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When it comes to reporting information sometimes it is the little things that you often pick up on much later as you are trying to make sense out of what appears to be a dumpster fire.

Of course, I am talking about the bread and circuses associated with the DNC' Chicago convention. It certainly did what it was supposed to do, and it appears that it was very successful as millions of people were curious as to what Kamala Harris has planned for America under her administration.

But as I said there are things that sometimes slip under the radar and so I wanted to just tie up some loose ends just to be balanced and informative.. in my own way.

One of those things that slipped past me happened because-- it aired on PBS and I was stuck on whether or not I was watching a deep fake video of Nancy Pelosi.

On PBS's coverage of the Democratic National Convention Pelosi was being interviewed by Judy Woodruff and a panel of others about Women in Politics. 

Pelosi described for the panel why the democratic party has been so successful in the campaign for Harris and getting the votes necessary to win.

Pelosi stated:

"Remember, in the last election, they said we were going to lose 30 or 40 seats. What? They didn't know what they were talking about. We know -- we're different from the presidential -- we're very discreet, reptilian, cold-blooded. These are the races we have to win. Others are winning the whole country."

Reptilian? Cold Blooded? I know it is a figure of speech, but it is a very powerful metaphor when in conspiracy circles there has always been that those in power have reptilian minds and cutthroat attitudes.

Now I know what David Icke has said about reptilians in places of power but the classic accusations of the reptilian Luciferian secret society synarchy go back to Bill Cooper and his book, Behold a Pale Horse.

Cooper was always there to tell us that things were not as they seemed –and echoed the ideas of Benjamin Disraeli who stated that “The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”

We are learning more and more about how unelected officials and deep state goons are behind the scenes creating chaos in order to justify their ruthless actions to bring order to the masses.

The World appears to be tearing apart at the seams and while the average voter thinks that their chosen savior will make the difference, we are faced with the spiritually wicked in high places – maybe even the reptilian luminaries that carry out edicts from the dark enclaves of secret societies. 

We are all learning that through time the World Order operatives win by making every country on every continent ungovernable. They of course beginning with the superpower countries like the United States.

The easiest way they do this is to create a way that the people will not be able to govern their media consumption. 

Media has become a powerful tool in their arsenal and is being used against us as gaslighting and manipulation are social engineering weapons that most people are falling for. 

For years now, the government has been bombarding the citizenry with propaganda campaigns and psychological operations aimed at keeping us compliant, easily controlled and supportive of the government’s various efforts abroad and domestically.

The government is so confident in its Orwellian powers of manipulation that it’s taken to bragging about them. For example, in 2022, the U.S. Army’s 4th Psychological Operations Group, the branch of the military responsible for psychological warfare, released a recruiting video that touts its efforts to pull the strings, turn everything they touch into a weapon, be everywhere, deceive, persuade, change, influence, and inspire.

There danger lurks in plain sight. 

When the government views itself as superior to the citizenry, when it no longer operates for the benefit of the people, when the people are no longer able to peacefully reform their government, when government officials cease to act like public servants, when elected officials no longer represent the will of the people, when the government routinely violates the rights of the people and perpetrates more violence against the citizenry than the criminal class, when government spending is unaccountable and unaccounted for, when the judiciary act as courts of order rather than justice, and when the government is no longer bound by the laws of the Constitution, then you no longer have a government “of the people, by the people and for the people.

Apple Pie Propaganda is directed at you – and you have a job to try and combat it – and understand who is behind these psychological operations.

Giant media corporations have recruited ‘disinformation experts’ to issue what only can be called apple pie propaganda to force choices especially in the political arena.

It is a clever way to meddle in elections with plausible deniability. Clever bias is bought and paid for by corporations and as long it has the blessing of the mouthpiece media it becomes a product of concern.

In all the endless blather about ‘misinformation’, you will see precious little recognition of the great Achilles’ heel of propaganda journalism, the characteristic by which it is instantly exposed, rooted in the fact that it has fundamentally different goals from rational journalism.

The goals of rational journalism are honesty, accuracy, completeness and clarity. 

News clearing houses exist and they are highly paid to make sure that a story that bolsters an agenda winds up on an editors desk. 

When you hear a news story that reports that Amazon has hired thousands of new workers and has provided bathroom breaks and dental care that is not a news story it is a P.R. piece to fill time.

They do it all the time -- they read press releases about things and many don't even do research as to where the news was generated -- if it sounds good it goes to the air -- if it furthers a political agenda it goes to the air.

Their mystical powers are such that, working within profit-maximizing, billionaire-owned, advertiser-dependent, government-subsidized media, they can nevertheless report ‘disinformation’ without the slightest trace of bias. 

In all the endless blather about ‘misinformation’, and disinformation you will see precious little recognition of the great Achilles’ heel of propaganda journalism, the characteristic by which it is instantly exposed, rooted in the fact that it has fundamentally different goals from rational journalism.

Such is the case with the so called Project 2025 -- yet another mangled piece of disinformation created from a real document that no one is taking seriously, except for the left.

The Heritage Foundation, which compiled the plan, intends to speak for the people of the nation via enactment of Project 2025 hitting the ground running on the day of the swearing-in of the next Republican president.

Yes the project exists, yes it appears to backed up by many conservative groups -- but Trump himself has said that he does not support it.

But that does not stop the left-wing media and other politicians from warning gullible Democrats that this will be implemented the day Trump becomes President.

The Heritage Foundation has always compiled crazy neocon agendas like these-- more of a wet dream for some radical conservatives. It could be seen as Right wing political porn that certainly would be difficult to implement-- that is lawfully difficult, but of course the left believe that Trump would immediately implement these things -- making him a tyrant and that we would have no choice but to follow his orders.

Kevin Roberts, the Heritage Foundation president and the architect of Project 2025 has close ties and receives regular spiritual guidance from an Opus Dei-led center in Washington DC.

Opus Dei is a secretive, radical catholic group that has been featured in movies like the DaVinci Code and Angels and demons.

They are not a fictional group but a real secret society within that Catholic church. They are an ultra conservative catholic group that uses corporal Mortification in some of their rituals.

Some members us what is called a cilice which is a barbed wire like tourniquet that is worn on the thigh to atone for their sins.

First, though, some background. Opus Dei — Latin for ‘Work of God’ —was founded in Spain in 1928 by the Roman Catholic priest St. Josemaria Escriva. Its doctrine focuses upon the lives of ordinary Catholics, who are neither priests, nuns nor monks yet who believe that everyone should aspire to be a saint. 

Today, the organization claims to have 87,000 members worldwide, about 60 per cent of whom live in Europe.

About 70 per cent are so-called ‘supernumeraries’ — married men and women with normal careers. They contribute financially to Opus Dei, and though they are not formally required to practice ‘mortification’, many choose to do so.

Mortification is part of their daily routine, including use of the cilice and periods of fasting.

Members strap a strand of barbed wire round their leg and leaves it there for two whole hours, scratching and digging into the flesh.

Piety through Pain has always been a fascist doctrine that has been practiced time infinitum.

The piety of fascism is inevitably a piety of pain and suffering and Opus Dei form what I have researched have a spirituality is deeply fascistic.

Two of his Opus Dei members served on Dictator Francisco Franco’s cabinet. Pope Benedict XVI's own press secretary was a member of Opus Dei and during his papacy appointed many Opus Dei bishops and cardinals.

Think of the sadomasochistic attitude that the world has --and think of the sadomasochistic way the haves are lording over the have-nots. 

Then think of those out there who are leaders that practice rituals of self-flagellation and wearing a barbed wire tourniquet on their leg.

Do you really think that Trump associates with a Catholic Cult and would take the advice of Kevin Roberts who takes advice from that that cult?

Roberts acknowledged in a speech last September that – for years – he has visited the Catholic Information Center, a K Street institution headed by an Opus Dei priest and incorporated by the archdiocese of Washington, on a weekly basis for mass and “formation”, or religious guidance.

He believes in what he called “radical incrementalism” – to advance Project 2025's most rightwing policy objectives.

Roberts’ personal ties to Opus Dei and the significance of his affiliation, have received far less attention.

Gareth Gore, the author of a forthcoming book on Opus Dei, said members of the Catholic organization are engaged in “a political project shrouded in a veil of spirituality”. The group’s founder, Saint Josemaría Escrivá, saw his followers as part of a “rising militia”, Gore said, who were seeking to “enter battle against the enemies of Christ”.

Leonard Leo, the wealthy neo-conservative Catholic puppet master also is mentioned as a backer withing the Heritage foundation.

Leo also has links to the Opus Dei-linked CIC. In a 2022 speech accepting the CIC’s highest honor, the John Paul II New Evangelization award, Leo praised the center while also referring to his political opponents as “vile and amoral current day barbarians, secularists and bigots” who were under the influence of the devil.

Yes Project 2025 is a socio religious fascist manifesto-- but what is the biggest disinformation campaign of all is the way Kamala Harris and all of the other low information democrats have seized the moment to tell voters that Trump backs these policies -- that it is the default blueprint for his presidency.

Even though Trump may know these men and JD Vance also knows them -- would they sacrifice the constitution --especially the first amendment to allow such policies ti become law?

Who thinks about these things --and who is behind the lie that Trump wants to use this as his platform?

Well, it only takes a simple google search to find who is behind this lie --and it is none other than Democracy Forward. a group headed by Marc Elias.

Marc Elias you may remember was a affiliated with Perkins Coie. 

Marc Elias is one of the most scandalous, election interference specialist, out there.

Do you remember back in 2016 when Hillary Clinton pushed out the Steele dossier, the Trump Russian collusion hoax? 

Who was behind it? 

Mark Elias and Perkins Cole.

This is why Project 2025 is running viral all over the Internet and the propaganda artists were creating an enormous amount of propaganda around it.

Democracy Forward took a 50 page "summary" of the over 900 page Project 2025 document and put it up on a website.

The idea that project 2025 is going to ban contraception comes from here. The idea that project 2025 is going to destroy the environment comes from here. The idea that project 2025 is going to allow slavery to be reimplemented comes from here. 

The problem? 

None of that is actually in Project 2025.

There is one section where it talks about how project 2025 is going to eliminate a concept called disparate treatment theory, which is used to fight against discrimination, and they twist it to suggest that it's going to be used to allow us to go back to a period pre 1965. 

The problem, even the citation on this article is wrong. If you go to page 72 chapter 3, it doesn't talk at all about the disparate impact theory. 

In fact, it talks about merit pay.

Again this is all coming from a known disinformation operative Marc Elias as he chairs Democracy Forward.

The name of the group itself should be a dead giveaway as to who is behind this Kamala Harris' platform?

Marc Elias is responsible for bankrolling the Steele dossier, the same Mark Elias that the DNC had to fire for lying to a court and to a special counsel, and the same Mark Elias that the 5th Circuit Court had to sanction for filing false motions, and, the same Mark Elias who was responsible for the drop boxes and the violating of state election law all around the country in 2020.

The very same disinformation operative who created the Russian hoax in 2016, an election interference specialist that the Democrat party turns to when they need to interfere in election is responsible for that. 

This what they call a wrap up smear. where they take something that is true and use it or bridge it to something or someone in order to smear them.

The information is like a bolt from the blue and truly discerning journalists should no better that to continue perpetuating a lie and that is Trump's so called connections to Project 2025.

We must never lose sight of the fact that both the Right and the Left and their various operatives are extensions of the Deep State, which continues to wage psychological warfare on the American people.

Psychological warfare, according to the Rand Corporation, “involves the planned use of propaganda and other psychological operations to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behavior of opposition groups.”

For years now, the government has been bombarding the citizenry with propaganda campaigns and psychological operations aimed at keeping us compliant, easily controlled and supportive of the government’s various efforts abroad and domestically.

The government is so confident in its Orwellian powers of manipulation that it’s taken to bragging about them. For example, in 2022, the U.S. Army’s 4th Psychological Operations Group, the branch of the military responsible for psychological warfare, released a recruiting video that touts its efforts to pull the strings, turn everything they touch into a weapon, be everywhere, deceive, persuade, change, influence, and inspire.

“Have you ever wondered who’s pulling the strings?” the psyops video posits. “Anything we touch is a weapon. We can deceive, persuade, change, influence, inspire. We come in many forms. We are everywhere.”

This is the danger that lurks in plain sight.

Of the many weapons in the government’s vast arsenal, psychological warfare may be the most devastating in terms of the long-term consequences.

As the military journal Task and Purpose explains, “Psychological warfare is all about influencing governments, people of power, and everyday citizens.”

Mind you, these psyop campaigns aren’t only aimed at foreign enemies. The government has made clear in word and deed that “we the people” are domestic enemies to be targeted, tracked, manipulated, micromanaged, surveilled, viewed as suspects, and treated as if our fundamental rights are mere privileges that can be easily discarded.

This is what is referred to as “apple-pie propaganda.”

For over sixty years, the Smith–Mundt Act prohibited the U.S. Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) from disseminating government-produced programming within the United States over fears that these agencies would “propagandize” the American people. However, in 2013, Congress abolished the domestic dissemination ban, which has led to a heated debate about the role of the federal government in free public discourse. 

Although the 2013 repeal of the domestic dissemination ban promotes greater government transparency and may help counter anti-American sentiment at home, it also gives the federal government great power to covertly influence public opinion.

This includes using the media for election meddling -- or peddling as we see that the media has extended the Honeymoon with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

It has been a nonstop three week commercial for her and her running mate.

It as also been a long drawn out mouthpiece for the pushing of this propaganda about Project 2025 and it should be noted that there is NO EVIDENCE that this is a blue print for the Trump administration to create and enforce something akin to the Handmaids tale.

We need to pass new attribution legislation similar to that of the failed Truth in Broadcasting Act of 2005 or we should expand the judicially created government speech doctrine to require these agencies to properly attribute any materials they distribute to the American public.

This instead of the media pushing their bad and often easily debunked conspiracy theories