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The Earth and the matrix in which we live is very much a product of chaos and have been formed as a perfect living space for man. However, through the work of the chaotic Master Earth, has become the home to fallen angels and they now watch the earth and shake the Earth through acts of catastrophe.

There was a time and it wasn’t very long ago that we lived in a linear world; everything happened in pretty much a straight line one change at a time.

Back then it seemed easy to keep up with all of the changes that happen every day.

The world is changing faster than ever before, but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t being acclimated to it. It’s truly a testament to the ability of humans to adapt to just about any circumstance.

Because we’re so acclimated to this world, we often forget how strange it is compared to previous eras.

We are living in interesting times --and when the paranormal gest reported in the normal places it’s time to go to work. 

This morning as I was sipping my morning Coffee, I was surprised to read that there has been many sightings of what people are calling a "birdman" with large black wings and red piercing eyes. WBEZ in Chicago was reporting about the "birdman" or "Mothman" sightings that have increased in frequency.

Mothman, as I have said many times is my all time favorite cryptid, more so because of how creepy the idea of a massive moth swooping down and eating your dog, or taking your child in the middle of the night is utter nightmare fodder.

Mothman was alleged to have eaten a German shepherd belonging to Newell Partridge of Salem, West Virginia, in 1967 during the Point Pleasant sightings.

There have been reports that the creature lets out a shrilling scream, that according to witnesses sounds like a freight train hitting it's breaks.

The Chicago region has been experiencing a collective case of the mass anxiety in recent years, ever since reports of a giant, flying, winged humanoid began surfacing in 2011.

The sightings died off after Covid 19 but they have now returned - this time the Mothman is again appearing as a portend --an Omen that Chicago may face danger ahead --anything from huge riots in the streets to a nuclear attack.

According to the recent article "Mothman and Nuclear Nightmares," many people in the Chicago area have had apocalyptic dreams that have accompanied their recent sightings.

According to an interview with strange Universe "Kimberly" no last name given lives in Chicago, Illinois and had a terrifying nightmare of a gigantic explosion destroying her city, killing millions and vaporizing everything for miles. A huge mushroom cloud was hanging where, only seconds earlier, there had been a bustling city of close to three million people. In this case, however, there was more: amid the carnage and the chaos, A large man with balck wings hovered over the city and as she put it "watching the end of us."

Another person named Kenny had claimed that he witnessed a huge riot in the city where police were driving armored vehicles and trying to calm what could only be described as a civil war seen-- hed too said he saw the winged bird man swooping in and watching the people fall to the ground as he passed over. 

Should we be concerned that people have, in the last week, had nightmares about nuclear war and outright civil upheaval in Chicago?

Is this part of the same MO that happened in West Virginia during their Mothman flap?

During the Mothman sightings of the 1960's according to investigator John Keel -- a guy by the name of Woodrow Derenberger-- encountered a Man in Black who called himself Ingrid Cold. Cold told Derenberger that the Mothman was an omen of danger and catastrophe and that there would be a series of future events that would happen and that he should warn the world about them

Derenberger was plagued with phone calls that consisted of threats, beeps, and electronic hums. Voices plagued him as well and entities were making predictions.

Voices warned of the Pope being stabbed, Robert Kennedy being in danger, and the destruction of the Silver Bridge.

The Pope was attacked and stabbed in the Philippines, and Robert Kennedy was later shot by Sirhan Sirhan.

The Silver Bridge that spanned the Ohio Bridge eventually collapsed on December 15, 1967.

Many people have seen the 2002 movie version of The Mothman Prophecies, starring Richard Gere, Laura Linney, and Alan Bates.

At one point in the movie, Gere's character, John Klein - based, of course, on John Keel - is in a Point Pleasant hotel-room late at night when he speaks on the phone with a person with a strange voice who identifies himself as Indrid Cold.

When Cold reveals the location of Klein's watch (under the bed, in his shoe) and states correctly that Klein is holding a tube of ChapStick in his hand, Klein realizes that Cold is reading his mind.

Klein tests Cold even further, by picking up a book and turning, at random, to page 51. He tells Cold to speak down the phone the third line of the page, which Cold does, accurately.

Are the same harbinger moments happening in Chicago with the Mothman flap that is happening there?

To my knowledge the recent Chicago Mothman flap has been the longest on record.

The new reports, which began in 2011, say that many people in the Chicago area had witnessed a giant, flying, humanoid shape with gleaming red eyes moving around.

A winged monster with red eyes, Mothman came out of nowhere. Some say its presence culminated in high tragedy and death.

In the Book of the Apocalypse, there are accounts given by the Apostle John of all kinds of hideous creatures that would appear in the skies during the final dispensational transition.

In my studies of the biblical passages, I would often suggest that the strange creatures he saw were purely metaphors. There are others who believe that these loathsome creatures will appear and at times there have been accounts of these beings as being malevolent emissaries that have been sent by Satan to the world.

Is Mothman one of those creatures? After all many have seen the creature as a harbinger of death -- a dark angel that has been sighted in places where disasters have happened.

It is believed that a Mothman type of cryptid was seen over Chernobyl. 

In the days leading up to the Chernobyl disaster, several of the workers in the control room of the nuclear power plant in northern Ukraine claimed to have seen the creature that is known as the Black bird of Chernobyl.

The terrifying creature rose above the horizon of Chernobyl and Pripyat, a hideous humanoid with giant wings, a black headless body and red glowing eyes sending a message of doom to all who gazed upon it.

Those unlucky enough to see the creature were said to be plagued with terrifying dreams and threatening phone calls.

Robert Maxwell is the only archaeologist who has ever worked at Chornobyl, completing two field excursions at the exclusion zone in 2010 and 2012.

He is passionate about the place in both a historical and archaeological sense; there is little Maxwell doesn't know about Chornobyl, on matters of both the physical and supernatural world.

Maxwell told news.com.au that the legend of the Black bird of Chornobyl was something he heard about when he was in the exclusion zone.

"The legend states that in the days leading up to April 26, 1986, that a supernatural creature was sighted in the sky over Chernobyl by many of the men in the control room. They also claimed to have seen this terrifying creature just before the explosion.

According to the legend, rumors went through the ranks of Chornobyl, that five employees had seen a large, dark headless creature with gigantic wings and fire red eyes. Chornobyl employees began sharing strangely similar experiences, some had horrifying nightmares, while others received threatening phone calls.

It is the same activity that John Keel wrote about in the Mothman prophecies. It is the same activity that is happening in Chicago and many feel that the city is in danger and that something terrible will happen much like what happened to New York During the 9/11 attacks.

It was even reported that before the attacks on the Twin Towers a giant black bird was seen flying around the city.

When analyzing these creatures John Keel --in his original Mothman prophesies believed that perhaps Mothman is an interdimensional interloper.

Keel stated: "The objects and apparitions do not necessarily originate on another planet and may not even exist as permanent constructions of matter. It is more likely that we see what we want to see and interpret such visions according to our contemporary beliefs."

He proposed that non-human or spiritual intelligence sources from a parallel realm had been appearing to humanity since time unremembered, and that they had the ability to influence the mind so that people saw what they wanted them to see. He believed that these interdimensional interlopers were possibly behind a whole host of other phenomena including monsters, ghosts, demons, the fairy myths of Middle Europe, vampire legends, anomalous creature sightings, religious apparitions, poltergeist phenomena, and UFOs, among many others, and that all of these various disparate phenomena were a sort of cover for what is really going on.

This would mean that much of what we are experiencing in the paranormal is being generated by the earth itself and that there are many dimensions in which creatures are entities that get trapped on this plane of existence, and then just as fast as they appear they dematerialize and go off into the ether. 

John Keel was speaking of these ideas and thought that the Mothman case, the giant winged creature he is well known for may have been an interloper, or a harbinger of disaster.

Something akin to the angel of death, or the winged demons of Mesopotamia -- such as Pazuzu the demon of death and pestilence. 

I have always feared the idea of the Mothman -- a creature so big, flying in the air that it could cast an impressive shadow on its victim before it attacks. 

Just thinking about the people of Point Pleasant, West Virginia being terrorized by a large flying creature sends chills down my spine.

talk about the "multiverse," in which a multitude of realities and dimensions exist overlayed with each other, our reality as we perceive it one of many, possibly infinite other universes all existing together side by side. 

Although it has only been in recent years that the concept of a multiverse and parallel dimensions has really been seriously explored and proposed as a source for all explanations pertaining to the paranormal-- Ghosts, Aliens, and Cryptids. 

The core idea of other dimensions is actually not particularly new. In the 19th century, the concept of other dimensions was popular among various occultists and spiritualists, mostly championed by the famous Ukrainian mystic and author and co-founder of the Theosophical Society, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. 

She proposed a complex cosmology consisting of seven "planes," or subtle states, levels, or regions of reality, and although she made it popular she was not the first one to have spread such ideas. 

The notion of what is called the aether had been postulated since the ancient Greeks, and was adopted by Blavatsky and other spiritualists and mystics to describe another plane or level of existence beyond the “lower planes” of solid, liquid, and gaseous matter, and which was often called the etheric plane. 

As this idea was adopted by spiritualists and theosophists, it turned into a whole, complex philosophy and world view that incorporated the idea that there were actually multiple other subtle planes or worlds or dimensions which pervade our physical planet, the solar systems, and all the physical structures of the universe, and which were inhabited by other entities. 

In essence, the second genesis is an earlier version of the multiverse.

There have long been cases of the unexplained that skirt our ability to understand them and loom large out past the reality which we can comprehend. 

These often don't seem to fit in with one's typical entity reports or alien encounter accounts and seem to inhabit a whole other domain of the strange. 

Back in 2017 after Hurricane Maria devastated parts of Puerto Rico --many people were plunged into total darkness.

Many were forced outside and people there saw something in the sky that terrified them. 

Police agencies from the southwest part of the island bore witness to the reality of something large, with wings being seen by people of high credibility.

A local family reported the slaughter of their horses. At first the story was reported that that the horses were slaughtered by poachers for their meat. However, a farmer and his daughter reported that the horses had puncture wounds the size of two fingers on one of their foals.

There were other witnesses that came forward saying that near the horse ranch a large winged creature was seen in the area and that one of the witnesses was so terrified that he made a three day retreat in order to pray in the local church. He called upon a priest to help him because he claimed that the creature looked very much like a demon from hell.

The people say that it looked like a gargoyle -- or Gargola.

The Gargola has been seen on the Island ever since the times of the Taino Indians that inhabited the area in the 15th century. They were described as grotesque creatures that had the face of a dog or a wolf, with large leathery wings and horns.

Many believe that the Gargolas are like the famous Mothman, as a relative or a similar species. But the Mothman sightings occur and have occurred in colder climates.

The Gargolas could be a mutation or evolution of the species for warmer climates. All characteristics are similar, from his height of over 6 feet, and huge wings, like a giant bird but, most looking like something between animal and human.

Some cryptozoologists have said that these creatures could be attributed to the fact that Puerto Rico itself intersects with the mysterious Bermuda Triangle.

Many people have said that the dark creature with wings is the angel of death or an emissary of Santa Muerte.

There is also the legend of La Lechuza, a large owl that when seen means that death is imminent.. La Lechuza is known for being a shapeshifting witch.

When a Lechuza finds her target she will perch in a location where she can’t easily be seen and then will make either strange whistles or the sound of an infant crying. Anyone who attempts to determine where the sound is coming from is at risk of becoming –prey for the Lechuza, Lechuza will then swoop down and carry off the confused and horrified individual.

It is believed that hearing the cry of the Lechuza is an omen that someone in the household will die, a trait more commonly found in tales of the banshee. Lechuza is immune to weapons and bullets and possibly are immortal.

Then of course the descriptions of the creature are similar to ancients stories of the demon Pazuzu, Azrael, the Angel of Death or Thanatos a winged creature and messenger and god of death in ancient Greek.

Pazuzu was also a god of death and king of the demons in Sumerian Mythology. When he shows up at a certain place, there are events of of sickness and pestilence like flies and other venomous creatures. He also represented the southwestern wind, the bearer of storms and drought, life, death, creation and destruction.

There is also the Sumerian, Erra, who also has some of the traits of Pazuzu.

The paradigm is shifting, the veil is lifting and events are baffling. We all seem to concede that all of the massive change can be attributed to God, angels, demons or aliens. However all of these conclusions are the accepted insanity for the moment and as any Fortean will tell you, this is purely business as usual in the apocalypse and business will continue as long as people are pushing for an eschaton or second coming of Jesus, or the coming of a Mahdi, or some magical deliverer that has the magic touch.

Admittedly, events that are showing up in the news appear to be similar to what we have seen in the movies. The dreams and nightmares are manifesting in unbelievable events. These events for the most part sound eerily biblical. Stories that include earthquakes, eclipses, planet collisions, visits from “angels”, “demons” “space elders” and of course the return of a messianic God.

All of these events are part of a universal core belief that exists in the three major monotheistic religions. This leaves the people of the world in a very vulnerable position.

This is a frightening thought and has been the reason we find ourselves on our knees praying or genuflecting. 

We do this when we get a sense of death and disaster are near.

Some say that the way we cope with death is to create mythologies to warn us of what is coming. Storytelling and myths have a way of showing the deeper truth and beliefs that lie within a culture.

We begin to see the darker angels gather and pour their judgments on all of us -- the true believers see what is happening and those that dwindle in belief will soon be delivered as experiences such as these will find their way into everyday truth.