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Have you ever felt that you are genuinely experiencing something beyond your comprehension and you just can’t nail down exactly what you are experiencing? You tell yourself that perhaps you are losing your mind until you find someone else who shares that same paranormal experience.

Our thoughts and conjectures about life and the universe are often based on assumptions, unproven theories, hearsay, rumors, and misinformation. Decisions we make in life may be based on ancient attitudes and archaic practices. Mythologies, astrology, and prophecy both biblical and non-biblical shape the way we see the world.

Some of us hear voices that prompt us to avoid accidents or guide us when we are in a conundrum.

Beyond the voices are the visions of precognitive and retro-cognitive dreams. In the ether of the subconscious, we replay all of the experiences we have had, and at other moments we have dreams that are precognitive and sometimes warn us of great danger.

Those visions that leap from the ether into our dimensional reality are apparitions, discarnate spirits, or telepathic or telekinetic impressions.

I am sure that someone you know or perhaps you have had an experience you can’t quite describe accurately as it is so bizarre it defies explanation.

The proof seems to be convincing the experts that there is something peculiar going on here on planet Earth. 

A new paper by researchers at Harvard and Montana Technological University speculates that aliens and UFO or UAP phenomena could be here on Earth --some of them may have bases underground. They also claim that these entities could be on the moon or even walking among humans.

The paper posits the possibility of “crypto terrestrials” as an explanation for unidentified and unexplainable observations made worldwide each year.

Here are the theories proposed in the paper:

A “remnant form” of ancient civilization remains on Earth

An intelligent species evolved separately from humans and now stays hidden

Crypto terrestrials traveled from another period or planet

The unidentified creatures are of supernatural origin, likened to “earthbound angels”

The paper also suggests the idea of crypto terrestrials living in or under sighting hotspots such as lakes and volcanoes.

The researchers propose the influx of sightings in similar areas is due to entry/exit points for hidden societies deep in the Earth. Other possibilities for crypto terrestrial settlements lie nearby, like on the moon.

College papers such as these are popping up everywhere, as many scientists are opening their minds to the possibility that non-human intelligence exists and that from time to time shows up whether it is a UFO sighting -- or some other manifestation.

I am sure that many of these scientists are only scratching the surface of the enigma and many of them have not had an experience with a UFO/UAP or the so-called crypto terrestrials that they claim exist.

However the data is being gathered, you may be surprised as to where it is being retrieved. We all know that military intelligence has had a hold on top secret files for some time, and the government is requiring that all agencies surrender what they know. 

But local law enforcement and first responders have plenty of files of when they were called because of a Bigfoot sighting or of course, the recent family UFO alien sighting that happened in Las Vegas last year.

A Vegas family called the police after aliens supposedly crashed in their backyard. Family members were recorded saying they saw an "eight-foot person" with "big eyes" that is "not human." Police body camera footage also showed something falling from the sky.

According to sources close to the investigation, law enforcement -- did not or has not treated this story as a hoax.

Crime scene recreation experts and reporters believe this is ‘end-all evidence ... that we are not alone.

Video experts also agree that they did see an entity in near the high fence on the property.

Further on last year, there was also a huge police presence at a Miami mall --where witnesses say that 9-to-10 foot tall reptilian aliens came through a portal in the mall which terrified patrons.

The conspiracy theories claimed that the incident was being covered up and that the media decided to run a story about a street gang that showed up and started to set off fireworks.

It was so bizarre how this story traveled so fast on the internet and how people were so sure of the alien events. Were people seeing giant reptilian aliens again, too outrageous to be believed? 

It was like the TV show Stranger Things where an invasion of demons come through a portal from the upside down.

The story about reptilian beings that are walking among us has been a story that has been buried under all sorts of other immediate conspiracies and it is one that people still wonder about.

It is the idea that there are alien beings among us that can shapeshift and appear to be human.

I have been reading some very interesting accounts of cryptids and alien encounters that are not specifically typical -- meaning that sometimes there are unexpected behaviors of people, as a result of the encounters they have.

The most interesting cases are found in police files. We all tend to take for granted that UFO cases and other such anomalous activities are mostly experienced by the military but take a look at Police files and you see that the reports of bizarre paranormal activity -- leave you wondering if we live in a demon-haunted world. 

The classic case is The Lonnie Zamora incident. It was an alleged UFO sighting that occurred on April 24, 1964, near Socorro, New Mexico when Socorro police officer Lonnie Zamora claimed he saw two people beside a shiny object that later rose into the air accompanied by a roaring blue and orange flame. Zamora's claims were subject to attention from news media, UFO investigators and UFO organizations, and the U.S. Air Force's Project Blue Book listed the case as "unknown". Skeptics claim that what Zamora saw was a prototype lunar lander test by White Sands Missile Range.

However, the year was 1964 and the first lunar lander test flight was 1968. 

Nice try. 

On a late August night in 1979, Deputy Sheriff Val Johnson was on patrol in rural Marshall County, Minnesota. The closest town was 10 miles away and the night was still, the fields around him quiet and empty. Suddenly, Johnson saw a bright light streak across the darkness above. He grabbed hold of the wheel of his patrol car and hung a left on State Highway 220. 

Perhaps the light was a pilot in distress? Either way, Johnson kept racing toward whatever it was. But then the light shifted and began to head in his direction, right at him in fact. It grew brighter and brighter, until he heard glass shatter –– the light had entered his patrol car. Everything turned to black, and Johnson lost consciousness. What happened next has remained a mystery for the last 43 years. 

He later told local reporter Jillian Rice of the Channel 5 Eyewitness News team, “I traveled about a mile, and the light seemed to intercept me, so to speak, came right up on me. It was painful. The light was extremely brilliant and painful. And I closed my eyes, and I heard the sound of breaking glass. That’s the last I remember.”

For the skeptics at home, Rice ran down all the questions and suspicions they might be entertaining. “Johnson was unconscious for 40 minutes before he radioed for help and was taken to the hospital,” she explained. “A doctor — and later an eye specialist — confirmed that Johnson had suffered mild welder or flash burns to his eyes.”

But this wasn’t the only curious physical evidence of the event. “Even stranger, both Johnson’s wristwatch and the electric clock in his patrol car had mysteriously stopped for 14 minutes,” she reported. Moreover, Rice added, “At the scene of the accident, skid marks show Deputy Johnson coasted for 800 feet after impact before applying the brakes,” noting that the area around the crash site had been searched, but nothing was found. Police considered the notion of a small airplane, but Johnson specifically remembered not hearing any engine noise. Plus, nothing could explain how the two spring-mounted antennas on the patrol car became bent at near-perfect 90-degree angles.

If it wasn’t another car, or a small plane, or a person on a bicycle with a bright headlight, what did Johnson hit? And what could account for the missing 14 minutes on his watch and patrol car clock? 

On January 5, 2000, at approximately 4:29 am Police Officer Craig Stevens heard on his radio that the Highland Police Department had a report of a large object flying in the air. Several Police agencies were called in to investigate a huge Bright light that eventually came closer and was reportedly a three-story Flying Triangle.

Whatever was spotted that early morning in January 2000 over Millstadt / Highland, this much is true: It was mysterious enough to capture the imaginations of Metro East residents and police officers.

Officers say that whatever it was it was huge.

The chilling account was recorded by dispatchers as officers chased the huge triangle all the way to St, Louis. 

Another case -- that has been documented about the St, Helens Oregon encounter in 1981, 

It was misty and very cold in the early morning hours of March 17, 1981, as Sergeant Russell Yokum of the Saint Helens, Oregon Police Department patrolled Highway 30 west of the Columbia River. Saint Helens is a small town about 20 miles northwest of Portland.

At 4:03 a.m., Yokum’s attention was drawn to a bright light that was moving up the river, easterly, toward the Portland Airport 20 miles away. Aircraft pass over that area regularly on their way to the airport. But this light was extraordinarily bright, lighting up the river like daylight. Yokum was immediately convinced that the light was not from an aircraft. He radioed headquarters and drove on to Saint Helen's to look at the light from the county courthouse on the banks of the Columbia River, which afforded a clear view.

Other law enforcement officers, Ricky Cade and Tom McCartney of the Oregon State Police, and a few citizens met Yokum at the county courthouse.

By this time, Yokum was in radio contact with Donald Askins, who had the CB handle “Lucky 13.” Askins, who was located in a house across the river Ridgefield Washington, southeast of Saint Helens, had picked up the police radio traffic. He said that he had also seen the light, and was seeing it now. The light was stationary over the river turning the whole area into daylight.

There was initial confusion as the officers in Saint Helens described the light to Askins. They claimed it was bobbing up and down. Askins insisted that the light he saw was stationary. Later, it was proved that the light the officers saw during the first moments of the sighting from the courthouse was an industrial light on Sauvie Island across the river.

The fog was creating a bobbing effect.

Finally, understanding their confusion, the officers turned and looked to the south. There they saw the light that Askins was watching!

It was low and standing out starkly over the river where there were few, and only then, faint lights.

Askins had heard the light emitting an eerie, extremely loud sound, and the officers set up a portable tape recorder 18 inches from their police radio to record their conversation and the sound, should it recur.

Askins volunteered to dangle his CB microphone out of the window of the rented house he was in so that he could transmit the sound to the officers. The police drove to a nearby high bluff that gave them an excellent view.

Yokum and Cade said the light was spherical, showing no structure. Cade said it was orange-red in color; Yokum, light orange. The round light had hovered 80 to 100 feet above the river, reflecting light off the water. The estimated size of the light was 30 feet in diameter.

With the reflection of low-lying fog and the water of the Columbia River, it looked as if the Sun was rising at 4:29 in the morning.

The officers had commented that it was too early for the sun to be coming up. The Light was bright enough to cut through the fog and the sound it produced was something not heard on this earth from any machine. The officers described the noise as similar to a power plant’s turbine engines whining.

Other police reports from the road become more chilling the more you dig deep into the unknown files.

The US government is receiving dozens of reports of unidentified anomalous phenomena, each month, according to the director of the office established to investigate the incidents, with the potential for “hundreds, if not thousands” more reports expected shortly.