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Transcript for 6/21/24: THE DAY THE MOON STOOD STILL W/ DR. SKY

There have been a lot of UFO stories in the news lately, and some really interesting photos that are being taken that are not blurry. The problem though is that UFOs are something you look at and don't translate well to radio. You need a TV to show off some of these interesting photos. 

The stories of course are interesting as well. I really enjoyed our moment with the UAP-PD --and how police officers and first responders are often the ones that have to answer to various UFO reports and they also see them and have to report them without being ridiculed by the public.

But we have to also use some discernment with everything we see in the sky -- the reason is that the cosmos is changing and we are about to see some interesting anomalies that if we are not careful will be mistaken as UFOs.

The natural processes of heaven and earth are about to become what can only be described as biblical in scope.

Back in February 2016, astronomers spread the news that the star system T Coronae Borealis had entered a "phase of unprecedented high activity." Eight years later, that solar activity could result in a nova event large enough to be visible from Earth by the naked eye.

The imminent celestial show is thanks to an expected white dwarf eruption that will increase its brightness ten thousandfold. NASA scientists and astronomers are waiting patiently to see it and they say it will be as dramatic if not more breathtaking than the eclipse or the aurora borealis.

The nova can be seen with the naked eye for upward of a week after it happens. For that period, it'll seem like a new star has appeared in the sky. According to NASA, the explosion could happen anytime, day or night, between now and September, although scientists say it may take longer. 

Well here we go again -- when I hear this stuff my biblical paranoia takes over -- we have already seen the sun darken and we have seen the moon turn to blood many times and we all know what that means -- that is if you believe the bible.

But when we read that stars will fall out of the sky or that the sun and moon will come to a standstill -- are we to believe it to be literal?

I mean I can say it is raining cats and dogs -- but It shouldn't be taken literally. 

Or-- is it exactly as it has been written?

The world is about to find out -- because we are seeing a new heaven and a new earth being formed for the future. 

It seems that we are living in times where looking up into the sky tells us that we are about to see a new paradigm unfold. It is remarkable how things like eclipses of the sun, sun activity, blood moons and other anomalies make us feel vulnerable to what can be seen as biblical fulfillment.

While many people of faith will shun astrology, it is ironic that the signs and wonders we often talk about in prophecy deal with the movements of the stars --and the phases of the moon.

The old axiom of as above so below applies to our existence in these days -- the heavens are active and chaotic and so is the planet as we await the possibility of an apocalyptic war and how point by point --we see our future becoming a familiar story that has been told for thousands of years.

But as the chaos ensues, the planet is sending a message as well.

A new study confirms that Earth's inner core has been rotating more slowly than usual since 2010. This mysterious "backtracking" could also end up slightly altering the planet's overall rotation, lengthening our days.

Scientists are now revealing that it has been spinning unusually slowly for the past 14 years. 

In a new study, published June 12 in the journal Nature, researchers found that since 2010, the inner core has been slowing down and is now rotating a bit more slowly than our planet's outer layers.

Even though this will lengthen our days -- we will not notice unless you are sensitive to earth's rotation, Any potential change would be on the order of thousandths of a second.

But again we have to wonder, that if the earth is synchronized wouldn't a small amount of deviation cause some major fluctuations in the time line?

Have we truly moved from one dimension into another and is this why our recall of simple history being lost as the past, present and future are now being transformed?

Are we actually seeing the results of unstable particle physics -- a possible unstable Higgs Boson-- discovered in 2012?

Many science fiction stories have dealt with the subject of the earth's core -- slowing down or even coming to a full stop. 

Out of pure coincidence the film "The Core" was on cable last night and I noticed that the movie is over 20 years old.

In the movie, the Earth's core stopped spinning, disrupting the planet's magnetic field. There's global chaos as birds fall from the sky, and there are strange lightning storms. earthquakes and other mayhem.

So they call upon a team of scientists and military officials to travel to the center of Earth to fix it — and restart the rotation of Earth! 

They are appropriately called Teranauts.

The movie asserts that a ripple effect of stopping the core and messing with the planet's magnetic fields is the planet being subjected to harmful microwave radiation.

Now the film, 20 years ago was considered ridiculous because at the time the thought of any scientist manipulating the magnetic field of the earth for reasons unknown was considered a conspiracy theory.

Geoengineering was just a rumor, it was the subject of late-night talk shows, warning us of things like the HAARP project, and the quark cannons firing at CERN. 

Now 20 years later the ridiculous science portrayed in a b-grade science fiction film is now being discussed in science journals.

We are now only hearing about half of the experiments aimed at altering the weather, tinkering with the planet's ecosystem, and dimming the sun.

Even after a botched geoengineering experiment aimed at Dimming the Sun philanthropists are still willing to donate money towards the cause.

The rich donors to the geoengineering projects say it’s worth pushing through the public skepticism surrounding efforts to determine how to best deploy the last-ditch global warming fix — if at all.

The funders’ comments came after two high-profile experiments were shut down following public backlash, pointing to the challenges of conducting controversial research that could result in weather disruptions or other unintended consequences. The latest experiment was derailed earlier this month when local officials in Alameda, California, rejected a request by Washington researchers to restart a test to brighten clouds from the deck of a decommissioned aircraft carrier in San Francisco Bay.

Again we need to remind people that this is not a conspiracy theory, but a well-funded conspiracy to tamper with Mother Nature because, of the ludicrous notion that they can lower the temperature of the planet.

The planet has its own plans for us -- and I really do not think that it is time to play God and as you can already surmise -- these botched experiments appear to have had a role in creating some very active and force-multiplied storm systems.

But I am sure you can ask any scientist that is on the Climate payroll and they will tell you that the effects of these botched experiments are remote.

Now, we are dealing with severe heat and late June snowstorms in Idaho and Montana. 

It is the summer solstice and the weather is being extreme on command -- wildfires are starting on command, and now the earth's core is slowing down --and can anyone come up with an idea on how such a dynamic machine is slowing down?

Could it be the magnetic playground in Geneva where we split particles and for what reason?

The volcanic activity recently has shown that something is certainly causing perturbance below the earth.

Mount St. Helens’ last big eruption was on May 18, 1980, and since February 1, 2024, approximately 350 earthquakes have been recorded at the volcano by the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network. The largest quake recently felt at the volcano, which is located about 50 miles northeast of where I live was a magnitude 2.0 on May 31, 2024. 

There are concerns that the earthquakes could lead to another massive explosion reminiscent of the 1980s eruption that left 57 people dead and permanently altered the area’s ecosystem. The 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens was the most destructive volcanic eruption in the history of the United States.

According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), Mount St. Helens is a volcano that most likely will erupt again in our lifetime. I am hoping it will not be as devastating as the last time -- but I know that breathing became harder, when the sky was filled with volcanic ash -- ash that blanketed the ground like snow.

The increase in earthquakes at Mount St. Helens is part of the process of “recharging,” the USGS said. Well, that was what happened the last time it blew. So while it may happen again, I think we will not see the huge blast like last time -- there isn't much of the Northside of the mountain anyway.

We all have to admit that we so live on a violent planet and in reality we have been very lucky to have avoided an extinction-level event for all these millennia -- but is our luck running out?

Especially when we have the elite that calls themselves philanthropists botching all of their experiments -- how many more have they screwed up in their process of mad science?

Well, we can argue, that much of the unneeded tragedy is all part of their doing -- in the meantime, they punish us by saying that it is our abuses and neglect that have brought this on.

Toying with Mother Nature has never been a solution for anything --and the way the universe calls out to us should be heeded -- because there is something to this ancient paranoia -- but we feel we are too sophisticated to fall for such superstition.

Last night as I was driving home I noticed how beautiful the full moon was -- it was bright and it did not look like it was moving much. I was curious as to why -- and then I found a science website that said that we are now in an 18.6-year cycle where the moon rises and sets at its most extreme points on the horizon, while also climbing to its highest and lowest point in the sky.

They call it a Lunar Standstill.

This is possible because the moon doesn't follow the same path as the sun. Its rising and setting positions on the horizon change constantly due to the movements of the Earth and the moon. 

This explains why the moon can sometimes rise and set at points on the horizon farther north and south than the sun can.

The last time this happened was in 2006.

The last time this happened Mount St. Helens it started erupting again. It had not done so for 18 years. The eruption produced a new lava dome and lava spines that covered the crater floor with about 125 million cubic yards of lava. The lava flowed into the crater at a rate of a dump truck load per second. 

This is some amazing synchronicity.

The Moon plays a very small role in increasing seismicity and volcanic activity on Earth - potentially increasing activity -- but scientists say that it is very small... but cycles seem to show that the synchronization of the moon, the sun and the earth is the result of some sort of superior influence -- or intelligent design that has always been part of the great secrets to the universe.

The fact that mankind is messing with that synchronicity, gives me the feeling that men and women in high places are playing God every day and interfere with natural cycles that happen all the time.

I wonder, sometimes, if the average American stops, looks at the chaos in the world, and wonders how we got here. I wonder if any American has the desire to look up and notice that the moon is at a standstill -- or that the sun is belching geomagnetic storms that could possibly wipe out the power grid?

Man’s self-awareness is the progenitor of his alienation, fear, egocentrism, and anxiety; therefore, the unexamined life is worth living for the human herds, because it gives them a sense of false security and pseudo-belonging. Fear is the ulcer of the masses that cripples their psyche and vanquishes their freedom.

Have you noticed how fear rules and motivates the masses to support horrible and destructive things? They count on you not to explore and examine, why strange things are happening in the world -- why the unbelievable tends to weave its way into our fabric of reality.

Biblically speaking, fear was always used by the clergies to ensure that people would obey the rules that were allegedly bestowed by God upon humanity to avoid burning in hell. 

These rules were actually written by men to control the masses and to perpetuate the power of the religious leaders. As a result, telling the truth and challenging the establishment will only lead to ridicule-- the biggest enemy of the controllers is questioning their actions and motives -- and to not be afraid of what is coming because there have been many indicators provided by a higher power to alert you and to know that things are changing and that man is well on its way to another war, more disasters and disasters brought about by negligence. 

Unfortunately, fear is the driving force and the main psychological component of terror. Fear incapacitates people and renders them impotent. Fear is conducive to regressive behaviors by responsible adults, where people become dependent on an illusory parent figure like the government or a corporation, for example, to protect them from the evildoers. So they become willing to relinquish their most intimate and sacred rights to feel safe. 

I think that the fear is working overtime when people have faith that the elite have a magic pill , to somehow change the damage they have done to the planet through their geoengineering -- and the wars that ravage the environment.

The reality behind our fears has been set out by our own corporate media which has been the main culprit in spreading it like a disease. Our media has terrorized our hearts and minds for years through their subliminal violent programming, and sensational coverage of their own version of the distorted truth.

Sensationalism and misinformation are the essence of the modern media! Angry talk shows are the dish of the day, where the host abuses, yells, belittles, and terrorizes his guests to ensure that their opinions are not heard, and only the host’s scripted ideas emerge as the winners, so his or her master’s agenda is served.

The media has been spreading terror for years in the hearts of the American public, to force them to watch their trivial programming. Just as in Orwell’s Oceania , the airwaves are bombarded with 24-hour news channels that would resort to any twisted strategy to keep their distorted coverage going. 

Anymore we see that everything has its political parlance -- even the weather can't be small talk anymore-- it takes center stage as all of the violent spiles of the earth are used as a campaign to sell you on Global warming.

It is obvious that it is manufactured terror, and it seems to be a convenient notion, to sell summer heat as a killing machine. It is almost as if they report it as unnatural.

Well, it is unbearable, but many before us have lived through worse -- the infantilization of the public is giving an excuse for the helicopter parent government to swoop in and be the saviors of the world.

Well, we see what they do, and it is to the detriment of everyone who is starving and on the verge of poverty. The powers that be are nudging their way to an end-of-the-world scenario -- so that they can look like saviors when all of the dust settles on a new earth.