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How unnatural does it need to be before we humans realize this environment is not one in which a human will do well in, yet alone even survive? It seems that we should, by now, be very aware of this, but few people seem to be.

We have been told that our natural environment is toxic-- the foods we eat are loaded with pesticides and GMO tinkering -- and more than ever we really need to look at the mental environment where it appears that people have literally lost their minds -- defending unnatural ideas and promoting a culture of death and depopulation.

Some people are caught up in ideas that are self defeating and destructive --when one decides to point out the mental degradation of those around us-- we are told to get with it -- this is the 21st century and anything goes.

It can be decided that these psychological toxins, which re carried to humans by cell phones, social media, are to blame -- but it cuts deeper than this obviously -- something is being planted directly into the subconscious and some fund it hard to let go.

It is cognitive enslavement --and it must be stopped or even avoided.

It didn’t all just hit us at once like a ton of bricks. We really have no excuse, like we would if we were smashed instantly by a five-ton load. No, all of these things came in little doses, all of them came in such a way that we may have had more control over them as they snuck into our awareness and ultimately took us over like some sort of flesh-eating bacteria. Once it got a hold, it was over.

So, what did it look like when it first came along and why was it just brushed off like a small fly that lands on our salad during a summer picnic? Because that really was like it was—a small pesky fly. And our brush-off took the form of these comments: “What can you do?” “It’s what all the kids are doing,” “How can you stop progress or technology?”

Maybe all that is true, maybe there really wasn’t anything we could do, except see the writing on the wall-- and seeing it was not enough -- now it is astonishing how people are falling for the machinations of the deep state and the psychological controllers that socially engineer the populace. 

As we are being bombarded with all kinds of propaganda and as we realize at this time in history that many choices are now being forced on us by algorithms, have we ever stopped to think just how many thoughts and choices we make are our own?

I know to some it may sound silly to ask such a question, but it certainly has me perplexed that the herd mentality has steered us in directions that have harmed us, or have put us in a mire of ideocracy.

Do you think your own thoughts? Can you sort what is yours and what is given? How much of you is influenced? Do you know where you end and society begins? Is any human ever so individuated that they are an island all unto themselves? Is our power in our independence, or in our interdependence? Who are we? What are we? And where are we going?

The big question does anybody take the time to meditate on the messages you are getting from outside noise --and the still subtle voices that speak to you on a deeper spiritual level.

We are literally seeing ourselves being stripped away of our spiritual well being. 

I have spoken many times about cognitive autonomy and how vital it is to hold on firmly to one's own Identity and how your mind is your own. 

Search and seizure of the mind is not at all science fiction any more and we see that many people today, especially the youth have now been stunted socially because they are completely encased in the electronic world -- mainly throwing their lives away to the multiverse.

Consensual reality can come with contraindications. Not all thoughts are helpful, desirable, welcomed, and or avoidable.

I am sure many of us have fleeting thoughts all the time -- many of them are negative--and many are fantasy’s that if they were to be acted upon may create chaos in the future for you and whomever us affected by your actions.

What happens when good becomes bad and bad becomes good? How do you resist the irresistible? 

We need to face the facts -- somehow America is slowly losing its mind -- in fact it can be argued that the majority of Americans have already had their willpower broken. 

It is through massive mind control and social engineering that this has all taken place-- we all respond to it, and most of the time it is because people have a tendency to want to get along -- but my mother would say to me "If they all jumped of a cliff , would you jump too?"

She of course was referring to the lemming or sheep like behavior of the herd finding a bellwether and following it to your own destruction.

We seem to be targets of this -- and elections prove that point in greater detail. 

Politics are becoming a national religion, a replacement for God in this lifetime -- and while some preachers have gone as far as to condemn aliens as the great deception -- the bigger deception is the cult of replacement that is there to distract us and have the gullible believe that we have saviors that will change our lives for us -- we don’t stop to think that we have that responsibility -- but we are now a country that does what it is told.

The rebellious nature of who we are has fragmented and that fire of defying what is harming us is all bust been extinguished.

It can be said that the only demographic that is rebelling is the elderly, and seniors among us -- the younger crowds have declared "Give me convenience or give me death" and so the answers are now lying in quick fix moves of socialist democracy -- or state socialism, a newspeak way of covering up what was once called communism.

The very real end game is a new government reset, a new order to replace the old one --and the young will submit if they see it as a convenient, where they do not have to work as hard to get what they want.

Voting is tantamount to playing Russian roulette with a revolver known to be fully loaded-- Pull the trigger and now we are dead -- it is a confidence game brought to you by the Deep State.

No matter who wins this next election it is certain that the Deep State will see to it that we all lose in the end.

It’s like signing on the dotted lines of a contract not yet written! When we vote, we don’t really choose this or that representative, this or that president; we, in fact, only give our approval to be ruled under that system; we consent to be robbed and abused, possibly tortured, and even executed, as the state sees fit. 

We give our approval to the silencing of speech and expression, we eventually will see a tragedy so horrible that it will create an active hatred against guns and those who have them. 

The collection of firearms and the oppressive behaviors will be supported by the clergy as well -- and soon whatever the government wants is what God wants.

They will tell you that it is all for the greater good, just like masks, and standing apart from each other and not gathering in places of worship -- because we all know that plots against government tyranny have always been discussed in churches.

In the future there will be no worries as there will be a focus on Romans 13 which urges submission to elected authorities.

"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 

For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended."

That is clear is it not?

It is all a failsafe for a tyrannical push for acceptance of the political saviors -- It is tragic to see how we go from warning people about the philosophies of big brother -- to embracing them.

The question is, where are they taking us. Does anyone think about the future in those terms? We haven't heard anything about where Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are taking us -- we are only hearing from the left about where they think Donald Trump and J.D. Vance are taking us.

One thing is that they continue to promote an America that is pathological and dystopian. Everything they say their opponents do they are doing as well -- if not worse because they are in power.

Peering through the looking glass darkly the USA is no longer the benevolent and exceptional “America” of civics class and pop culture– Irving Berlin seeing it as God-blessed nation is somehow being erased by selfish and covetous mindspeak --and as it is spoken or thought it rises like a tulpa into existence.

Elections have turned into tulpamancy and a nationwide is psyop. Anything that’s rooted in the charisma of a leader can be changed suddenly and dramatically which makes it highly attractive to the controllers.

That is what they call a dangerous cult as well.

Voters in the USA live in fantasy and probably always will. No matter how obvious it is that the U.S. is an oligarchy, not a democracy, the ardent pipe dreams of a new face in the White House go to their heads every four years.

It can only be explained by a combination of intellectual ignorance, the acceptance of propaganda, and the embrace of illusions.

Americans love cartwheeling clowns, and the presidential candidates are of course clowns , following the directions of the rin masters who produce their bread and circuses. 

As the grand opening of democratic convention approaches , the supine public is aroused to a fanatical frenzy of excitement from its years’-long sleep by a mass media that spews out drivel to deceive. It could be said that what the media propagandists serve as brain food , the public eats.

the mass media faithfully promotes the circus side show as if it were an actual contest between good and evil, a grand movie. The acting is terrible, but the audience is so inflamed they can’t tell.

It is all in the art of tulpamancy -- thought forms made to order with mindspeak used as a confidence trick manipulating the masses into thinking that there is no alternative because the packaging is far more attractive than the product.

It is all a game of musical chairs --eventually some one is unseated until the one left is the only one we see-- and then we hand them their participation trophy.

We are told through mindspeak that everything is okay -- god has ordained this circus and our participation gave them the outcome they so desired.

It is only through slow meditative reading and study of the great analytic books about social structure, propaganda, history, and political economy that a person can truly grasp the nature of the power elite’s domination of the US government, the mass media, and the White House.

Perhaps it would be best if we could take some time and cast our feelings inward instead of buying into this circus show.

Ask the universe for an answer -- if you think this is praying then perhaps you are correct. We expect miracles when we pray and those who are in tune sometimes get premonition. It is a message that indicates a future event.

And many people are already thinking that some major catastrophe is in the making something to upset the linear time line leading to the election.

If the herd thinks it, could it happen just by thinking it into reality ? The law of attraction says yes and perhaps many of our fleeting thoughts have put us in the position we are today.

I sometimes speak of something called Tulpamancy — or forming ideas and theories that end up manifesting. 

In essence, tulpamancy is the ability to manifest an imaginary friend or conjure a character or think something into happening by intense mental concentration. 

A tulpa is a mental construct that takes physical shape – and once it does, the tulpa is capable of being fully autonomous from its creator. 

Can we think into existence a world outcome where we will be safe and secure?

Is it at all possible to somehow thwart the algorithms and the propaganda that seems to mesmerize even the keen of intellect?

Do you believe that life will always let itself be mocked? Are you not terrified by it?

It appears that not only are we in a physical battle, but a mental or spiritual battle as well.

Setting aside the reality that most ‘I follow the science’ types will deny -- that is the existence of the spiritual to begin with (and falsely pass that off as ‘atheism’), the principal components of how we perceive reality – are indeed mistaken – they are but mere fashion push, leveraged against a willful constraint in supply. One cannot exit this hell – being relegated to endlessly cycling according to its paradigms – until you comprehend this.

It is a matter of a Tulpa maturing into and egregore -- like the minster of the ID from the film Forbidden planet -- the monster grew of the evil thoughts that passed through the mind -- the fleeting thoughts or mindspeak that telepathically speaks to us 

Egregores are collective constructs born from group dynamics and energies, while tulpas are individual constructs resulting from focused mental discipline and imagination. Both concepts, however, emphasize the power of the mind and belief in shaping reality or creating sentient experiences or entities.

What are your thoughts about today--what is it you wish for? What do you pray for and do you listen for an answer afterwards?

And if you see something that does not look right or if your mins is warning you that you should know better -- then please know better --and say no.