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We are most definitely living is some mighty confusing times where lies are constantly being used as tools of psychological warfare.

How do you persuade a populace to embrace totalitarianism, that goose-stepping form of tyranny in which the government has all of the power and “we the people” have none?

You persuade the people that the menace they face (imaginary or not) is so sinister, so overwhelming, so fearsome that the only way to surmount the danger is by empowering the government to take all necessary steps to quash it, even if that means allowing government jackboots to trample all over the Constitution.

Even if it means a sham illusion of choice when it comes to elections –and the people who bend over backward to tell you not to question the outcomes – because the media has agreed to police language and silence anyone who speaks about their doubts.

This is how you use the politics of fear to persuade a freedom-endowed people to shackle themselves to a dictatorship.

It works the same way every time.

Having allowed our fears to be codified and our actions criminalized, we now find ourselves in a strange new world where just about everything we do seems to be out of our control -- and things that you believe are being shown to be lies. 

And as Grace Slick sings "And all the joy within you dies." 

Strangely enough, in the face of outright corruption and incompetency on the part of our elected officials, Americans in general remain relatively gullible, eager to be persuaded that the government headed up by their particular brand of political savior can solve the problems that plague us.

We have relinquished control over the most intimate aspects of our lives to government officials who, while they may occupy seats of authority, are neither wiser, smarter, more in tune with our needs, more knowledgeable about our problems, nor more aware of what is really in our best interests.

Yet having bought into the false notion that the government does indeed know what’s best for us and can ensure not only our safety but our happiness and will take care of us from cradle to grave—that is, from daycare centers to nursing homes—we have in actuality allowed ourselves to be bridled and turned into slaves at the bidding of a government that cares little for our freedoms or our happiness.

I was listening to mainstream talk radio again -- and of course, the big topic is the upcoming debate with Former President Trump and the Incumbent , President Biden.

The consensus of most pf the talk show hosts is that Trump will be going into a hostile environment as CNN will be hosting he event.

Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will be hosting.

Jake Tapper who once called Trump a latter-day Hitler and Dana Bash have sat in on many discussions with Tapper calling him a Neo-Nazi sympathizer-- and I know where all of this rhetoric comes from.

It comes from words that Trump made after the Charlottesville demonstration. It is the infamous "There were good people on Both sides" quote that for many years has been used against him and even Joe Biden said that this is what motivated him to run for President -- because it was such a shock to hear a president make such a statement --- when one side of the protest group were devout neo-Nazis.

Biden launched his 2020 campaign based on this lie.

"The president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it," Biden claimed in his campaign announcement video. "And in that moment, I knew the threat to this nation was unlike any I’d ever seen in my lifetime."

Once that statement about the "good people on both sides" was spread around -- various right-wing groups were stating that Trump was taken out of context --but fact-checkers were at the ready to suppress the debate and even Snopes said that the President said those words -- again raising questions about Trump and racist leanings.

Now after 7 years of this smear on his Character Snopes has now changed its mind and now says that yes, the president was taken out of context and that he did condemn the neo nazis.. The mainstream news cut off that part and for years it has been the main example of Character assassination.

Snopes has now changed the narrative about President Donald Trump calling neo-Nazis 'very fine people' during his press conference following the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" rally in 2017.

Snopes recently ran the headline:

"No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People."

According to the infamous fact checker website:

"In a news conference after the rally protesting the planned removal of a Confederate statue, Trump did say there were "very fine people on both sides," referring to the protesters and the counter-protesters. He said in the same statement he wasn't talking about neo-Nazis and white nationalists, who he said should be "condemned totally."

It has to be pointed out that this outright lie has been believed by the left for a while now and even Chuck Schumer continues to perpetuate the lie to the point that it is now seen as gospel by the left -- reported as fact by CNN and continues to be a meme that further pushes the idea of a head of state being aligned with Nazism.

This same news organization again will be hosting the debate between Trump and Biden -- this will be a dumpster fire in the making as obviously, CNN does not deliver the truth and they continue to perpetuate activism in their news room -- which most journalists know that they should report with a modicum of objectivity.

They quickly wish to point out what they call Cheap fakes -- namely videos that show Joe Biden walking into walls and not knowing where he is --hoping to somehow change the minds of people regarding the vote -- and of course CNN stretches the truth to point of snapping it like a rubber band.

This is some really masterful gaslighting -- creating a bit of reverse psychosis -- just try and point out to a screaming liberal where they took trump out of context and they will call it a cheap fake -- because they have been lied to by a media whose bias is obvious.

Words have frequency, the media knows this and so they are capable of bending the story to their desire -- it is not just what they say -- it was what they leave out that is important to look into.

They repeat these things over and over again until they perpetuate what is called the Big Lie.

Joseph Goebbels chief propagandist for the Nazis said this about the Big Lie:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

The question is what should be done about this --are we to continue to tolerate a media outlet that replaces news with activist pap -- that lies and propaganda are passed off as news?

We always knew but what you know now -- I guess means nothing especially when a lie has been so marketed as fact.

The Snopes fact check now aligns with years of arguments from Trump’s camp, who long stated, backed by transcript and video, that his comments were taken out of context.

The left-leaning fact-checker notes that the false claim about Trump’s comments “spread like wildfire” on the left.

Snopes’ ruling removes key ammunition from Biden’s arsenal just days before he and Trump are scheduled to meet in their first debate this week.

is Biden going to apologize? I highly doubt it -- he has a lot of explaining to do as he has used this lie as a cornerstone to his campaign.

Is it possible that this is an indication of reverse engineering history -- for the sake of saving face? Will this matter really?

We need to somehow do a chronological reversal of our consensus narrative to understand when and where we ignored the signposts in time and made decisions that have put us in this position.

It is like we are all in this sort of Donnie Darko matrix where a tangent universe has been created out of trauma. We feel as though we are on a journey with no set course and no planned destination, the time lines are mismatched the world is experiencing Déjà vu where what was past is present and what is future has to be corrected by what is called a living receiver.

It is like retracing your steps, so that you can understand how you ended up in the place you are in now. You have to tell the story in the reverse of the linear grain.

Even if our history or narrative is reviewed or reversed we are still experiencing it in the way we would any other kind of chronological narrative.

How many times have we said to ourselves “If I only would have done this.. or If I had a chance to do it all over again I would have done that—well this is perhaps what we all need to do if we feel that we have spun out of the primary timeline.

What decision did we make that affected the entire consensus? How can we somehow understand what motivated us unconsciously toward a break in the primary chronological plan?

We’re also left uncertain about how to feel now, because for some reason we have forgotten the context of why we feel the way we do.

We need to search ourselves and wonder what really motivates our opinions --and whether or not we form them because they are comfortable-- convenience and comfort shape our attitudes and we respond accordingly.

Even the concern over ‘fake news’, has been bent and shaped in to broader, swirling paranoia of malevolent Russians waging war on our apparently pristine politics and media. 

The scary part is that the left isn’t even aware of how tiring this is becoming.

How the evil Russians want to take over the world -- and yet with all of the new attacks on Russia -- they are still using restraint -- and I think that time has passed -- we are all a little concerned about the end -- and how a nuclear bomb may be used to stop all of this chaos.

The test in in the words -- at the moment -- the actions of course speak louder.

What can we do to stop the looping of the same mistakes and problems that have been plaguing us for millennia?

Basically none of us know what is going to happen but we are in a more dangerous, chaotic and unpredictable timeline than any other which makes us again question why we are where we are -- knowing what we know --now.

t seems to be a common consensus among vigilant apocalypse watchers that most likely we will end up in a world similar to the world of Mad Max, or 1984, or something even worse.

Maybe a Brave New World sort of existence is more likely with a bit of 1984 fascism. Maybe that first, and Mad Max later—that’s possible. 

So, what does seem likely for the next ten years or so? As is so often mentioned, the agenda loves to do things slowly. They have been executing this “slow boil” for quite some time now.

Masny who listen to Ground Zero are i profoundly aware that we are headed in a very dangerous direction. More pandemics (that are not really pandemics), CBDCs, Digital IDs, Social Credit Scores, UBIs, Smart Cities, and body chips, are only a few of the monsters lurking under our collective beds

So, what does all this mean? Well, many of those monsters may be there just to scare the bejesus out of us and are never intended to actually grab our dangling arm and pull us under .

The monsters that will indeed reveal themselves in all their horrible gore will wreak havoc for us who are aware but will be sanitized and reverse engineered for the sheep.

One of the most successful psyops has been to convince people that there is never anything to fear from the agenda-- that the science should be followed -- and that the ministry of truth will not lead you astray with lies.

It has become easier and easier to convince the sheep-type that there is no stick behind the carrot. This “no stick” mentality has been one of the most successful of the psyops and frighteningly so.

The end result of such a brainwash is having people begging for the stick, with no need for a carrot at all --and of course you beg for the stick and later find out that the stick is used to beat you until you comply.

Will the sheep ever notice, and thus join us and do something about it? I seriously doubt it. Maybe more will wake up and come over to our side of the fence as things come to a boil. But most will just go along.

All because there are some very good people on both sides that believe the lies that they have been told.