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I grew up reading many science fiction authors that have impressed me over the years because of their uncanny knack of story telling that sends my imagination into over drive.

I have shared with you over time amazing stories from Isaac Asimov about Robotics, Ray Bradbury's prophetic views on our future and of course Arthur C. Clarke whose stories about space and our relationship with cosmos still haunts me to this day.

In the 1940s, science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke wrote a short story called ‘The Sentinel‘ for a BBC competition that was a compelling story about an alien artifact left on the moon that constantly sent signals out into deep space.

The artifact was tetrahedral in shape, made of polished metal, and had a spherical force field surrounding it. For eons, this artifact was a warning beacon to intelligent life and other space explorers who wanted to develop or come to planet Earth.

Clarke eloquently paints a picture of a powerful force that swept through space when the earth was half of its present age. The force and the roar were incomprehensible and the beacon was left on the moon to transmit a signal for millions of years. The signal was called a sentinel and it was there to watch over the earth and other worlds that could sustain life.

The pyramid that housed the beacon was eventually destroyed by a nuclear explosion. It was concluded that whoever left the beacon has to be aware that it is no longer transmitting and may return to find out why.

The story ends with a chilling speculation from the narrator:

“I can never look now at the Milky Way without wondering from which of those banked clouds of stars the emissaries are coming. If you will pardon so commonplace a simile, we have set off the fire alarm and have nothing to do but to wait. I do not think we will have to wait for long.”

A couple of weekends ago I was watching old Star Trek movies and I guess it is unanimous among Trekkies that one of the best in the Franchise is Star Trek IV: the Voyage home.

This film actually takes from Arthur Clarke two stories -- one is Rendezvous With Rama and The Sentinel.

A space probe has entered into orbit around Earth, disabled global power on the planet and evaporated the oceans-- it is sending a powerful signal to the planet expecting a reply. 

It is found that the message is meant to be received by Humpback Whales --and that the whales need to reply back or the earth will face mass extinction.

The problem is that whales have become extinct in the year 2286.

Captain Kirk realizes that, naturally, time travel must be attempted. They will journey back to Earth of the past, before whales went extinct, and bring some back to their present time to communicate with and appease the advanced civilization that somehow had a repour with Whales and again poses the question about ancient aliens and their advancements.

How they were able to use their environment to help advance their people into leaping into the heavens. 

It can be daunting to think that this planet is a beacon and that aliens frequent here because they have established bases here and that maybe they have left behind techno signatures that need to be recovered -- or even discovered.

But the race between human discovery and alien discovery is a secret that is being held close to the vest.

There are times when archeologists find things that literally do not make sense or they do not belong in the places they seek. Many have found ancient tools that are reported to be rare for the time period in which they are dated. 

When these artifacts are discovered and stories are fed to the press they roll with the accounts unfiltered and there is a lot of excitement even to the point where the media says that it could force us all to rewrite history.

Well if history is rewritten -- I am not so sure that I have seen it happen, but again the possibilities are intriguing and when rival scientists hear of these discoveries they tend to be skeptical and call out the story as fake news.

There has been a recent report out of Russia that has caused a lot of controversy and that this the reported microchip found in a rock that has been dated to be 250 million years old.

The implications are staggering. Could this be evidence of an advanced civilization that existed long before us? Or perhaps a glimpse into an ancient alien technology? Despite the excitement, many experts have rushed to debunk these findings, labeling the stone as merely a fossil. Yet, the fragment of the microchip suggests a narrative that challenges mainstream history.

The Epoch times reported the discovery of a 250-million-year-old microchip was found in Labinsk, Russia, and that the find was confirmed by the the Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University. it appears that something resembling a microchip is embedded in the rock and while it may contribute to the ancient alien theories -- some scientists are saying that it is nothing but an ancient plant that is related to the Lilly family.

it certainly is an interesting artifact -- but it will certainly be criticized at it may indicate the possibility of ancient aliens or an advanced civilization that once existed on earth.

For more than 2,000 years, we have been arguing about life and, in particular, intelligent life in the universe. But arguing was pretty much where it always ended.

The arguments about advanced civilizations even alien civilizations that predate the flood have been discussed but we never had any evidence or any data that could raise the discussion above two people with different opinions countering one another.

Monolithic artists have drawn goblin like creatures on their walls with Large eyes -- there have been ancient gold artifacts founds in pyramids that resemble space ships and flying machines --even some say that there are what appear to be space shuttles planes and helicopters.

Such a mystery -- that ancient history, and discussion of aliens can take on a new meaning as we can conclude that perhaps there were a few wise men and prophets that may have gotten sacred information from advanced beings.

The "exoplanet" revolution of the last 20 years has shown us that the universe is awash in alien worlds. More exciting, we now have methods where the atmospheres of those worlds may provide indirect evidence — called "bio-signatures" — for the existence of life.

Over the next few decades we may finally have data relevant to the question of other life in the universe.

But many scientist also are not ruling out aliens that may live in our oceans --or that may live inside the earth or even advanced civilizations that discovered things like Nuclear energy and the ability to construct flying machines capable of exploring the cosmos, millions of years ago.

There was a time when we took it for granted that humans were alone in the universe at the top of the evolutionary heap — above us were only the angels. But decades of science fiction have surely undermined that. Given the number of alien contact movies in the past few decades, it is more likely that angels visiting Earth would be greeted as aliens than aliens visiting Earth would be greeted as angels.

This may be a problem philosophically and it is quite likely the reason why science loves to ignore the data about advanced ancient life and how we have had a hard time distinguishing their advanced machines from magic.

It is not impossible to understand that maybe there have been many advanced civilizations that have come before us and that these civilizations were not recorded in the bible -- or that they were hinted at in other ancient writings provided by civilizations that existed long before the bible was ever written.

In 1999, the Lano Stone was discovered in a remote area of Northwest China. Made of an unknown material, this rock contains a metal artifact that some believe may have alien origins. Over 10 geologists and physicists studied the stone, but the results of their examinations were never released. What we do know is that the stone is considered one of the most valuable in China, potentially holding secrets that could reshape our understanding of archaeology.

Another fascinating find in the Oklo Nuclear reactor. In Gabon Africa the remnants of an extinct or fossil nuclear fission reactor was found in 1972, where self-sustaining nuclear reactions have occurred in the past, are verified by analysis of isotope ratios of uranium and of the fission products.

Oklo is the only location where this phenomenon is known to have occurred, and consists of 16 sites with patches of centimeter-sized ore layers. There, self-sustaining nuclear fission reactions are thought to have taken place approximately 1.7 billion years ago.

Several studies have analyzed the relative concentrations of radioactive isotopes left behind at Oklo, and most have concluded that nuclear reactions then were much the same as they are today.

This changes things in a big way -- does this indicate that perhaps that we are not the only highly advanced civilization that has occupied this planet?

If there are these advanced beings, then we should be able to recover some of them by excavating grave sites.

This of course is fraught with difficulties as authorities in locales like Egypt and areas of South America frown on such practices. 

Not to say it hasn't been done --and tours of these mummies and well preserved humans often show up at museums everywhere.

Many of the skeletal remains show that there were highly intelligent beings among the ancients that practiced the ancient ritual of cranial deformation.

Artificial cranial deformation has been adopted throughout our history and long fascinated researchers 

Some researchers actually believes that those that had the elongated heads were considered the advanced and most intelligent -- some even go as far to say that they are an alien hybrid-- but of course body modification was something that the ancients did form time to time. 

History provides many examples of permanent body alterations — among the most famous are the foot binding of women in traditional China and the insertion of lip plates employed by the Mursi people of Ethiopia. 

All of this was intentional --as was the practice of Mummification after death.

Pharaohs were commonly mummified and buried in elaborate tombs. Non-royals were also mummified. However, their mummification wasn’t necessarily as thorough as royalty, depending on what their family could afford. 

In South America Mummification was practiced by numerous cultures in what is now Peru, beginning more than 7,000 years ago and allowed the living to remember, and remain connected with, the dead. Some people kept mummies in their homes or brought them to festivals. Others brought offerings of food or drink to their loved ones' graves.

Now a story about the possible mummies of ancient aliens does not seem to be going away --and even though much of what is being presented about these mummies have been panned -- the investigation has not ended --and curiosity still has its grip on ancient alien believers.

Last year Mexico's Congress heard from researchers who declared authentic a set of three-fingered Peruvian mummies recently presented as potential evidence of non-human life forms, while declining to certify that the remains were extraterrestrial.

The mummified specimens were unveiled by ufologist and journalist Jaime Maussan, in front of an audience of lawmakers and scientists . Maussan told the congressional session in Mexico City: "They are beings, non-humans who are not part of our terrestrial evolution and that after disappearing we do not think there is a subsequent evolution."

He added that the specimens, which were found in mines in Cusco, Peru, had been carbon analyzed by the National Autonomous University of Mexico. 

The non "non-human" corpses are believed to be at least 1,000 years old and the spectacle of it all was enough to be reported in world newspapers and now has become a meme on the internet exploiting how outrageous and absurd it all appears to be.

Unusually for fossils that have been subjected to analysis, the specimens were coated in what appeared to be sand. 

X-rays indicate that whatever they are they were found to have strong, light bones and no teeth.

More X-rays of the entities showed that that one of the beings carried 'eggs' with embryos inside them. They said they had implants of cadmium and osmium metals as well . Osmium is one of the most scarce elements in the Earth's crust and considered the rarest precious metal.

Avi Loeb, the Director of the Harvard Astronomy Department, and appeared as an Aftermath webinar guests and called on the Mexican government to allow international scientists to further research the specimens. 

In one month the investigation will be well over a year old and now the U.S. Congress is interested in analyzing the findings.

Republican Tim Burchett, known for his outspoken criticism of the US government's UFO secrecy, vowed to assemble 'the most important people in the world' to examine the bodies, which some scientists claim harbor '30 percent unknown' DNA.

The congressman said he would initiate this new analysis at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in his home state.

The team at Tennessee have obtained half-a-million dollars from the Department of Justice late last year to better understand skeletal remains and 'relic DNA.'

The team at Tennessee have obtained half-a-million dollars from the Department of Justice late last year to better understand skeletal remains and 'relic DNA.'

Legal experts have commented that , despite Rep. Burchett's best efforts, US treaty agreements with Peru could delay transnational shipping of the eerie remains.

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville — the school that the congressman referenced as a likely candidate for this work — is home to an internationally recognized center for the forensic examination of human remains: the 'Body Farm.'

Last December, the US Department of Justice's R&D agency, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), awarded two grants to the Farm, more formally known as UT's Forensic Anthropology Center, totaling more than $580,000.

One of these grants, amounting to $229,000, will help forensic researchers better grasp (and one day correct for) the phenomena of so-called 'relic DNA,' which can linger on a site of forensic interest and thus contaminate dig sites and crime scenes.

This is serious money bring thrown around for an investigation into something that some researchers say are dolls made to fool tourists.

There are 7 'tridactyl' mummies" that will be examined for relic DNA -- and this is important because the study is not to prove that it is alien life -- but a non human examination -- for hybrid human relic DNA.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna plans to launch new open hearings on these otherworldly specimens 'before the end of the year.'

Former Colorado prosecutor Josh McDowell, who led a team of US medical examiners to investigate the 'alien' mummies this April, has said that any effort to have these specimens studied stateside would face diplomatic hurdles.

For over 25 years, in fact, the US and Peruvian governments gave worked in concert to reduce the illicit trafficking of priceless Peruvian cultural and historical artifacts.

As of 2017, according to the US State Department, over 2,000 'looted and stolen items' have been returned to Peru under this 'Memorandum of Understanding.'

Whether there are actually intelligent aliens out there communicating with a secret part of the Deep State or not, there’s a gamification involved in unearthing classified information, which only adds further incentive to the cause of finding the truth.

Now in dispute comes the question - do advanced civilizations that have now been unearthed in archaeological digs.

Are we looking for an alien explanation or something else entirely?

So far None of the scientists who have given preliminary testing say the objective so far is not to prove that they are extraterrestrials, but they could be evidence of non-Earthly life forms.