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In the digital age where AI seems to be able to conjure several faces of people that do not exist or have never existed, we wonder where the inspiration comes from. It is hard to decide what to call these visions , are they ghosts or digital apparitions-- are they tulpas, will they eventually materialize in some way in the real world or are we becoming so used to simulation?

Do we see the subliminal nature of what is happening around us? As L.A. Marzulli suggested we live in times where it is becoming more difficult to discern the real from the artificial. 

This sets a dangerous precedent for the future where digital hallucinations can be seen and advanced Pareidolia makes everything look like a demonic Rorschach test.

Take for example the Royal painting that was unveiled of King Charles III. It was shown yesterday and the people on the internet, social platforms and the like are being polarized over the fact that the painting gives off an eerie vibe. 

The striking red depiction of the British monarch in uniform and the opinion of the masses is that e the portrait is ‘satanic’ and ‘disturbing’.

The painting is 7.5 feet by 5.4 feet oil on canvas and was painted by Jonathan Yeo, who previously depicted Charles's wife, Camilla, in 2014 and his father, Prince Philip, in 2008.

He is seen wearing his ceremonial red uniform of the Welsh Guards against a red background. The portrait also shows a red butterfly hovering over his shoulder. According to the artist, the tiny insect symbolizes King Charles III's initiatives related to environmental protection.

The painting looks as if Charles is bathed in blood, and many have compared it to Dracula.

Several social media users disparaged the dominance of red color in the portrait as it made the art piece look more “hideous" and “satanic". Many even pointed out discrepancies in the painting.

Others commented that King Charles looked as if he was burning in hell.

Some have commented that the color red is associated with Satan, the monarch butterfly symbolizes the monarch's programs of mind control, and the black eyes in a dream symbolize a demonic entity.

The butterfly has many interpretations, while some associate it with the Monarch mind control program. It can also be a representation of the soul leaving the body, or a great metamorphosis is about to happen to King Charles.

He will die but he will be eternal.

Butterflies are a common symbol of death in many cultures and religions, and are often seen as a representation of the soul leaving the body. This symbolism is thought to have originated in Ancient Greece, where the word for butterfly is psyche, which is thought to represent the soul of the dead. In northern Europe, seeing a white butterfly flying at night was considered a warning of death, and some believed that the soul-butterfly's ability to leave the body during sleep accounts for dreams. 

In ancient Mexican cultures like the Aztecs and the Purepecha, butterflies were strongly connected to the afterlife. The Purepecha envisioned the soul taking the form of a butterfly when leaving the body. Aztec mythology tells that the first people lived as butterflies in a paradise world before the creation of the earth.

In premodern Japan, butterflies were seen as the souls of the living and the dead. Is the Butterfly in the King's painting an omen or a symbolic precognition of his passing?

Charles requested that the butterfly be included in the painting.

The fact that the artist puts King Charles in a red environment also puts people ill at ease. They claim that he appears to bathing in blood-- or that he is the devil incarnate. 

It is pretty common for satanic figures to be associated with red.

It has to do with vibration, with frequency. Red is the lowest frequency and it has long wavelengths in the visible spectrum.

This also applies to supernatural laws and forces. When an entity is of a lower frequency, our red energy center and our first kosas/sheath will be the first system to perceive such lower vibration because it has more resonance with it.

These lower-frequency entities also feed our lowest vibrational energies, such as anger and fear. That's why these type of emotions are also associated with red, because they reside in our root center.

But there is more to this painting and that is the artist has added subliminal images in the background of the painting.

Some claim that there is an all-seeing eye in the painting -- others see a woman screaming - many say it is Princess Diana.

But the most creepy of all is that when you take the picture and make a transverse copy and set it near the original you see what appears to be a demon.

I took the painting and did the experiment and then I created a negative. I put them side by side and what I saw was the image of Baphomet, the devil. There is no doubt that it is there.

It makes for some impressive, demonic paradoliea.

The idea is whether or not this is an intentional scheme to get people to find the hidden subliminal but it is there -- and just adds more controversy over whether or not King Charles III is the antichrist.

Back in 2002, Charles was the subject of a life-size bronze sculpture where the artist gave him wings. The Statue was called "Prince Charles Saves the World." It was yet another moment where people saw the sculpture as a winged demon with a passive resemblance to Charles.

The sculpture, shows him with bulging muscles, pinned-back ears, and only a loin cloth to protect his modesty. The wings look leathery like that of a demon.

The question is why so many see King Charles as a demonic figure. What does that say about him? What does it say about the artists that depict him-- so they also see him as some dark and mysterious leader?

Is this being done on Purpose?

We remember that when Michelangelo painted The Last Judgement he put the pope's master of ceremonies head on the Character of Minos -- a Demon --Minos became the King of Hell after his death.

He would send young men to die at the hands of the Minotaur. 

Jonathan Yeo the artist who Painted King Charles in the latest mural worked on a Project with MARINA ABRAMOVIC a few months ago.

The project was called "Seeing Red."

Marina Abramovic sent e-mails to John Podesta who inviting him to be part of her occult soiree.

In a leaked email between John Podesta, and his brother Tony Podesta, an invitation from Abramović is forwarded. It reads: “I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining?”

The act of spirit cooking involves Abramović using blood, semen, and other bodily fluids in what can be called Cakes of Light or cookies that serve as a Eucharist of sorts. 

It is a way of connecting with the spiritual world, to cook up thoughts. In a video, she is featured writing various statements with blood, such as “With a sharp knife cut deeply into your middle finger eat the pain”.

“Spirit Cooking with Essential Aphrodisiac Recipes” was released by Ms. Abramovic in 1996, but the “ingredients” call for “fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk” to be consumed “on earthquake nights.”

New York’s Museum of Modern Art called it a “cookbook” for “evocative instructions for actions or thoughts.” Another recipe calls for “fresh morning urine” to bring about alertness and creative juices.

Abramović is simply put, a Satanic witch who casts spells with her bloody and erotic art.

She once posed with Jacob Rothchild in front of the Thomas Lawrence’s painting "Satan Summoning His Legions." The helmeted Satan in the painting has a similar feeling you get from looking at the new painting of King Charles the III.

Volodymyr Zelensky has asked Marina Abramović to be an ambassador for Ukraine.

Abramović, a fierce critic of Vladimir Putin’s illegal invasion, said the Ukrainian president had asked for her help in rebuilding schools. 

The 6 degrees of separation all seem to point to some incestuous coven of Satanists who are artists and express their darker selves through art and the blood bath behind King Charles sends an ominous signal as to who rules behind the scenes.

The ritualism of the Royals is the darkest of magic and dates back thousands of years. From weddings to coronations of Kings and queens there have been ancient rituals where it is decided that those who are part of the rituals become new beings,

or perhaps possessed by entities to help them in their rule. 

Even the Royal wedding of William and Katherine was ritualized in such a way that both became messianic subjects of the darker magic of the realm.

The idea that their wedding was somehow planned around the sacrificial pagan holy days of Walpurgis and Beltane was a turn-off to the royal romanticism. 

Many theologians talked about the so-called antichristian themes surrounding the wedding, including the sacrificial death cakes or spirit cakes they both ate , and the marriage that was held on what is known as the Cosmati Pavement which was set aside only for sacred kings.

Prince William is a living embodiment of the dying and reborn solar king of the ancient world. This is the primordial archetype of kingship, the “Lord of the Earth,” upon which all monarchs throughout history have modeled themselves. 

In our lives, we have been programmed to believe that there are certain things that we do not question. Social engineering has coerced us into respecting and edifying politics, religion, and science. 

It appears that any type of radicalism within these collectives brings us to a point of contention and eventually, there has to be a moment where someone who has the keys to power and a cult of personality creates a philosophy to unite politics, religion and science.

Perhaps the future will be that all three will be compartmentalized into a government that shines in the new age – one that will be worldwide. 

It seems that the credibility of both Politics and religion is more suspect now than ever before. Many wonder why there are people out there that attempt to reveal cover-ups, and Conspiracies. 

Those who look under the rocks are told they are paranoid.

Are people demanding that we keep the faith even when all the signs point to an

Apostasy of all things. It isn’t just religious; it is political, and spiritual. Keeping the faith about anything is tough because of the different faiths that are demanding your attention.

As mankind becomes more and more used to a “global consciousness” and the “dream” of world unity, as well as the ecumenical movement breaching doctrinal barriers for the sake of religious unity, it becomes entirely likely the coming Avatar, Beast, Anti-Christ or False Prophet will assume power in this way.

The world is already being primed for it. It also follows that in the event of a major worldwide crisis, such a person could rise with calm assurance and strong charismatic leadership to lead the world into the new age.

In his book “Antichrist and a Cup of Tea“, author Tim Cohen details the British Monarchy’s centuries-long conspiracy to create a New World Order through the world’s most powerful organization – the Order of the Garter. Founded in 1348, the Order’s membership is limited to the Prince of Wales, the Sovereign, who is the Queen, and no more than twenty-four Knighted Companion members at any one time. 

The Order is the absolute core leadership of the Priory of Sion, the Knights Templar, Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the Rosicrucian, and the powerful Committee of 300.

They are powerful entities behind the scenes with militant zeal that is there to protect the kingdom and has done so since the times of England being an extension of Roman influence.

We can trace the branches out and see that they bear the fruit of top-secret and overt organizations and mammoth financial bodies. From there we can also see that religious organizations, entertainment, and media companies, all answer to the Bank of England and the City of London that once again is identified by the symbol of the heraldic beast the Great and Terrible Dragon.

Naming all of those involved would be an impossible task and many of the names would not mean anything to anyone. Granted many of them are British, Jewish and American and many of them are part of some “special” bloodline. If you wish to know where the true conspiracy lays, it can all be found in the bed of British Imperialism.

The theories of the bloodline and the chosen ones are said to be in the British monarchy and that their divinity can be found through the kings of Scotland and Ireland, back to David, appointed King of Israel in the eleventh century B.C.

But the truth is that most genealogies of Charles can link his bloodline directly to none other than Vlad Tepes, the man they called the son of Dracul -- or the son of the Dragon -- Count Dracula.

At one time Charles proudly declared that part of his lineage goes back to the man they called Vlad the Impaler.

He is in fact, his great-grandson 16 times removed, through the consort of George V, and Queen Mary.

It’s also no secret that Prince Charles is very fond of Romania, especially of the Transylvania region. It was after his first visit to Transylvania in 1998 that he found out about his connection to Vlad the Impaler, a connection that he is apparently very proud of.

King Charles now owns several properties in the Romanian region. 

However, in Romania, all the historians laugh at this shocking aberration. 

There have been so many claims by the royals of having divine or even a mix of divine or profane bloodlines, which scores them as being overly concerned about bloodlines like witches and vampires.

It is believed that one who possesses both bloodlines is represented by the Templer Cross. It is a cross with two bars on it.

The Cross of Lorraine is a symbol according to Charles Peguy as the symbol of the Antichrist.

He wrote a poem that explains the meaning:

"The arms of Jesus are the Cross of Lorraine,

Both the blood in the artery and the blood in the vein,

Both the source of grace and the clear fountaine;

The arms of Satan are the Cross of Lorraine,

And the same artery and the same vein,

And the same blood and the troubled fountaine.”

Some occult scholars believe that the Cross of Lorriane represents the messianic promise of a great leader with both the blood of Christ and the blood of Satan flowing through him - the symbol of a Luciferian Antichrist.

The mingled bloodlines of Christ Jesus and the Minions of the Devil. The counterfeit man God or the Great 666.

It is also known as the Double Cross.

In the New Mural of King Charles and the pareidolia of the devil shows a double cross -- one is used as a phallus for the demon.

The double cross over the symbol of infinity is also used. The Leviathan Cross is sometimes referred to as the cross of Satan, or "Satan's Cross."

It is a symbol for the alchemical element Sulfur, (Brimstone) which is spiritually analogous to the human soul. Alchemically, sulfur has the qualities of masculine, hot and dry. Combined with Mercury feminine, cool and moist), the pair were considered the parents of all metals.

Alchemical drawings often portray Sulfur as the sun. (In some views, sulfur and salt are the parents of Mercury) The symbol of sulfur is often used as an identifying symbol by Satanists, due to sulfur’s historical association with the devil.

Sulfur is usually pale yellow when in its massive form, but can sometimes be red-- and it can be said that painting the King like Charles with a background of red -- puts him in a kingdom of brimstone, making him a soldier in the depths of hell.

Confucius once said that “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.”

To understand the world we live in, we must understand the symbols surrounding us. To understand these symbols, we must dig up their origin, which is often deeply hidden in occult mysteries.

It doesn’t make them good or bad – what matters is how we respond to them and how our subconscious responds to symbolism.