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Even though it may not be politically correct to say it -- many people are conspiracy theorists to some degree. Many people sometimes do not want to believe they are telekinetic. It is like second sight. We are told to open pathways to spiritual enlightenment and spark the fires of imagination from time to time.

It is time to understand that while we are brainwashed into believing that everything is political --we need not forget that behind it all is magic of all kinds. 

Whether it is sympathetic magic, or the deepest occult alchemy we have to understand that it may not be what you believe about the unknown mysteries of God that matters-- it is dealing with those who lead you that worship unseen and alien gods that you must be aware of.

They have sacred holidays too -- when I say They I mean those in power that allow for priestcraft to creep into their daily lives and practices.

For them power is too fragile to take for granted and so many resort to the worship or Luciferian philosophies and with those philosophies they can shape and mold the world.

They may even burn it down if they have to to build back better.

Isn't that what we have been told for the last four years?

Everything burns and from the ashes comes a very powerful message.

On February 25th, 2024 Aaron Bushnell an active-duty US Airman set himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. He live-streamed the act on Twitch. Speaking into a camera on a selfie-stick he said: 'My name is Aaron Bushnell, I am an active duty member of the burning off of his body. His final words were "The United States Air Force and I will no longer be complicit in genocide.' After ignition, he repeatedly yelled "Free Palestine" as his flesh was burning. He was taken to a hospital-- he later died.

On April 19th, 2024 Maxwell Azzarello self-immolated as well.

The 37-year-old man from St. Augustine Florida set fire to himself outside of the New York courthouse where jurors were being chosen for the New York State criminal trial of former U.S. President Donald Trump.

He flammable doused himself in a liquid before throwing conspiracy-theory pamphlets into the air. He then set himself ablaze. He survived moments afterward and later died from his injuries.

The media jumped all over the conspiracy theory angle, quite possibly looking for a way to blame someone like Alex Jomes or others. 

Azarello, however, did not fit the mold the media wanted to push. 

Azzarello was active on Instagram, posting a message saying "I love you" repeatedly shortly before he lit himself on fire. Posts on Azzarello's Instagram showed he brought stacks of pamphlets on his New York City trip, titled "NYU is a Mob Front," accusing the school of "Political Revenge Killings," "Criminal Propaganda," and other misdeeds. 

He had no love for Trump or Biden -- in fact, it appeared that he was more of an Anarcho communist than a right or left-wing proponent.

In his recount of world history, beginning at World War II, Azzarello claimed the United States government and CIA orchestrated the counterculture movement of the 1960s-70s, the Manson Family murders, punk and metal music, daytime talk shows, reality TV, the dot-com bubble, the Great Recession, and most of all, the creation and prominence of cryptocurrency and nonfungible tokens. 

In a separate manifesto published to his Substack, Azzarello justified lighting himself on fire.

“This extreme act of protest is to draw attention to an urgent and important discovery: We are victims of a totalitarian con, and our own government (along with many of their allies) is about to hit us with an apocalyptic fascist world coup,” he wrote. 

The media said that his pamphlets rambled on about unfounded conspiracy theories...in an effort to show what defiance leads to.

Conspiracies and conspiracy theories are not synonymous. However, you will hear from those who believe to have higher thinking – that not everything is a conspiracy or conspiracy theories are delusions—however they do not wish to acknowledge that organized plots and conspiracies have been created by secret societies, and groups that are off the radar participating in activities that are meant to conjure powers from divine and profane sources. 

Some cabals utilize occult rituals and rites of passage that remain unseen by the public at large. 

For example, April 19th, the day he set himself on fire was the day in 1775 that the American Revolution began. The Baltimore riot of April 19, 1861, was the first bloodshed of the American Civil War.

In 1906, there was the Great San Francisco Earthquake. 

April 19th is 28th Anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing. Another Burnt offering where many children were killed.

You can tell yourself that synchronicity is just a fluke -- maybe it is the art of the cosmic trickster-- but as we have learned April is the cruelest month --and as the days roll into the burning times, we see that people act accordingly -- they act in peculiar ways. 

A week after Azzarello's burning -- the Burning times commence. It is the night of Walpurgis, the bonfires of the spring that lead us to Beltane, high holy days of witches, pagans, and Satanists.

Through incremental ceremony and schemes, the powerful are able to hide from the public what their true agenda is and the rest is purely external propaganda that people are willing to accept as truth.

It is in the art of the lie. 

Hitler said in Mein Kampf that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.

It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.

There is an extensive propaganda effort, being conducted by the mainstream media, the government, and minions of the political parties, to bring about acceptance of a prefabricated consensus. 

We have now seen that the body politic has been groomed into participating and contributing to extremist views. Many people are not aware of how extreme they may think and how it is all part of the alchemical process in a well-directed and thought-out Luciferian play. 

Riotous behaviors have returned to our cities, mainly targeting college campuses -- the Purge is on through Walpurgis and it appears that it will not let up and it may not surprise many that we may see night fires sparked by those who wish to bring attention to what they see as genocide ---an offering of blood to the highest of demons.

The media though is hyper-focused on the protests and in the process has ignored the bloodshed and burnt offerings that War provides.

Reports surfaced that three mass burial sites had been unearthed in Gaza-- violence like this is, unfortunately, what human beings have been doing to each other for a long time-- why are we now just noticing and labeling it a genocide?

This always happens in the spring leading to Walpurgis -- and we were all aware that the tensions would rise to psychopathic proportions.

The question both sides attempt to answer is, can a theory explain a massacre, and further, should one try? Is there a logic to these events, or not?

Probably not -- it just happens and we start to hear more horror stories that confirm the conspiracy theories.

They just happen to coincidentally fall on the dates set aside for the burning and rebirth rituals of pagan and witches' orders.

It becomes downright compelling if we use the times and dates to understand how so many students, professors, administrators, and others in the supposedly most rational halls of academia are now uproariously standing their ground demanding action to be done to stop what they call the Palestinian genocide.

Put in the present context: all have the capacity for radical evil, even in pursuit of what they think, but do not know, they want; but radical evil, being an absolute rebellion, a drive toward what purpose?

How will it end? 

It never ends well, and it has continued for thousands of years.

A group of anti-Israel protesters at Columbia University have seized the historic Hamilton Hall, smashing windows, unfurling an intifada banner, and are refusing to leave-- it is now being compared to what happened on January 6th --which appears to be the left's Reichstag Fire.

Protestors stormed and occupied the building on the main campus of the Manhattan University after smashing their way into the school. 

The occupation came nearly 12 hours after the deadline of 2 pm on Monday for protestors to leave their protest encampment or face suspension. Due to the takeover, the school issued a stay-away notice for members of staff telling them to avoid the Morningside campus on Tuesday morning.

They then limited access to the area to students residing in residential buildings on campus and essential employees only, and have yet to expel or arrest any of the students responsible. 

According to the Columbia Spectator, the group who made it inside the building threw their belongings aside before beginning their immediate efforts to barricade themselves inside.

Images from the mass demonstration show sleeping bags, coats, rucksacks, and blankets strewn across the ground and piled up in front of doors. 

The students stormed the building located along the South Lawn, which has been the scene of the university's anti-Israel encampment for over a week. 

They quickly climbed the stairs, dragging down tables and chairs from classrooms which they then used to barricade the doors from the inside.

The building was locked down in less than five minutes, according to the student publication, and protesters allowed no one to enter. 

The White House denounced the takeover of the Columbia University building as 'absolutely the wrong approach' that is 'not an example of peaceful protest.' John Kirby, a spokesman for President Biden, told reporters: 'A small percentage of students shouldn't be able to disrupt the academic experience and the legitimate study for the rest of the student body.

'Students paying to go to school and wanting an education ought to able to do that without disruption.'

A statement from Biden's deputy press secretary Andrew Bates added: 'President Biden has stood against repugnant, Antisemitic smears and violent rhetoric his entire life.

'He condemns the use of the term "intifada" as he has the other tragic and dangerous hate speech displayed in recent days. 

Intifada literally is a civil uprising.. these are the actions that lead to a civil war. 

Many people who see themselves as crusaders and are willing to become vicious – in some cases, violent — in order to silence anyone who notices that the new philosophy of government is to burn down the structure of the world and replace it with a globalism that protects the powerful and destroys the weak.

There is a sacrificial lamb is being prepared at a time when ripened souls are plucked and left to rot in a time where there is a famine of knowledge and an abundance of ignorance. 

Terror has been effective in keeping various people in line and there are those in the dark command of the deep state that thrive when they can establish their cult of death where everything burns and scorched earth policy is on the table as a bargaining chip for world peace.

It all goes according to their plan and as we have learned the rich and the powerful seem to be financing the chaos. The delight in watching the peasants dig through the ditches and burn through the witches.

They wish to see a scorched earth policy unfold, Diluvium Ignus.

Tonight we see the purge of Walpurgis and on May 1st we recognize the birthday of the Illuminati.

It is where the fires of peace are appreciated. 

It was in this tradition that Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati on May 1st, 1776. When we look at the doctrine of the Illuminati, it becomes clear that the choice of May Day for its birth was no coincidence.

Weishaupt was well aware of the pagan celebrations that had been practiced for thousands of years on the first of May—which were maintained in some form up to Weishaupt’s time, and still continue to this day. Beltane, as it is known in the British Isles, marks “the midpoint in the Sun’s progress between the vernal equinox and summer solstice.” The etymology of the word means “bright fire”, “bale-fire” or “Baal’s fire”. The festivals on May 1st literally stem from a form of sun and fire worship.

It was in the days of Beltane that the animals would be sacrificed upon altars of fire. While the times of spring are to bring peace and joy, the powerful who know the power of the darker realms use such a time to declare their loyalty to the Gods that they have fashioned for their own egos. 

Statistically, the times of spring bring us death. It seems as if it is by design. Those who seek a fascist form of control often encourage war campaigns and bloodletting during the springtime. 

There are two reasons why May 1st was chosen as the founding of the Order of the Illuminati. The first was that fire worship was central to the celebrations on that day. And likewise, fire worship was to be the basis of the highest mysteries of the Illuminati.

The second reason for the founding date of May 1st relates to the fact that in communications between members of the Order, the word Illuminati was to be symbolized by a point within a circle.

This has always represented the sun, probably before writing was even invented, and the Egyptians used it thousands of years ago as the Hieroglyphic symbol for the sun god, Ra. The May Day festivals were an enactment of both sun and fire worship; so May 1st—giving the overt symbolism of the Order—was a perfect day (symbolically) for the founding of the Illuminati.

Is it any coincidence that we see violent acts and war campaigns in the world starting in March and ending on May 1st?

It would indicate that the occult powers attributed to demon worship – mainly the worship of Baal have never really left us. 

Throughout many centuries and across many civilizations, the second half of April has always been a time of blood sacrifice. The worship of Baal – the Horned bull god spread across several civilizations. Being a sun god and a god of fertility, rituals celebrating Baal took place after the vernal equinox and often involved human sacrifice.

Today’s occult elite still observes these rites, but with one major difference: They are now carried out on unsuspecting people, mostly children, and their fire rituals are maintained during acts of war as cities are laid to rubble with the dropping of bombs.

The fire of furious anger has been kindled -- the evidence is now being felt on our college campuses.

It is the apex of theater created by the elite and financed by the elite for their pleasure.

Historically speaking, there are a great number of battles, wars, false flag attacks, and tragic events that have occurred during this 40-day season of the year. And in most cases, the people were used as pawns in these planned sacrificial events to empower the despotic elite.

This year the high priests of the Illuminati used the power of the eclipse to solidify their plans and rituals. 

Within dark occult circles, this 40-day period is a time of special significance because it is when the darker demonic archetype rises from the grave, so long as the correct rites are invoked. The belief is that any dark magical work or ritual must be initiated during this season so that the agenda of the dark occultists – the servants of Baal– will become manifest later in the year.

It is proposed that two initial rites be performed on April 19th and April 22nd. The invoking ritual or working begins on the 19th – and the sealing of the ritual through blood on the 22nd. The days after are set aside for war campaigning leading to Walpurgis on April 30th a highly holy Satanic holiday. 

False flag attacks, Psy-ops or Psychological Warfare Operations are now the modern-day equivalent of mass black magic rituals and sacrificial rites. Dark occultists initiate the masses into a state of consciousness so that they willingly participate in realizing the nefarious goals of the Cabal.

In general, black magic is always founded on some level of deception. Ritual is used to draw in the attention of an observer or victim, who is led to believe in one thing or another that supports the Dark Occultists' plans. The belief is ultimately a deception and the ritual is a ceremonial tool to make the false version of reality seem more acceptable.

The ritualism and sacrifice come to a head on the night of Walpurgis.

Walpurgis is the night before May Day or Beltane is the time of the burning festivals and the mind virus that is released is part of a spell that burns, irritates, and motivates men and women to do the most immoral things.

Look around you, read the headlines, watch the nightly news as we see the fires burning and the war machine churning as the song goes “death and hatred to mankind, poisoning their brainwashed minds.”

The programmed spell has all of the trappings of occult witchcraft. Perhaps we could call it political priestcraft, where highly skilled handlers create the demonic virus, and introduce it through various triggers that are innocuous to the average person but create the sinister urge to target and kill for political gain and opportunity.

Walpurgis is a time of riotous behavior and huge fires that burn through the night.

It is said that the devil rules during the fiery events of Walpurgis and Beltane. In antiquity, the spring fertility ritualism was based on sex magic, blood sacrifice, and the rituals that included the use of fire.

All of these practices are in preparation for Beltane.

Conspiracy writer Michael Hoffman, wrote the book Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare and in it, he stated:

“There is a dark poetry to ritual murder, to twilight language, to the fantastic convergences known as coincidence. Most ‘conspiracy researchers’ miss this. The best investigator – of the occult or of almost anything else – has a child-like sense of curiosity and wonder about seemingly mundane things.”

Hoffman indicated that the devil worked in a way that is peculiar and yet predictable and those in his employ tend to act out mini-dramas and use mythological witchery in order to conduct the perfect psyop.

Hoffman also points out in his book that the “elite” looking at the world through their psychopathic eyeglasses have an occult allegiance to powerful and symbolic metaphors and shadowy archetypes that they use to show they are in control of the situation and that they use their images and symbols as indictments that give away some devious plan.

It needs to be said the powers that are beholden to other powers are very careful to include hints and clues as to what their plans are through the icons they choose to include and the names they wish to utter in order to fortify the spells they cast on the world.