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Transcript for 8/22/24: SHUT UP – BE HAPPY

We are witnessing in our lifetime a social engineering conspiracy aimed at creating Orwellian doublethink and mixed emotions. It is being used as a trap to push people into becoming pariahs because they are truly concerned about the direction the country is going and how the so called "new normal: is breeding future shock and mistrust in America.

Everyone is experiencing it and there is no denying that we are now in a pressure cooker that is about to let off steam -- perhaps in destructive ways.

Those with real problems are not being heard because they have no NGO's or lobbyists backing them and no political body that will recognize just how dark their lives have become. 

For the general public the mixed emotions over the contradictions have turned to frustration, and the frustration has turned anger as if we are stuck in a pressure cooker made with official narratives and impediments of poverty and lack of security in our own cities. 

The heat and pressure have broken down the social fabric as our daily routines are dictated by “new normal.”

So many shocking things have happened this year. But somehow things don’t seem to fit in right places in our heads.

Nothing adds up -- nothing makes sense, the inmates are running the asylum --and we are supposed to turn your frown upside down because hope is about to arrive.

Hope, joy and strength.

Sound wonderful right? Deliverance is near and the saviors are at their pulpits telling us that we have no reason to be angry or fearful of the future because it will all work out -- because this is America.

We are lucky they say-- lucky to have them leading us.

Propaganda lies fill the air as those who oppose are marked as “others” who deserve to be castigated as being cynical of the equity, equality and sustainability.

But obviously, if we are paying attention, our lives are dictated by multiple dynamic forces of oligarchs, orchestrating a “reality” which firmly manifests as an Orwellian ministry of truth —an Iron cage to condition our lives based on its imperatives.

The population is barely allowed to choose their mode of enslavement, but the slight differences in the choice are big enough to activate hatred toward each other. The unresolved historical pain, emotion and grudge have found urgent expression against “enemies” among us.

Yes you can practically taste and feel the hate flowing through this country. It is what is binding the political parties together.

The media, politicians and major institutions carefully instigate conflicts among the people by demonizing opponents over talking points and lies , while protecting those who espouse the narratives brought to us by Pfizer. 

Some people might think that things must get worse before they gets better. Things can certainly get worse but it looks like it only means more fragmentation of communities and destabilization of institutions, which allows further erosion of people’s interests -- yes we live in a very dark place, yes some places look like they would belong in a Twisted Tim Burton movie but the solution we are learning form the Democratic party is to acknowledge, blame MAGA republicans and then move on.

Oh and please leave your anger and sadness at the door -- it is time to shut up and be happy.

Or else…

I have been watching the highlights of the Democratic National convention. I have to say they are doing a mighty good job at sanitizing every horrible thing they have done in the last four years and have managed to blame it all on Donald Trump.

They are chanting that "they won't go back" that they will move forward, and that there is a new fresh face that is going to make everything better.

They speak of how joyful their campaign is and how cynical the republicans are. They have won over the people, like a cult of personality, not unlike what Trump has done.

But what is most uncomfortable for me is this organized conspiracy of toxic happiness that they are spreading. Spreading it so thick that they hope that you forget COVID-19, the lockdowns, the oppression, the draconian coercion for forcing people through mandates to be vaccinated. They want you to forget the war that they have gotten us into -- and the war they so unfashionably abandoned.

They are spreading this happiness and joy while we are still dwindling in the brink of World War III and we can all be happy now that we sent the old man packing.

The crowd shouts "Thank You Joe" as he sadly walks into the sunset -- and perhaps forever as he ages away like a forgotten grandparent.

They are behaving like Ike Turner did to Tina -- beating her senseless and then coming back with cake begging for forgiveness.

The love and joy is too good to be true-- they're new strength through joy and Forward campaign is trying to wash away all of the sins that they have committed against this country-- and they hope you will keep them onboard even after they have assaulted you.

Trump has not been in the Whitehouse for four years -- and they are quick to point out that it is his hate that has sent a dark cloud over this nation.

It has been his lies that have destroyed us -- Hillary Clinton could not contain herself when she spoke about how if Trump were elected he would hunt down his enemies and throw them in jail. 

She then went on about his 34 felony counts and the crowd shouted "Lock him up" "Lock him up" reminiscent of Orwell's two minutes of hate amidst all of the joy that they claim they are wanting to enact after they are voted into power.

It is a smokescreen of course -- and as they claim that Trump's hate is dangerous -- so is the idea of Toxic happiness being used as a psy-op against you and me.

Across organizations, private and public entities, government bodies and social clubs, the cult of contrived happiness abounds with ritualistic, clotting repetition. In such cases, the forced grin, the pressured smile, the affected giggle, have all been attributed to Kamala Harris. 

She has now toned it down some as people see it as contrived -- but of course it is, it is awkward and distracting even to the point where her husband, Doug Emhoff defended it.

Of course, he loves it -- he loves her.

But do we lover her that much to endure this false sense of happy for four years?

The happy happy atmosphere being generated by the Democrats who have somehow forgotten the pain they have caused is all an act.

It has become a part of a project of puppeteering, manipulation and manufacture and what is most unnerving is the faces of those mesmerized at the convention thinking that all is forgiven -- because being happy is a pass key for a do over.

Notice that there is no talk of the protests outside their happy gathering of unhappy people. 

In the isolation of the convention hall, shielded from the outside world behind thousands of armed police, few of the delegates seem to realize that their country is on the brink of direct involvement in major wars with Russia and Iran, either of which could escalate into World War III.

The happy gathering neglected to point out that in the back of the hall Delegates who unfurled a banner that read “Stop Arming Israel” during Biden’s speech on Monday night were quickly accosted by DNC officials, who instructed other delegates to use “We ❤️ Joe” signs to hide the banner from view.

Not very happy -- and we all know that you can't put a fresh coat of rainbow paint on the fact that the most explosive flashpoint right now is the Middle East, what is the happy Biden bunch going to do about the thousands slaughtered already and the threat of nuclear war?

Don't worry be happy.

The cult of orchestrated happiness is intended to veil, covering the unhealed scars and lingering mutilations of life. The forced smile, as it has so often been, repels reality. It is also intended as a transfer of responsibility for problems one complains about to the complainant. To be happy by design is to excuse defect and injustice, casually skipping over larger imperfections. 

You can't use potpourri to cover the stench of a dying republic.

We are trapped in a political matrix intended to sustain the illusion that we are citizens of a constitutional republic.

The Democrats love to use Democracy as their mantra but their definition is confusing and trite.

In reality, we are caught somewhere between a kleptocracy (a government ruled by thieves) and a kakistocracy a government run by unprincipled career politicians, corporations and thieves that panders to the worst vices in our nature and has little regard for the rights of American citizens.

But the happy people want you to forgive and forget, move forward shut up be happy.

In fact its not even about forgiveness-- it is about blame. MAGA republicans they say are not happy -- that they are a snide cynical group of bullies.

They are encouraged to feel shame, guilt and own up to their so called immaturity.

The nature of such forced happiness has become industrialized and marketed. It is weird cult like psychological operation to erase the four years of abuse from a group of critical parents that have infantilized the country -- making them unsure of their own decisions.

The cult of forced happiness acts as a conscious program to defang and dilute opposition, maligning critics who refuse to join the fascists of the grin, the authoritarians of the forced smile.

Let us pretend all is good and ignore the bad -- maybe it will all go away -- or maybe we will enforce the idea of not addressing the problem-- like jailing people in the U.K. for pointing out that there are riots happening and that they are organized against violent criminals that get past their borders and stab little girls or bomb tube stations.

Speaking about the horrible mobs is ruining the positive flow they wish to push -- so it is arrests for people who decide to rip back the curtain and throw the happy narrative into the abyss.

The BBC reports that a 40-year-old man has been arrested and criminally charged for social media posts that contained “anti-establishment rhetoric.”

Wayne O’Rourke becomes the latest example of the wave of authoritarian hysteria to impact free speech in the UK following the recent anti-mass migration riots.

O’Rourke was arrested on Sunday in connection with “posts made from a social media account,”

Nottingham Magistrates’ Court heard the posts were alleged to contain anti-Muslim and anti-establishment rhetoric,” reports the BBC.

O’Rourke had nearly 100,000 followers on X and predicted his own arrest days beforehand.

The report does not give any specifics of what the thought criminal actually posted, but he had “allegedly expressed support for the recent riots and offered advice on how to remain anonymous to his 98,000 followers.

Freedom of speech be damned.

A 61-year-old man in the UK was jailed for 18 months for chanting “who the fuck is Allah” and telling police officers “you’re not English anymore” during a protest outside Downing Street.

Another man was imprisoned for 2 months merely for posting the words “coming to a town near you” alongside images of Muslim men on Facebook.

The legacy media continues to offer rolling, around the clock coverage of the charges being handed out to people who posted offensive content online, seemingly in an effort to act as a warning to others.

Children as young as 12-years-old have also been charged in connection with the riots, as authorities warn that merely observing a riot taking place and not even taking part in it is enough to bring criminal charges against someone.

How happy does that make us all? How much happiness is there knowing that an ally treats their citizens with disrespect -- just like the brokers of happiness take a jaundiced eye to those who don’t agree with them?

The Left and their happy agenda has created a large grey area where disagreeable opinions can be labeled as “hate speech” and because it is a grey area, there is much leeway for them to intrude into the personal politics and free speech space.

Whistleblowers worried about reporting corporate malfeasance or criminality in government organizations find themselves hounded and scolded for not being loyal and going along with the charade. They should have been tested for wellness and its therapeutic properties. To be unhappy, it follows, is to be critical and dangerous to the cult of toxic happiness.

Unhappiness has become the hunted enemy, and stomped upon by the left. They think you have no right to be unhappy-- look at everything they have done for you these past four years.

President Biden recently claimed that he is “running the world.” No oligarchic American politician will confess to “running the world” to the brink of nuclear war and mass extinction, but tens of thousands of Americans marching in the streets of Chicago and millions more Americans who support them understand that that is what Biden and those who follow want to drop bombs with smiley faces on them.

For years now, the government has been playing this con game with the American people, letting us enjoy just enough freedom to think we are happy and free but not enough to actually allow us to live as a free and as happy as we used to.

We’re allowed to bask in the illusion of freedom while we’re being stripped of the very rights intended to ensure that we can hold the government accountable to abiding by the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution.

Freedom no longer is what it used to be but shut up be happy -- forgive, move forward, when we fight we win -- blah blah blah.

Is it working?

Maybe for some people -- but I know better and I hope you do too.

We no longer have dominion over our choices, our families, our property and our lives, but the government continues to chip away at what few rights we still have to speak freely and think for ourselves.

Do not cross their happy place -- they will see you as a domestic terrorist.

It is Joy and happiness that will save democracy -- and that works to sell a politician -- but how do they put it into practice and organize a campaign of healing?

How happy is a country where a Republican Candidate has to do his rallies behind bullet proof glass?

We are under attack. Some of us are demonized by the establishment to play the role of scapegoats. Some of us are heroes if we can put a bow and a smile on our enslavement.

Our communities are being destroyed to be further consumed by those who are embracing Marxism promoted with Nazi propaganda. 

Public outcries against the policies of the last four years are safely consumed among the populations as people are forced to fight among themselves.

Ultimately, the trajectory points to a complete domestication of human subjects through management of all means of production, its products, and the distribution system. 

As the peoples become products themselves with biotech procedures, the social relations within the digital realm seamlessly merge with the fabricated reality, virtually cementing the feudal hierarchy of the absolute power.

You will own nothing and be happy. 

It is no coincidence that those who oppose this agenda of fake joy are accused of being racists, conspiracy theorists, or fascist worshippers.

It is such a homogenization of reality and it has mesmerized an socially engineered yet another electric Kool aid test.

It would make me happy if people would learn that there are more of us – than there are of the oppressors.