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Don’t you find it at all interesting that these days that people can no longer accurately judge character. This seems to be a borderline- example of a lack of object constancy—where a person has a difficult time averaging out another person’s behavior and only looks at the last thing they did to assess them. 

This is all probably due to the indoctrination we are all experiencing now, and have been experiencing for years.

I also think we have been inundated with movies for decades that show people acting out of character in surprising unexpected ways. For example, the really nice guy next door who ends up being a serial killer.

The neighbors say, "Oh he was always smiling" or "He was always friendly to me."

It all evolves into "How was it that this guy had an arsenal of guns and bombs and his dead mother in the basement?"

I actually had an experience similar to this. Liam and I went to the apartment complex office to sign some papers renewing our lease. 

I had a few questions I needed to ask -- and I brought up that I heard that our next door neighbors were squatters. The office manager said -- oh it is worse than that.

I said how worse?

She told me that yes there were squatters in the next door apartment -- and there were people coming and going there. The reason they had access to the apartment is because the tenant had died.

His friend or someone he knew decided to inherit the dead guys possessions -- and unbeknownst to the management the dead man was propped up in bed, or in front of TV with an oxygen tank making it look like he was alive.

The dead man was in the apartment for four weeks without anyone knowing he was dead -- he was very sick and so it was assumed that he was sleeping.

When the police arrived they found the dead man -- and stolen car parts.. what was creepy is that there are many times where I walked past the apartment seeing this old beaded man asleep in front of the TV not knowing he was dead. 

You never think that weird things can happen like this near you -- but as you see the world around you -- there are many things that don't make sense -- and what is most uncomfortable is insanity such as this is indicative of a society that is spinning into the abyss. 

It is like a fish rotting from the top down -- just like what we are seeing in our cultlike political world. 

It is becoming more apparent to me that the elite and the political leaders they are deifying seem to be so bold as to challenge God and in some cases make insinuations that perhaps they are the anointed one to be the captains of our futures.

They are turning everything from gender affirmation care, to abortion and climate change into health crises. They are also hinting that there is yet another pandemic on the horizon -- that we also see is being used as a weapon in order to keep people in fear for their lives.. It is as if they are the controllers of these unseen and existential threats.

They are deceivers and lawless ones who bend laws and situations to their advantage.

The axiom that says whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad applies in these times of whose side are you on.

The saying literally means "Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first deprives of reason,"

Think long and hard about what that means.

It is hard to ignore the parallels between this ancient wisdom and the modern madness that rages unchecked across the globe.

This phrase was used in Sophocles' play Antigone: "Evil appears as good in the minds of those whom god leads to destruction." In the oft quoted Plato's republic it is read: "A god implants the guilty cause in men / When he would utterly destroy a house." Interestingly, this idea is found in the New Testament, in 2nd Thessalonians, as follows:

The coming of the lawless one is apparent in the working of Satan, who uses all power, signs, lying wonders, and every kind of wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion, leading them to believe what is false, so that all who have not believed the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness will be condemned.

A call to action on behalf of science cleverly hides the wrath of God and people fall to their knees wishing to be delivered -- but in most cases the corrupt and kill themselves.

We’ve been here before. In the Middle Ages, pious peasants were kept in line by priests who told them God was watching their every move. 

When a plague appeared, it was interpreted as divine punishment, the wrath of God visited upon a sinful population. Those who wished to stand out as especially devout whipped themselves in public, or wore painful garments called “hair shirts” – in both cases with the aim of ‘mortifying the flesh,’ literally ‘putting to death’ their sinful natures.

It’s no coincidence that self-flagellation reached its height of popularity during the Black Plague. It was assumed by its practitioners that if they underwent penance by inflicting pain on themselves, they would be spared the God-given pain of the plague. Those who publicly refused to participate in the religious rituals of the day were called out as infidels, heretics, witches or other servants of the devil. They might be chased out of town; many were tortured and even killed, often in shockingly gruesome ways, as the centuries progressed and the Inquisition rose to power. The pious were regularly told their misfortunes were due to the presence of a satanic influence among them, with complex problems declared to be solved by simply casting out the offending presence.

While western society may tell itself it has left those Dark Ages far behind, the lure of simplistic explanations is as potent as ever.

I wonder is something primitive triggers a deep routed fear in God -- even in those who do not believe have an urge or will to live and even though they have freed themselves from superstition and myth you cannot erase the unconscious waiting for the end -- or what it would mean to not exist. 

Now that the Olympic games ceremony is in our rear view mirror, the blasphemous trolling continues -- not just from the internet but form the games themselves. 

I am sure you have seen in the headlines the latest controversy that has plagued the games in France.

A boxer deemed a 'biological male' -- who identifies as a female was put into the boxing ring with Italy's Angela Carini. 

The fight between her and her Algerian opponent Imane Khelif took just 46 seconds, with the Carini throwing her helmet onto the floor as the clash was abandoned, yelling: 'This is unjust.'

Carini refused the handshake and fell to the canvas sobbing having received just two punches from Khelif - who had been banned from a major boxing contest before the Olympics.

Khelif was thrown out of last year's world championships after failing testosterone tests carried out to establish gender qualification. 

After the match was stopped, the referee raised Khelif's hand in the air. But a visibly furious Carini yanked her own hand away from the fight official and walked off.

She then plunged to her knees and burst into tears as she said she had never felt such strong blows in a contest before. 

We argued last night about the Nostradamus warning of the games of slaughter and the so called shaking of the earth this October that in his words will make one think the gravity of the earth has lost its natural movement and that it is to be plunged into the abyss of perpetual darkness.

From the Olympic ceremony to this example of having biological males identifying ad females -- beating up a biological female opponent, we have many people who go to twitter X and cry out that "God will not be Mocked."

They are calling out for the wrath of God and testing the waters for what is called the dusting off of the feet.

Shaking the dust from your feet is literally a curse where the wrath of God is invoked to strike a city that rejects the word of God.

In the New Testament it is clear that those who rejected the disciples and the ways of God that it would be wise to wipe the dust from their feet -- as it stated in the book of Mathew that It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city.

Pretty clear that the Wrath of God can be seen if he is mocked openly -- and many Christians believe that this may be the case.

However, do modern Christians still believe in the wrath of god? Do they truly believe that if God is offended he can show is vengeance toward the offender?

Though cursing is found throughout the scriptures, it is unclear what exactly cursing entails or what is involved in bringing a curse about.

However, many will observe that God is already cursing the earth as we are seeing strange and violent things happening daily -- it is happening a lot more than usual -- or we are becoming more aware of the wrath of God.

On July 23rd, there was a hydrothermal explosion at Biscuit Basin in Yellowstone. The explosion, which sent steam and debris to a height of hundreds of feet above the ground, destroyed a nearby boardwalk and ejected grapefruit-sized rocks tens to hundreds of feet from the source. Some blocks closest to the explosion site are about 3 feet wide and weigh hundreds of pounds

The dark color of the explosion was a result of mud and debris mixed with steam and boiling water. Although visitors were present at the time of the event, no injuries were reported.

A video of the event went viral and many netizens were commenting on this could be connected somehow to the Yellowstone caldera -- that if it were to explode the whole eastern seaboard would suffocate in ash and debris.

The Yellowstone caldera erupting is just one of many future disasters that have been speculated to be the start of an extinction-level event. 

Luckily the explosion was an isolated event --and scientists say may have created a new geyser in the region. 

Meanwhile Scurry County in West Texas was hit by a 5.1-magnitude quake on Friday, which was felt as far north as Oklahoma, followed by a 4.5-magnitude the next day.

The epicenter in Hermleigh has now experienced 62 seismic events since July 23rd-- the same day as the Yellowstone explosion.

Days before the seismic activity Donald Trump got shot and that shook people up for a few days, but that didn’t last for long. Then there was a soft coup in the Democratic Party, and that got people fired up for a little bit, but that quickly faded. 

Just after the political circus lifted The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey found that 41% of likely U.S. Voters believe the United States is likely to experience a second civil war sometime in the next five years, including 16% who consider such a scenario Very Likely. Forty-nine percent (49%) don’t think another civil war is likely in the next five years, including 20% who say it’s Not At All Likely. Another 10% are not sure.

We would not be alone as Armed conflicts are raging all over the globe. The war in Ukraine continues to intensify, China has been threatening Taiwan, and the war in the Middle East could potentially escalate to an apocalyptic level now that the government of Iran has issued a Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM) closing certain air space in their country for "military Action / Emergency" which may mean missile launches.

All this trouble, triggered by the Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of HAMAS, is made all the worse because the killing took place 750 meters from the residence of the President of Iran.

The Head of the National Security Council in Iran just publicly stated: "Israel will be attacked from several fronts." 

Iran’s FM has notified Qatar and Saudi Arabia that a military operation against Israel is imminent, cautioning them not to allow their airspace to be used against Iran.

Now, all of these things are happening quickly --as we have been told that in the times of fulfillment, the devil's time is short and so the war where he kindles the wrath of God is supposed to be common in these violent and uncertain times.

As I have pointed out things happen is cycles and it appears that we are in a cycle where the dead will begin to outnumber the living.

The people and the elite both seek a paradigm that downplays cyclical catastrophes, but they do it for different reasons. The people want to relieve the enormous stress of a certain but unpredictable major catastrophe, while the elite want to remain in power. The compromise that serves both objectives is the illusion of an elite that can protect the people from any disaster. 

This illusion can take various forms: rituals to appease the gods, revision of history displaying a uniformitarian, uneventful evolution of humanity, and lots and lots of propaganda.

Yes, there needs to be spin and gaslighting in these times as the media tries to spit-shine an ineffective leader and in the process does a great job of gaslighting all of us into thinking that this is what we need.

But given the chaotic nature of what is happening, we may have to see just how competent Kamala Harris is -- when she will quite possibly have to take over full duties -- if Biden is as sick as they claim he is.

Confronted on many occasions in the past by the prospect of world-end, national elites have often found themselves having to suppress public panic - only to discover, too late, that the usual means of control commonly fail. 

Thus an institutionalized science is expected to withhold knowledge of the threat; a self-regulated press is expected to make light of any disaster; while an institutionalized religion is expected to oppose predestination and to secure such general belief in a fundamentally benevolent deity as can be mustered.

There are differences in detail and in scale, but the dynamics of a world gone mad, incredible cruelty running rampant, and global temperature fluctuations are the same as we see before us now. 

The media itself wishes to frighten you by using new terminologies to hot home the idea that the climate is out of control. Wildfires that are not contained are being called MEGAFIRES! 

It is a wildfire that burns more than 100,000 acres of land.

We are being told that we are living in times of extremes -- is this all puffed up hyperbole -- or is this what is meant by the wrath of God?

The lies of the elite in power work well during the periods of calm, however, history shows that when famines, earthquakes and plagues have struck and taken a heavy toll, when volcanoes erupt or comets blaze across the sky or meteor storms and weather anomalies increase, the illusion collapses.

How does one hide what can be seen just outside your window? The simple thing woudl be to ignore it -- or move on to another story -- mush like what they have done with the attempted assassination of former President Trump.

Every day the negligence that was demonstrated by the secret service is shoved into a memory hole -- which is dangerous as this may be just a test run for a decapitation event -- we had an assassination attempt and a coup -- and no one will admit to it .

No one is willing to parallel prophecy because they would have to admit that something is not right in the world and that once the bridge is broken, once the last straw is pulled. it is no longer in the control of the elite nor any political leader that promises you deliverance.

When anyone mentions these uncomfortable facts, they are silenced by ridicule and defamation, and even death.

The biggest casualty in this psychological and physical war is truth --and famine is not only a problem with getting the right kind of food-- it is also a problem with getting the right kind of information.

Historically, when a people begin to perceive atmospheric, geological, and climatic disruption and all the ills that these bring on a society, including, eventually, famine, plague and pestilence, they individually and collectively look to their leaders to fix things.

These leaders will tell you that they can slay various dragons -- but the really can't --so they hire their top scientists and propagandists to smooth the panic --and make the notion of apocalyptic failures as opportunities to deceive and to control.

This madness is not new. History is replete with examples of civilizations that have succumbed to their own insanity before meeting their end. The Roman Empire, once a beacon of progress and culture, fell into decadence and chaos before it crumbled. 

Looking back at the history we notice how much like the Roman Empire our present civilization actually is.

The only difference seems to be that we have harnessed sources of power that the Romans did not have, which enables our civilization to aspire to globalization. But in almost every other way, we are exactly like them. It is only science that has made us bigger and worse, so to say. And, as the saying goes, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. That fall may be the extinction of the human race.

Even Paul in the bible speaks of how mankind loses its collective mind before we witness the wrath of God. This makes us wonder if all of what we are seeing is self-perpetuating and that anything at all that is seen as a perversion indicates unwise decisions that lead to our downfall.

He says : They became futile in their thinking, and their senseless minds were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools.

He goes on to say that before Gid wrath is seen mankind will give themselves up to a debased mind and to things that should not be done. They were filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, covetousness, malice. Full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, craftiness, they are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, rebellious toward parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless.

Oh and there is more -- but we can't give away any spoilers as insanity grows so does mankind’s Deathwish.

The Olympics again are being seen as a poor example of what we are becoming -- what ever it is it can be said that it is turning Americans into gold medalists in cognitive dissonance.