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I think I have just about had it with this so-called Honeymoon with Kamala Harris. It is obnoxious to the point of breaking news about how big her crowds are compared to Trump and old playground trash talk between candidates gets on my nerves.

It is like we are nominating a High school class President where the leader of the Dance Club is running against the Football Captain.

It is all cutesy and clownish -- and has been reduced to a showdown where no issues are mentioned, no strategies, just sound bites and fake accents to ingratiate the crowds into thinking that these criminals are one of them.

You are not part of their special club -- you are not part of their state religion --and they are not saviors.

Pay close attention to the political conventions for presidential candidates, and it becomes immediately evident that Americans have allowed themselves to be brainwashed into worshipping a political idol manufactured by the Deep State.

In a carefully choreographed scheme to strip the American citizenry of our power and our rights, “we the people” have become victims of the Deep State’s confidence game.

Every confidence game has six essential stages.

First, we see that the planners create the foundation to lay the groundwork for the illusion.

Propaganda and door-to-door proselytizing whereby the mark is contacted-- I get annoying texts were I have to press STOP to get them to leave me alone. 

They try to build up tension and intrigue and ask you to relate to their cause --making you feel you have a vested interest in the outcome.

There are third party scammers and spinners (Mainly the legacy media and the internet to legitimize them and to socially engineer the people to overlook their flaws or lack of intelligence. 

Then there is a payoff --some benefit of early wins and confidence gains -- but don't forget there will be a manufactured crisis that will provide a staged test for both candidates and how they react to the event. 

Terrorist attacks, pandemics, economic uncertainty, national security threats, civil unrest: these are all simulated crises that add to the sense of urgency and help us feel invested in the outcome of the various elections, but it doesn’t change much in the long term.

Some crisis lose their impact over time, usually after a year or a decade -- but a month? 

We have had at least two of this crisis in the last month. One of course is the stepping down of Joe Biden from the campaign.

The media would have us believe that he put country before ego -- but the more we learn of the circumstances the more we hear that he was forced out with a velvet gloved coup.

It has been reported that President Joe Biden is upset with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over her behind-the-scenes push to get him off the Democratic ticket ahead of the 2024 general election.

Pelosi has downplayed her role in Biden's exit from the race — saying that the president's decision to step aside as the presumptive nominee was solely his to make.

It has also been speculated in Conspiracy circles that she has had a role along with General Milly --of getting Trump out of the Whitehouse as well.

Again this indicates that the real insurrection took place behind closed doors.

A top White House official told Politico that Biden saw Pelosi as "ruthless" and as someone who would put aside long-standing relationships to ensure that Democrats emerge on top in elections.

Would she also be part of a plot to eliminate anyone who gets in the way of a Democrat in the Oval office? 

It certainly sounds like a dark conspiracy theory in the making -- but now moth after the assassination attempt on Trump we have conveniently moved on - with questions unanswered --and the media has decided to focus on Kamla Harris's presidential nomination.

Doesn't this feel a bit suspicious? 

Regardless of how you feel about Donald Trump, we can all agree that the assassination attempt on the former President sent shockwaves through the political community. 

It was by a miracle and a few inches that Trump avoided death. That is about the size of it -- if you have noticed nothing more really has been revealed or said about the incident. 

With all of the interrogation, and the resignation of the head of the Secret Service there are simply no answers to what happened, why there was a lack of security and whether or not this could be seen as a Romanesque inside job, devised to thwart the election process and plunge the country into civil war.

But if you’re like me, you’re wondering how this really happened-- but more importantly, how curious it is that the media has moved on and has chosen to cozy up to Kamala Harris' campaign and keeping the situation out of the news. 

Less than a week after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, on July 13th, in Butler, Pennsylvania. Now it has been a month -- and still we have a few specious videos -- but no answers.

It appears that most of the public and much of the media have moved on --and there is really no real attempt at finding out who was behind the planned assassination. 

I know that we can attribute this to the short attention span of most Americans today -- but don't you find it disturbing that there are really no follow-up reports, no transparency, and even the algorithms on the internet -- don't recognize the assassination if you type in the key words "The assassination of President ." The autocomplete will populate results other than President Trump.

I attempted to do it and got "Truman instead of Trump."

We know that the media and search engines have political bias --even though they deny it -- but this is a troubling occurrence.

Senator Roger Marshall, R-Kan., said he will launch an investigation into Google after a key feature on the search engine’s website omitted results for users looking for information on the failed assassination of former President Trump over the weekend.

In a letter to Google CEO Sundar Pichai, Marshall scolded the tech giant, saying the omitting of suggestions related to the July 13 shooting of Trump was the latest “example of censorship against conservative voices” and showed “willful discrimination against President Trump and users of your search engine.”

Marshall, who sits on the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, called on Pichai to testify before lawmakers on the matter. Conservatives have long accused Big Tech of trying to influence elections and silencing conservative viewpoints.

“Over the weekend, Google claimed that ‘no manual action’ was taken to effectuate these results,” Marshall said. “However, this clarification is woefully inadequate, disingenuous, and misleading. If the autocomplete function is truly reflective of the recent searches completed on Google, the self learning algorithms should have easily adjusted their autocomplete function during a massive increase in search queries over the last two weeks.”

Elon Musk said a Google search for “Trump rally” instead brought up top results of Vice President Kamala Harris.

The Drudgereport, which used to be a website that questions the motives, and the closeted secrets of Washington has also had an unhealthy crush on Kamala Harris as her campaign has dominated the press, and The assassination attempt on Trump is not even a side bar-- it is practically a non story.

This swift diminishment of interest seems to reflect the manner in which we prioritize and value different types of violence.

The media cares enough to report the story, but the media does not care enough to satisfy inquiring minds about just who was responsible --and that does not mean just writing it off as a lone nut asassin somehow slipping past security.

How does something like that happen and is there a broader conspiracy to silence and or ignore what had happened that day for fear it could be traced al the way back to deep state operatives acting on behalf of an unknown official who saw this as an opportunity to remove an adversary of the Biden campaign.

The gunman, a twenty-year-old from suburban Pittsburgh named Thomas Matthew Crooks, did not leave behind a manifesto or some lengthy and lurid trail of online crumbs, and so, it seemed, there was no real story to tell. We still know little about him, save for a few details that are being challenged.

Rather than regard the assassination attempt as an incident of political violence, many have begun placing it within a more common, even sadly pedestrian classification: the random shooter. A loner with an AR-15 commits an act of violence, and we typically have nothing to say except that this seems to happen all the time in America.

Anti-Trump Americans have the opinion that Trump deserved his fate because of his second amendment stance -- if he lives by the sword he will die by the sword --all is justified they claim. So all of the claims of the Biden administration about political violence were hollow and great for sound bites --and the same anti-Trump democrats were plotting their velvet gloved coup against Biden.

The Soft coup succeeded -- the assassination attempt failed-- and the fact that the story is on a long fade has me concerned about the future.

Many commentators still have demanded answers from the Secret Service, and have argued that Crooks’s near-success reflects major failures of the agency. 

But the lack of any serious and meaningful interpretations of why the shooting happened—outside of a few limp attempts to peg the shooting on one party or the other—suggests that we are not waiting for more details about the event, and that a flood of meaning will not likely come later. It seems that the public memory of violence in the United States has come to depend on our ability to ascribe a motive to the perpetrators that tells us something about our politics. 

Unexplainable tragedies vanish from the spotlight much more quickly than we expect, regardless of the scope of human suffering and death they inflict.

I believe the quicker they disappear the more you know who is behind them -- the media is not going to do a week long investigation into something that may reveal that the culprits are those they choose to promote politically.

Very few developments in America warrant wall-to-wall coverage on cable news, but an assassination attempt against a leading presidential candidate is certainly one of them. And very few moments should unite a country like a presidential candidate being nearly murdered at a campaign rally, live on television.

But now -- the media is choosing to look at the shiny object and building a false sense of security with the advent of Harris rise to fame.

This takes the old Axiom -- "The Show Must Go on" to a new level of Macabre theater.

Does anyone see the neglecting of the assassination story or the absence of investigative journalism disturbing?

There was more coverage of the "Stain on the Blue Dress" controversy with Bill Clinton and his intern Monica Lewinski than the assassination attempt on Trump.

The Washington Post has said that they are not to blame for the near neglect on reporting the story and said that their reporters are “waiting for the facts” and using restraint.

Photos of the former president’s act of defiance were used and then later were immediately removed as news outlets saw them as election propaganda.

Many photographers from various news outlets expressed worry that the photographs could turn into “photoganda,” with the “Trump campaign using them to further their agenda.” One photo editor said it could become a “kind of free P.R. for Trump in a way, and its dangerous for media organizations to keep sharing that photo despite how good it is.”

So we are to conclude that we all experienced an incredibly historic and important event. A Presidential candidate is nearly being executed on live TV.

But the press coverage has failed to convey its significance, for fear of helping a presidential candidate they despise.

This type of hate is unprecedented and should be noted since we are told that the Democratic way is to be open, transparent and equal.

We need to understand just how big of an impact political violence has on a republic.

Democracy can survive conflict, it can survive vicious disagreement and extreme rhetoric, it can survive boisterous protest and gratuitous insults. 

But there are at least three types of political violence that are potentially fatal for democracy: violence against voters and organizers, ethnic violence, and violence against elected officials. 

Democracy simply cannot long endure in a climate where such political violence is commonplace. 

From the attempted assassinations of candidates, we go to open murders of voters, violent riots at conventions, and violence against supreme court justices, political commentators, and other lesser known officials.

The fires have started and even though the media thinks that they put them out --they are still smoldering because of the complete ignorance of the reports on matters of political attacks.

Apparently unless you are a Kennedy, attempted assassinations, , do not beatify their targets especially targets that are despised universally by the media, who tend to lean left in their reporting.

It has only been a month since Trump's assassination attempt --and it feels like decades have passed -- with no real answers as to what has happened.

We were inches away from a world crisis --and yet the media has moved on --and there is no one that has to answer for the failed security measures that left Trump vulnerable.

In a nation where so many not only disagree with but dislike each other, the specter of political violence haunts the election, especially as we look with a cautious eye toward next week’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

The nation changed one month ago, an innocence was lost, and everyone can feel it. The stakes of this election are no longer just about which side will win and get to set policies, but also whether we can peacefully coexist at all.

The sick and twisted meddling by the media, the literal looking the other way about the assassination attempt breeds contempt.