked up by massive dishes or telescopes that scan the heavens for technical signatures.

One signal in particular was the WOW signal detected in 1977.

Detected by the Ohio State University Big Ear Telescope on August 15th, 1977, the Wow! Signal got its name because astronomer Jerry R. Ehman was so impressed he wrote “WOW” in the signal printout’s margins. 

Since then, the signal has continued to fascinate the scientific community, including the possibility that it may have been sent by an extraterrestrial civilization light years from Earth due to its high power, strong signal-to-noise ratio, and narrow bandwidth.

Unfortunately, various efforts to detect a repeat of the signal, which had a frequency and duration that didn’t match any known natural phenomenon, have come up empty, leaving the exact nature and origin of the potentially artificial signal unsolved. Several efforts in the ensuing decades have tried to offer potentially natural explanations for the signal.

However, those attempts have also come up short of providing a definitive solution, leaving scientists to wonder if the Wow! Signal was indeed of extraterrestrial origin.

Well of course it was extraterrestrial but what some scientists are saying that it was not sent by extraterrestrial intelligence.

A team of scientists from the Planetary Habitability Laboratory (PHL) at the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo believe they may have finally solved the 47-year-old mystery of the signal.

Professor Abel Méndez, and his colleagues say that the vast amount of data they collected with the Arecibo’s iconic 305-meter telescope before it collapsed in 2020, as well as additional data collected by the facility’s 12-meter telescope since 2023, has led them to a potentially ‘astronomical’ solution to what it was.

Mendez spoke with The Debrief:

“The Wow! Signal may have been caused by a unique astrophysical event: the sudden brightening of a cold hydrogen cloud due to stimulated emission from a transient strong radiation source, such as a magnetar flare or a soft gamma repeater, these rare events might cause hydrogen clouds to momentarily shine much brighter, potentially explaining the fleeting nature of the Wow! Signal.”

Well, I am sure that a large space anomaly could push a huge magnetic surge that could send a signal that big -- and there have been objects and animals that have sent a huge message to Earth -- like the interstellar object Oumuamua.

This interstellar cigar shaped object has been often criticized and scrutinized as prominent and credible scientists have noted that it could have been a derelict extraterrestrial ship. the object had peculiar behaviors as it accelerates into the Jovian system. 

By then it was too late to send a probe to it -- and analyze whether or not we were dealing with a Bracewell of sentinel probe that was doing recon in in our solar system.

There are massive telescopes both in earth and in space that are lurking and looking for something that would indicate that something big is coming our way.. even the Vatican has a telescope they call Lucifer an unfortunate acronym for Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Spectroscopic Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research.

Lucifer is now known as LUCI as the name was changed in 2012.

Some people have wondered just what the Vatican is looking for. Are they searching the skies for extra-terrestrials? Are they looking for the second coming? or are they looking for Planet X?

Well, certainly something big is out there – something that is pushing through the solar system that sounds a lot like Planet X or Nibiru and now we all watch and wait.

Nasa scientists say they've spotted a mysterious object that's darting through space. The object - which has been named CWISE J1249 - is estimated to be nearly 30,000 times larger than the size of Earth. It's also thought to be moving at one million miles per hour - at that speed, you could fly to the Moon in less than 15 minutes!

In fact, it's moving so fast through our galaxy, that experts think it could break out of the Milky Way.

The discovery was made by citizen scientists working on NASA’s Backyard Worlds project.

The project uses the public's help to find new planets and planet-like objects in the sky by studying images that have been taken by the space agency.

Whereas most stars peacefully orbit the center of the Milky Way, a mysterious faint fast-moving object was spotted zooming out of our galaxy.

Nasa then used a number of ground-based telescopes to help confirm the discovery.

CWISE J1249 is now moving and estimated 1 million miles an hour.

Astronomers are still trying to figure out what the mystery object is, but they think it could be a 'brown dwarf.'

That's the name given to objects that are too small to be stars but are larger than most planets. One thing for sure it is bigger than the earth.

However, Nasa says that no other brown dwarfs are known to be on their way out of the galaxy. Experts also think CWISE J1249 is quite old, and is likely to have come from one of the first generations of stars in the Milky Way.

Objects in our heavens are coming and going -- and the big one is still yet to surface -- we have about 5 years left before we are visited by the Apollyon asteroid known as Apophis.

Apophis is a planet killer.

We were first told that Apophis would shave the earth in 2029 now we are told it will not hit us.

But it is believed it will come within 19,635 miles of the earth's surface. Yes that is closer than the moon --and closer than most orbiting satellites.

Apophis will be visible to the naked eye from the Eastern Hemisphere, and binoculars and telescopes will allow people to see it from other parts of the world. It will pass between Earth's geostationary satellites and the Atlantic Ocean, and some people in Europe, Africa, and Asia may be able to see it for a few hours in the night sky if the skies are clear. 

Scientists say that an object the size of Apophis only comes this close to Earth once every 5,000 to 10,000 years. The European Space Agency plans to send an unmanned spacecraft called Ramses to rendezvous with the asteroid two months before its close approach to study it. Scientists hope to learn more about the asteroid's composition by deploying a small vehicle onto its surface, which could help them understand how to destroy or change its trajectory in the future. 

This is what they call a cosmic close shave --and I am not confident that we are going to be safe from rocks and debris that Apophis will bring with it.

NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test, or DART mission, which successfully impacted the asteroid Dimorphos on September 26, 2022, has provided valuable insights into an asteroid impact defense strategy for Earth. Now, a new study has used those findings to map out possible trajectories of ejecta that could be created should humanity ever need to ‘kill’ any more asteroids.

The European team of astronomers and scientists used complex computer simulations to map out the path of the ejecta and found that all that asteroid debris could potentially reach Mars and Earth, possibly creating a whole new set of problems.

NASA’s DART mission aimed to test the effectiveness of the “kinetic impact” technique for deflecting potentially hazardous asteroids. In simple terms, the science and art of ramming into an asteroid with a spacecraft.

The mission targeted Dimorphos, the more minor member of the binary asteroid system Didymos. It successfully altered its orbit by crashing a spacecraft into it at a speed of approximately 6.1 kilometers per second. While Dimorphos posed no direct or immediate threat to Earth, its size and distance made it a solid choice for a test.

The impact, which occurred 11 million kilometers from Earth, was a milestone in planetary defense research and demonstrated that if Earth were ever in the path of a giant space rock, we would know how to alter its path.

Now, some researchers have turned to the obvious ramifications of such a mission. Killing an asteroid or even trying to move it a little bit creates a lot of debris.

Debris that could hit the Earth and Mars.

The findings of this study have significant implications for our understanding of asteroid deflection techniques and their potential consequences. While the DART mission demonstrated our ability to alter an asteroid’s trajectory, this latest study highlights the importance of considering the fate of the ejecta produced by such impacts.

According to the study, in the case of the DART mission, the size of each piece of debris is fairly harmless to those of us living on the planet, as it would burn up in the atmosphere. However, countless tiny space rocks could do serious damage to our satellites or other spacecraft in orbit.

The possibility of debris reaching the vicinity of Mars and Earth raises questions about the potential risks associated with asteroid deflection missions. It underscores the need for careful planning and risk assessment when designing future planetary defense strategies. 

I don't know how confident you feel about this but it is amazing ti think that something as big as Apophis will come closer to our planet than the moon.

That even though they say it wont hit us -- it could knock out satellites and send debris towards earth.

Have you ever wonder if this would be the opportune moment for an extraterrestrial world to try and make contact? To possibly warn us of what is coming?

Exoplanetary transits are special because they can be calculated by both us on Earth, as the observers, and also any potential technological species in the exoplanetary system itself, as the transmitters.

Perhaps the aliens are wise to our Sun activity and that this is why there have been so called active signaling from extra terrestrial civilizations.

Perhaps this is a reason for the UFO flaps-- the signposts and signals.

Some scientists are saying the earth may see affects of a glancing blow --again sending a message form space that we are powerless and very capable of being pulverized by cosmic waves capable of shutting down our modern way of living.

These most certainly are not the extraterrestrial attacks we have seen in the movies, but they are just as threatening no matter how or why they are happening.

We live in a very chaotic universe -- and are set up in a solar system that appears to be more and more like a snooker table, where we could at any moment bounce into an apollo class asteroid, a solar anomaly, or a gamma burst capable of wiping us out in the blink of an eye.

What if that Brown Dwarf CWISE J1249 boomeranged and was heading towards us like a bowling ball -- it would be a fulfillment of the Planet X arrival -- the winged disc planet Nibiru or Hercolubus.

Hercolubus or Red Planet or Dwarf star that is five or six times bigger than Jupiter. It is a huge giant and there is nothing that can stop or divert it.

But we still await its arrival -- and the question is could we see something happen like this but heading straight for us?

Space scientists have known for some time that there is one part of the night sky that is mostly obscured from view due to a bulge in the galaxy. Known as the “zone of avoidance,” it makes up approximately 10% of the dark sky and has had researchers wondering what might be behind it.

Because it offers researchers so little to work with, the zone has not been very well studied; thus, little is known about what it might be hiding. In this new effort, the researchers used a variety of tools to gain a better understanding of what might be hidden from view.

This area is suspected to be the place where mankind may discover evidence of active space signals that could change our earthly paradigm. If any actual evidence of extraterrestrial life emerges, whether from whistleblower testimony or an admission of a cover-up, humans would face a historic paradigm shift.

The initial domino of a public ET message, or recovered bodies or ships, could initiate cascading events, including military actions, corporate resource mining and perhaps even geopolitical reorganizing. 

We are a planet with open skies, which means we are vulnerable to colonizing aliens or out of control asteroids or rogue planets heading our way.

Maybe this is why a lot of people seldom look up -- there is something always out there waiting to attack from a distance and its destination is earth.