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As we begin to see government unravel in the wake of surprising outcomes during an already volatile election year, patterns in History again emerge worthy of discussion.

In every way, there is always a bigger agenda underway, and this was something that was brought up at the Bigfoot and Beyond conference that I attended over the weekend.

Again I look at the headlines and it appears that the old boy government deep state is giving us a taste of something that appears to be taken directly from the turbulent 70's.

In the wake of Vietnam, the Pentagon Papers, and Watergate, there was a more sinister and conspiratorial edge that the country was teetering on.

There were conspiracy theories far more complex being talked about. There were still murmurings about who shot Kennedy, and the conspiracy of the UFO -- the unanswered questions about the Roswell incident of 1947. 

Jesse Marcell an eyewitness to the Roswell debris had come forward and raised questions as to what exactly happened out in the middle of the hot New Mexico desert.

However, there was a darker side to the story -- one that perhaps no one would have even imagined.

This darker trend began most notably with the publication of Leonard Stringfield’s Situation Red: The UFO Siege, a book that alleged that the country was in the midst of a wave of increasingly violent UFO encounters, incidents that had led to physical injuries and abductions—and that a US government cover-up was not only alive and well, but far bigger, deeper, and more nefarious than anything the enthusiasts of the ’50s and ’60s had ever imagined. 

“For too long, the general public has been misled by official denials claiming that a real UFO—a ‘nut and bolt’ alien craft—does not exist,” Stringfield wrote. Not only, he claimed, did such crafts exist, but the US government possessed some of them.

Stop me if this all sounds familiar. It all feels as though we are reliving it all again -- Now, David Grucsh has made the claims in the midst of what can only be seen as a government in upheaval.

We are undoubtedly in the middle of a mirroring effect where we see the government's lies being revealed and the whistleblowers coming forward to make the same claims Springfield made in 1977.

At a 1978 UFO conference, Stringfield presented a paper called “Retrievals of the Third Kind,” alleging that the military had aliens and alien craft in their custody. Altogether, by his count, there had been 19 such cases, and nearly two dozen witnesses had already filled him in on the government’s darkest secret. In a stunning twist, he also alleged that a special Air Force unit, known as the Blue Berets, was solely dedicated to UFO retrieval and security duty.

Stringfield was responsible for restoring credibility to the notion that saucers from space had crashed and, along with the bodies of their crews—and maybe even a survivor or two—had been scooped up and secreted away by the US government.

The theory laid the groundwork in many ways for blockbuster reporting in 1980 by Stanton Freidman, Charles Berlitz, and William Moore that the US government had long covered up the truth about that 1947 crash in Roswell. 

While Roswell is now part of the UFO nativity in our cultural zeitgeist --the New Mexico event had been almost entirely forgotten when Berlitz and Moore published The Roswell Incident in 1980.

Friedman and Moore cited witness testimony from a long-dead civil engineer named Grant “Barney” Barnett, who had recounted stumbling upon the crashed disc in the desert, surrounded by archeology students from an unnamed eastern university who had chanced upon the wreckage. Together, they had examined the pilot's bodies—hairless, with round heads and small, oddly-spaced eyes.

It was then that Roswell caught the public's imagination anew as it grew into the ultimate deep-state conspiracy. In the years ahead, the story grew until it encompassed multiple alien spacecraft on multiple crash sites scattered around Roswell as well as the recovery of multiple bodies.

As the years passed, the truth was glossed over by endless mythological tales, disinformation, and historical timelines that weren't kept up to synchronicity.

The Military seized the opportunity to attempt to debunk all of the story on the 50th anniversary of the crash. 

The government announced that yes, there had been a cover-up at Roswell—just not the one that the UFO conspiracists wanted to believe.

The Airforce officially released their findings in a book called "Roswell Report: Case Closed." It was sold at bookstores and I read most of the report as I was flying into Roswell in 1997.

The information was put together by Captain James McAndrew which was I believe the second time the Air Force had issued a debunking notice there was also a little-known report called "The Roswell Report: Fact V.S. Fiction in the New Mexico Desert."

I wondered why it was necessary to issue yet another paper to follow up on an earlier thrashing from 1994. There was certainly something the government wanted or had to cover up - even if it had nothing to do with aliens -- the cloak-and-dagger aspects of the Cold War were all over the incident.

Now here we are many years later, with the revelation that UFO investigations, have not been closed, in fact, the military continues to look into UFO sightings, especially if they are tired of national security issues.

I would say that these issues have been on the minds of many Presidents of the United States since Truman, who would be open about the talks he would have with his cabinet and the military about the origins of the flying saucers.

Eisenhower also knew what was going to happen with his knowledge of this exotic craft -- that there would be a complete overreach by the government to use the Military Industrial complex to make new weapons to not only fight our enemies but to mount an attack against any space civilization that wished to make war with the earth.

It was reported that Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens. He allegedly met the extra terrestrials at a remote air base in New Mexico in 1954.

'The former five-star general in the United States Army who commanded the Allied Forces in Europe during the Second World War, was also keen on pushing the U.S. space program.

His meeting is said to have taken place while officials were told that he was on vacation in Palm Springs, California, in February 1954. He cut his vacation short and virtually disappeared from his handlers. The official narrative for the day in question was Eisenhower visited a dentist because he chipped his porcelain cap on a chicken wing at dinner.

The dentist’s story falls apart upon close inspection. Washington Post Staff Writer, Peter Carlson, denies the story of the chipped tooth and calls it a cover-up.

The Eisenhower Presidential Library has detailed reports of all of Eisenhower’s medical and dental records. There is no reference to a broken or chipped tooth or dentist visit related to the Palm Springs visit. The Library also has copies of acknowledgments that were sent to everyone Eisenhower had contact with while in Palm Springs. 

There were records of people who met the airplane, people who sent flowers, the minister who gave the sermon at the Sunday service he attended, and others who played minor roles. But there is no proof of a note sent to a dentist. Years later, the dentist’s widow said she had no recollection of ever being told by her husband that he had done dental work on the President.

William Cooper the author of "Behold a Pale Horse ," who was on the Naval Intelligence briefing team and had access to classified documents. His Review Of Those Documents revealed that ETs had had contact with Earth. They had warned that the Earth was “on a path of self-destruction” and they wanted to meet to help effectuate a long-lasting peace.

The initial meeting was supposed to have taken place with aliens who were 'Nordic' in appearance.

The first meeting with the aliens and President Eisenhower occurred at Edwards AFB in February 1954. Navy Commander Charles L. Suggs reported that his father had attended the meeting between Ike and the ETS. Eisenhower met with two Nordic-appearing, blue-eyed ETs. A third one stood near the door as a lookout.

The discussions were polite. Eisenhower wanted to effectuate a treaty with the aliens but was unwilling to agree to their demand that we cease testing nuclear weapons. The aliens left with no treaty in place but returned the next year to Holloman AFB in New Mexico, not too far from the famous Roswell alien aircraft crash site, for a subsequent meeting with Eisenhower.

There is a corroborating story to the ET meeting with Ike at Edwards AFB. The accuracy of the story is difficult to confirm. A man named Gerald Light wrote a letter in April 1954 claiming to have been an eyewitness to the Edwards AFB meeting between Eisenhower and ETs. Light provided details such as watching Air Force officials studying five aircraft with the permission of their alien owners!

Some question the credibility of Light’s report since he was known to have a love of the occult and claimed to be clairvoyant, but others like Meade Layne, the former director of Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, confirm and believe Light did know first-hand what occurred.

It was just after this meeting that ground was broken for a secret facility in Nevada called Area 51. It was at that facility where rumors of a secret space program being developed and that extraterrestrial technology was being reverse-engineered to not only create stealth war machines, but to introduce things like microwave technology to the world.

In the darker edge of conspiracy theory, it is believed that Eisenhower allowed the aliens to experiment on random individuals with the assistance of the military in exchange for technology.

Many will claim that the alien abduction phenomenon was a result of this deal.

As you may have already realized UFOs don't make history. People make UFOs part of their intricate and complex history. 

We can look at the whole complicated history of UFOs and connect them to the choices made and not made that inform how things got framed the way they are now. 

From the description of the Chariot of Fire in the Bible to the Tic Tac maneuvers of today, we see the extent to which that's reflective of something that represents the reality on the ground versus the image we have of it.

Ancient they saw a chariot-- now we see a bright luminous triangle or disc--and sometimes things that don't even fit the typical sighting.

Back then the lords of the air needed blood sacrifices, today they swoop down on unsuspecting cows--and show up late at night in the bedrooms of terrified people holding scalpels and probes to get what they need from human DNA.

We are told that If these UAPs or UFOs are real they’re secret technology of the United States or, back then, it was the godless Soviet Union. Even further back, we were told of Foo Fighters, ghost machines and Nazi saucers.

We are then told that they're from another planet. But now there are lots of other theories that start to come out of the woodwork pretty quickly. These go from that they are ultra-terrestrials from some other kind of space-time continuum or dimension, they are perhaps synthetic A.I., or that that they're a variation on ghosts, or demonic emissaries to arguments about these are beings that live inside the Earth or live underwater. 

The conversation broadens and it appears that what we are experiencing is confirmation -- and unbelievably some people will not be satisfied until the government validates all of this.

But in many ways they already have and yet people are not satisfied with what the information provides.

It has to be said that every scientist is not going to come up with the same conclusion about what we are dealing with -- it is like every religion has a different concept of God. 

Many interpretations -- many images, many pantheons.

We are at a point in this discussion of asking whether or not this a spiritual or religious issue, a scientific issue, or is it a military issue.

Perhaps it is all three -- but it all can be boiled down to a matter of faith -- evidence is in the eye of the beholder.

Religions can either take or leave the issue for what they see and what they feel,

But somehow it doesn’t matter. The same science buffs will be just as excited by the next faint hope. Something in us just does not accept being alone.

It has all gone from being fictional nonsense to a serious scientific endeavor.

Our opinions are influenced by the inheritance of dominating perspectives, which are continually sustained by the books we read, the TV shows we watch, and the movies we see.

It stands to reason that the most popular movies at the Box office are about aliens and life elsewhere in the universe. Books often reflect the culture, and books about space and aliens are very popular along with comic books that play to the younger crowds.

This to me indicates a spirit of confirmation about what we think about all of the cover-ups and lies-- we are readily awaiting the great reveal -- but we also hope that when it is revealed the magic will continue. Always remember there is a lot of magic involved with the novelty aspects of the UFO topic.

Once things are figured out they probably won't be as intriguing. 

At least the afterglow always tends to wear off. It could evolve into yet another religious spiritual event.

We are left only to sort the data and develop our own vague and divisive answers, which dwell in the dreamscape and play a huge role in our assessment of many things-- always remember dreams and the subconscious tends to guide our conscious minds.

We can provide new and viable solutions to the mysteries that confound us when we realize that technology alone is insufficient in measuring the hierarchy of human advancement. To see a new perspective we need to recognize and acknowledge the subtle but infinite power within us.

Search your feelings about such matters-- can it be that we are part of this -- because our heritage is well rooted in what comes from space?

Do we see ourselves after death going back to the heavens where we were created? Ask yourself, why does it have to be heaven? Why is it that from the beginning we worship Gods who come from the sky -- can we look beyond renaissance pictures of Gods and perhaps think of Egyptian imagery or perhaps Hindu gods with blue skin?

It makes you wonder why we have the beliefs we have. Why the story continues to be told – the chain of unbroken and new events and confessions that have us realize that we are not alone and that it certainly is hard to even imagine the number of people both here and out in space that try to thrive in a hostile environment.