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If you can avoid the political tabloid stories of the week, you will see that something is happening that I am sure most people would attribute to divinely inspired Catastrophism.

Connecting the dots in what feels like a controlled apocalypse can certainly be daunting, however, circumstances are destined to be read in a way that appears to be a prophetic fulfillment and then again it can all be an illusion and verbose approximations that really have no congruent meaning or meaningful parallels.

It can be said that many doomsday prophecies are not tangible and that most of the time prophecy is made and events happen in the present or in the past that many people suspect are fulfillments while others argue for their validity or approximation.

You can choose to believe that the pandemics, earthquakes, mass psychosis and violent storms are random acts of God -- or you may want to step back a bit and wonder just how advanced the mad scientists are in tinkering with Mother Nature.

What I am saying, seems to be going far beyond the geoengineering criminality.

The United Nations has called out those who wish to weaponize what they call "environmental modification techniques.”

They refer to any technique for changing – through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes – the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere, or of outer space.

Furthermore, The UN States that: 

“Environmental warfare is defined as the intentional modification or manipulation of the natural ecology, such as climate and weather, earth systems such as the ionosphere, magnetosphere, tectonic plate system, and/or the triggering of seismic events (earthquakes) to cause intentional physical, economic, and psycho-social, and physical destruction to an intended target geophysical or population location, as part of the strategic or tactical war.”

In the Airforce document AF 2025 Owning the Weather Final Report

“Weather modification offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary… Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog, and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of military technologies.”

Weather control projects like "Operation Popeye" were used in Vietnam to extend the monsoon season. 

Project Storm Fury was an attempt to weaken tropical cyclones by flying aircraft into them and seeding them with silver iodide.

From cloud seeding that accidentally flooded Dubai, to the Stratospheric Aerosol Injections that are being used to turn the skies a milky white. There are new experiments are meant to brighten cloud cover and dim the sun.

It has been proposed since the 1980s that these so-called SAI or Chemical trails have some effect on the weather, from warming to cooling and with the help of electromagnetic charging we can create a force-multiplied cumulonimbus anvil head cloud that sustains its power through an unstable occluded front. 

Powerful storm fronts that form in the Pacific and travel west, can lose their power as they break up over the Rocky Mountains-- but when a cold air mass and a warm air mass collide over the plains -- we hear reports of severe Thunderstorms and in some cases Tornadoes.

In the last week, weather authorities across the U.S. have reported over 100 tornadoes tearing through central and southern regions, leading to significant destruction of homes and infrastructure from Oklahoma to Nebraska and Iowa. A particularly severe tornado struck Oklahoma in the middle of the night, resulting in the deaths of at least four individuals and injuries to over 300 due to severe thunderstorms and high winds.

This supercell front moving through the region may seem normal to residents in the area -- the tornadic activity is in no way normal at all. 

It is not about the amount of Tornadoes which of course is high-- but the power of the storms and how they are behaving should make you think long and hard about geoengineering and how storms seem to be triggered by remote control.

A few days ago The Storm Prediction Center issued an extremely rare historic high-risk alert for numerous large, life-threatening, long-track, and extremely violent tornadoes in parts of Oklahoma, including Moore and Oklahoma City, and extending into parts of Kansas.

They also issued a warning about hazardous conditions, large hail up to grapefruit size or larger, and strong damaging winds reaching up to 80-90mph.

There have been dangerous super cell storms that have spawned Tornadoes in the past -- but this time something bizarre took place --

Hours after a tornado was documented in Tillman County, Oklahoma, on April 30, meteorologists and weather enthusiasts were enthralled by a severe thunderstorm in the same county because several rare meteorological phenomena, including double tornadoes, a tornado track that looped back on itself and an "anti-cyclonic" tornado, were documented. 

Because the storm occurred after dark, photos and videos are few and far between, but it left its evidence on the radar.

The radar shows the Tillman storm appeared to have two tornadoes at the same time. Having two tornadoes in the same storm, especially as one is dying and another is forming, is not rare, as supercell thunderstorms cycle their energy; in fact, two concurrent tornadoes in one storm have been documented via video on occasion, such as the twin tornadoes at Pilger, Nebraska, of June 16, 2014.

The first tornado from the Tillman storm also appeared to have looped over on its own track, which is rare -- this means that the Tornado backed up looped around and then moved forward to continue its track.

The second tornado spawned by the Tillman storm spun the wrong way, exhibiting clockwise or "anti-cyclonic" movement.

Nearly all Tornadoes spin in a cyclonic counterclockwise manner. 

The radar showed winds toward the radar on the south side of the storm, with winds away from the radar on the north side, meaning that the tornado was spinning clockwise. The two tornadoes from the Tillman storm may have even experienced the Fujiwhara effect, spinning around each other.

The Fujiwhara effect is usually observed when two hurricanes spinning in the same direction pass close enough to each other, that they begin an intense dance around their common center.

One example of this was between hurricanes Hilary and Irwin in the East Pacific in 2017. The two merged together and then they just faded out.

The Tillman thunderstorm also appeared to have a complete cyclonic structure as high as 18,000 feet, which is rarely seen in radar data. Typically, tornadoes twist below the storm's base, which is also rotating but far beneath the top of the storm.

Tornadoes are rated on the Fujita scale based on a post-storm estimate of damage, and tornadoes in rural areas can be underestimated because there are no structures to indicate damage. Very little damage was done by these rural storms. The NWS said, "This first tornado produced EF1 damage, although it was likely much stronger." The second anti-cyclonic tornado was also rated EF1.

Again EF1 while sounding miniscule, is rated on the duration, wind speed, and damage. This clockwise Tornado was sighted and recorded in a rural area.

It used to be that talking about the weather, was just something you did to strike up a conversation. It was considered small talk. 

But now it is a much heavier subject -- and top of the mind. It is also interesting to note that rarities in weather and seismic activity are happening and while many will say it is the result of Climate Change -- I have never seen Mother Nature create Tornadoes that seem to run by remote control.

It is also unbelievably weird that the Weather Channel is now naming winter storms and heat waves. This is all propaganda to get people to give more of a serious view of how storms have intensified so much that they need scary names.

But the big one I noticed yesterday was the term called TORN CON. Short for Tornado conditions. TORNCONS are given numbers -- and the recent storms were ranked as TORNCON 9. 

It is like DEFCON which is the defense readiness condition number.

I had never heard of a TORNCON number or even the terminology until someone pointed out to me that it was another scareword created by the Weather Channel.

TORNCON scale goes from Zero to 10.

It was developed by Dr. Greg Forbes, a meteorologist and severe weather expert at The Weather Channel who retired in 2018, as an index that helped estimate the risk of tornadoes in a particular area. It is not an official weather term that the National Weather Service or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration uses.

It sure sounds scary -- and many people on social media were spreading the word of TORNCON 9 to describe the tornado danger in the region.

It appears that The Weather Channel and the National Weather Service are now creating psy-op programming to scare people about future storms.

This adds to the fears of a destructive climate crisis.

The Saffir-Simpson scale is used by the US National Hurricane Center for hurricanes forming in the central and eastern North Pacific and North Atlantic basins. Different scales are used in the Australian, North Indian, Southwest Indian, and Western North Pacific basins. Importantly, every scale in use is open-ended, meaning their final category is based on winds greater than a certain threshold – but with no upper limit.

The Climate cartel has convinced the National Weather Service that they should create a category 6 number for Hurricanes that they are claiming will be more violent during the coming season.

It seems that every year we hear that the Hurricane season that is coming will be the worst ever. 

2024 is no exception.

Colorado State University (CSU) hurricane researchers have called that there will be 23 named storms this year in the Atlantic Ocean. Eleven of these storms will become hurricanes and 5 that could be a category 3 or higher.

CSU has never projected this many storms before in its history of hurricane predictions. If correct, then all possible names that could be issued this year will be used by the National Hurricane Center (NHC). This could lead to the backup names being used on a supplemental list of tropical cyclone names which has not occurred since 2020.

The names that could be used this year will be:

Alberto, Beryl, Chris, Debby, Ernesto, Francine, Helene, Isaac, Joyce, Kirk, Leslie, Milton, Nadine, Oscar, Patty, Rafael, Sara, Tony, Valerie, William.

Now doesn't that sound scary?

I think that is the point -- Between TORNCON and HURRICON -- I think we are all being conned. 

These storms seem to be conveniently planned and are somehow controlled --through some advanced geoengineering scheme.

I think the performance of the recent Tornadoes is evident. We saw what happened in Dubai-- more evidence of perhaps a geoengineering scheme that overdelivered.

Tornadoes require two main parts. The first is energy, which comes as warm, moist, unstable air from the Gulf of Mexico. The second is wind shear.

Wind shear causes the warm, rising air inside a supercell to start rotating, a necessary condition for organizing the storm and allowing it to spawn funnel clouds.

Climate Change models say that eventually wind shear will go away although climate change is allegedly increasing the energy in the atmosphere, it's also expected to reduce wind shear which should reduce the intensity of Tornadoes. 

That's because the jet stream is powered ultimately by the temperature difference between Earth's hot tropics and its cold poles--so we are to see a weakening of these types of storms.

It is not happening. 

So what is going on? Trapping heat through chemtrails and electromagnetic modifying creates a huge load of atmospheric energy.

Climate change -- or Global warming should suppress tornado outbreaks not intensify them.

The last several days in Oklahoma, both the wind shear and the energy have been incredibly large.

This doesn't make sense -- at least if you believe the Mainstream media and their constant connections made to climate change and Tornadoes.

Tornadoes are tricky, and scientists are still studying how much electromagnetic energy they put out.

I am sure Climate scientists will find a way out of this problem with regard to connecting the dots to these recent Tornadoes.

I only hope that we are waking up to the massive scam that promotes global warming/climate change as a "doomsday scenario."

But now it is becoming evident that somehow these storms are being weaponized.

Climate Change/Global Warming is the scare tool being used to completely capsize the world economy, destroy agriculture, and act as a supposed critical ‘health hazard’ to the global population.

Covid, Climate and Health Care are now all weaponized by the elite Big Finance cult that pulls the strings of puppet political chiefs, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and all operatives that toe the line of the top-down status quo.

The World Health Organization has the audacity to claim that it is in a position to also rule on climate issues. So its ‘Pandemic Treaty’, if approved by The World Health Assembly this May 2024, looks like being the basis for placing both climate change and world health under its United Nations/World Economic Foundation-backed despotic mantle.

Let us be in no doubt that the depopulation agenda is at the forefront of these maneuvers.

They are not only pulling out all the stops with their attempts at scaring us with Bird flu -- now it is the dreaded Tornadoes.

These absurd but well-established narratives pervade everything and thus, the elite prey on the ignorant, and the timing could not be any more obvious.

There is a totally different agenda behind the Climate Crisis. But in a world of lies and deceit, the people are not supposed to know the truth. the people have a hard time believing the truth.

It all appears to be so clear that the media is right and that the Science needs to be heeded. But do we continue to support scientism when it can be shown that it is flawed and that it is being used to create the New World Order -- where depopulation is part of their sustainable goal agenda?

It’s the idea of a new world with a single government – and a few transnational corporations that control the world and humanity.

But it’s all done under the umbrella of protecting Mother Earth and our climate.

However they need a vast majority of people to go along with it --and the only way they can do it is through fear and hacking of the planet --after all their other goal is to hack you like a computer program.

The frustrating thing is that people are not conscious of how they are being manipulated to support the agenda.

Globalists want conformity regarding climate change and will go to extreme lengths to marginalize, censor, and discredit dissenters. They talk a good game about enforcing universal freedom of expression, but on climate and other issues vital to their agenda, free speech is not tolerated. Though they readily acknowledge that controlling information may lead to greater levels of authoritarianism, surveillance, censorship, and the erosion of human rights, it seems they are willing to overlook these offenses to protect their precious climate agenda.

If they can successfully shut down debate about climate change, then soon any topic that threatens their aims will be off limits. The UN deems itself a protector of human rights but plays a major role in the media censorship complex. Its attempts at crushing opposition to the climate narrative betray their mission and reveal authoritarian tendencies.

As if governments, corporations, and organizations weren’t enough, universities such as Columbia, Harvard, Oxford, and the University of Southern California also perpetuate the climate propaganda by training journalists in their institutions.

By treating climate change as a national security threat, the U.S. Department of Defense and intelligence agencies have also been enlisted in the fight against misinformation- and disinformation.

In addition, individuals within both the left and right wings of the two-party paradigm collude to curtail free speech. It is a grave mistake to believe that calls for censorship from either side of the political spectrum are beneficial. They are both integral to perpetuating the media-censorship complex.

Just speculating about weaponized weather or climate puts you in a position of dissent and if the motions pass for a world security dragnet you can expect to be lied to and force-fed information that is there to frighten you into compliance.

Much of what qualifies as climate research is funded by institutions that have already bought into the doomsday mantra of impending man-made disasters. The industry is rigged to favor researchers who set out to prove “official” claims. Funding and publication are often withheld from those who do not toe this line. As a result, statistics are skewed to make it seem like there is a universal consensus.

Geoengineering the planet to get the desired catastrophe is working – people need to consider that this is why we are seeing spikes and anomalies in our current weather.