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Last year, a Republican Representative that made a lot of people mad by calling out Transgender people as mutants he compared them to imps, demons, and the X-Men.

Rep. Webster Barnaby, R-Deltona, lashed out against the several transgender Floridians who spoke out against the bill that would prevent people from using bathrooms “designated for the opposite sex."

“The Lord rebuke you, Satan, and all of your demons and all of your imps who come parade before us,” Barnaby said. “That’s right, I called you demons and imps who come and parade before us and pretend that you are part of this world.”

“I’m looking at society today and it’s like I’m watching an X-Men movie,” Barnaby said. “When you watch the X-Men movies or Marvel comics, it’s like we have mutants living among us on planet Earth.”

“This is the planet Earth,” Barnaby continued, his voice rising, “where God created men male and women female. I’m a proud Christian, conservative Republican.”

Barnaby added, “I’m sick and tired of this. I’m not going to put up with it. You can test me and try to take me on. I promise you, I’ll win every time.”

This incident reminded me of a show I did years ago warning that gender identification will become an issue in the future, and that Future shock will certainly change the way we view the world on a social level.

Someone called the show and angrily told me that "Future Shock: was of the devil and that I should be ashamed for bringing up such nonsense.

Of course, I brought this up long before the mainstream because I was approximating a Brave New World scenario that in the future, people would mutate in a toxic environment, not knowing what gender they are as sexual organs will not be as important as sex will be done on a computer because the population will be told to reduce the population for the betterment of the world.

Well, my predictions of the reasons this would happen were off quite a bit but I had no idea this would become so political. But it certainly demonstrates that we are living in a future that is evolving or mutating. 

I have joked about future mutations as well --as far back as the 1990's a friend of mine named Richard Rounds came on my show and we made up an urban legend that Cabbage Patch dolls were made for young girls so that they would be used to the idea of raising mutant children after the year 2000 as we were warned the world would see a nuclear war which would leave behind mutated humans and children everywhere. 

Does anyone remember the Y2K scare?

Yea those were some scary times. But after 2000 came and went without incident -- some theorists claimed that the Mayan Calendar spelled certain doom for the world.

2012 was the year of judgement according to people like Terrance Mckenna. A computer program McKenna helped develop predicted the future up until December 21, 2012, when novelty was to spike to infinity and the Timewave stopped cold. 

Computers were to fail, planes were supposed to fall out of the sky, and no one knew how we would meet our fate. However, after studying the Y2K philosophies of the Mayans, I learned that the calendar did not indicate the end of the world, but an event that would alter the cycle of creation.

The earth would go through changes, and so would the animals and human beings. We would start to see the cycle of creation diminish and animals become extinct, and humans unable to populate the planet in such a way that certain races and languages would disappear, or change dramatically.

When the scientists at CERN claimed in July 2012 that they discovered the Higgs-Boson or God Particle, many scientists were alarmed by the notion and stated that an unstable particle could create a quantum entanglement that would affect all living things on the planet.

It was all about that Promethean wager with the risk of somehow throwing the earth into some sort of quantum leap forcing us to face the possibility of inverse time shifts, magnetic pole shifts, and the discovery of strangelets or quarks that could pose a danger to the entire planet. Stephen Hawking once predicted that discovering the Higgs had the potential to destroy the universe, or in his own words, cause the universe to “undergo a catastrophic vacuum decay.”

Scientists at CERN discovered the God Particle on July 4th, 2012 and as far as we know the world is still intact but since the discovery, the planet has gone through some violent changes as earthquakes have increased, volcanic eruptions have also increased, the planet has suffered climate spikes, and the magnetic field is weakening. 

While we have been focusing on the topic of inverse time and the possibility that a major experiment at CERN could have somehow altered the timeline ever so slightly – there have been some recent activities that are again pushing us into the possibility that there has been a glitch that cannot be ignored and scientists believe it or not are confirming that something spooky is indeed happening in the cosmos and that it has found its way to earth.

This goes beyond the Mandela Effect – this is most definitely an anomaly that has scientists spooked, as if they have seen a quantum ghost. Scientists have seen “spooky” quantum behavior happening to objects at the human scale, according to a new paper.

Researchers have seen quantum fluctuations “kick” large objects such as mirrors, moving them by a tiny degree but one big enough to measure.

Such behavior has previously been predicted by quantum physicists. But it has never before been measured.

The movements are the result of the way the universe is structured, when seen at the level of quantum mechanics: researchers describe it as a “noisy” space, where particles are constantly switching in and out of existence, which creates a low-level fuzz at all times.

Normally, that background of quantum “noise” is too subtle to detect in objects that are visible at the human scale. But the new research shows that scientists have finally detected those movements, using new technology to watch for those fluctuations.

All of these new discoveries again are causing scientists to think that we live in a simulation.

University of Portsmouth scientist Melvin Vopson believes he has evidence.

Using his previously formulated Second Law of Info dynamics, Vopson claims that the decrease of entropy in information systems over time could prove that the universe has a built-in “data optimization and compression,” which speaks to its digital nature.

While these claims warrant investigation, they’re far from a discovery themselves, and would likely need rigorous proof for the scientific community at large to seriously consider this theory.

In needs to be revealed that since the 2012 discovery of the Higgs Boson -- the world has changed, animals are disappearing, and the birthrate in most countries is diminishing.

They are calling it the Sixth Mass Extinction, they are now preparing us for future pandemics because of rampant viruses created by industrial meat production. We are now hearing about Children born with no brains because of chemicals, pesticides, fumigants, and pharmaceuticals.

We have to see daily on TV/Netflix/News these grotesque ideas of leaving the planet Earth to save humanity before it’s too late.

While we are being told that there are too many on the planet and the Malthusian elite wishes to depopulate with the use of dangerous Pharmaceuticals and genetically altered foods -- the remainder of those on the planet will have the option to leave the planet or make transfiguration to being something more than human -- or post-human through the process of transhumanism.

All of what I am saying I admit sounds like a plot to a science fiction movie -- but the processes have begun-- depopulation is underway, eugenics orders are supported to render children of the future sterile-- astronauts are being trained for off-world colonization and science has now provided a way for humans to mutate into something more than human -- eventually our Children and our grandchildren will become beautiful mutants.

Of special concern is the rate at which mutations are arising in our own lineage and their long-term consequences. In terms of cognitive abilities and proclivity to dominate the global ecosystem, humans are clearly exceptional. 

But how exceptional are we concerning the genetic machinery that is the key to long-term genome stability and evolutionary flexibility,

And in light of our unusual behavioral features, what are the long-term genetic consequences of being a modern human? Will the miracles of molecular biology and modern medicine reduce the incidence and/or effects of genetic afflictions to negligible levels, or might such applications have the opposite effect?

Scientists know that our behaviors now -- are going to change our bodies and our procreation rate.

Few other species willingly expose themselves to environmental mutagens to the extent that humans do. Presumably, there is some room for reducing the human mutation rate by minimizing negative environmental effects.

Much of what we are seeing with behavior is a response to a rapidly deteriorating environment and an encouragement and embracing of mutant thinking and dysmorphic recognition. 

Amidst all of the sensible and sane cries to curb our progression to singularity and Transhuman post-human existence, we are caught in a self-sustaining, self-reinforcing feedback loop. Call it the Death Spiral of Human Annihilation. Call it what the Mayans called The end of the cycle of creation.

Science has bent the Universe and those who cannot bend with it will be a statistic-- part of the reduction plan of the New Mutant Normal. 

Artificial Intelligence has stepped in to save us from ourselves and has given transhumanists the tools necessary to hack into the human program and change it physically to a point where they will have specific needs that will be different than the average organic human.

AI is used to compose music, suggest recipes and make investment decisions, but a company has designed a system that can edit human genes.

Scientists are now handing over the keys to the kingdom. The keys to creating man in its own transhuman image.

California-based Profluent Bio developed a system capable of creating a range of cures for diseases by developing molecules that have never existed in nature.

The AI-made gene editors have been tested in human cells, which demonstrated high levels of functionality while not editing unintended sites in the DNA.

The AI was trained on a database of 5.1 million CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins, allowing it to create potential molecules that could be used in gene editing.

The system then narrowed down the results to four million sequences, allowing it to identify the gene editor the team named OpenCRISPR-1. 

Experiments showed OpenCRISPR-1 performed as well as Cas proteins, but it also reduced the impact on off-target sites by 95 percent.

Attempting to edit human DNA with an AI-designed biological system-- is a genetic engineering Oppenheimer moment.

A Moment of engineering mutants for a harsh and violent world to come.

CRISPR is a Nobel Prize-winning technique that can be used to edit the genomes of living organisms, cutting a cell’s genes or adding new ones - but it has previously relied on ‘gene editors’ found in bacteria.

The technique has altered genes that cause hereditary conditions, such as sickle cell anemia and blindness.

Ali Madani, CEO of Profluent Bio organized a team of scientists That ‘trained’ Large Language Models on huge amounts of genetic data - in the same way that ChatGPT is ‘trained’ on text and images from the internet.

AI was at the heart of this achievement. They trained large language models (LLMs) on massive-scale evolutionary sequences and biological contexts.

I guess this is how the genetically mutated sausage is made.

As part of this effort, genetic engineers will be gathering feedback from the gene editing community and using that input to further optimize AI-designed gene editors.

Further research ‘in other cell lines, animals, or patients’ is needed to fully assess the performance of the AI-designed gene editors.

Profluent Bio aims to open-source its system for research and commercial use.

Open sourcing is commonly used in software development, less so in genetic research.

Sounds simple -- but again this is set aside for the rich and those fortunate enough to cut in line for procedures that may save lives, enhance lives, or create mutants that result in an awesome failure.

The ability to edit human genes and, consequently, actually engineer a human being from birth, is something we’ve always thought of as Gattaca-style science fiction.

Growing an edited embryo into a fully-fledged adult human wouldn’t just remove a health problem or, in the dystopian future model, create an augmented human. It would leave lasting changes that are passed on; something that many scientists say is desirable in the case of awful health problems, but much more questionable in the case of enhancements.

We can say that we are living not only in perilous times -- but we are living in times that are collapsing -- timelines, lines of imagination and humor. Lines are being crossed daily which leads to war more war, economic war, emotional war, medical war, and industrial war. Wars against free press-speech-commerce-travel. 

Now it is about genetic war, war about gender, and war on the family, it is a war that disintegrates the family, and encourages population reduction and child trafficking.

Meanwhile, humans now are infantilized. They are being rendered confused and challenged to accept perversions, not just sexual perversions but genetic perversions. The technology is advancing to allow mutations without the ideas of repercussions,

The moral implications of those technologies are staggering. It could conceivably recreate a permanent aristocracy as the wealthy will have access to the technology that will make them better than humans.

However, we have no clue as to what could happen to those who get these procedures. We all know the horror stories associated with books like I Am Legend by Richard Matheson.

At the moment, the prospect of a world populated by genetically modified humans is barely remaining only in the pages of science fiction.

You may remember that Chinese biophysicist He Jiankui ignored ethical and scientific norms by genetically altering Chinese twins to immunize them against HIV.

He made expansive claims of a medical breakthrough that could “control the HIV epidemic”, but it was not clear whether it had even been successful in its intended purpose – immunizing the babies against the virus because the team did not, in fact, reproduce the gene mutation that confers this resistance.

However, scientists are still finding a way to genetically design babies and they now they are achieving success.

The rapid growth of these trends will, like it or not, continue to move exponentially into our nebulous future.

Once again, you now have a responsibility to be ready for the philosophical challenges that face us in the not-too-distant future. There is no more room for hate or misunderstanding - it is time for us to open our minds and learn about uncomfortable things and try to cope with the abrupt changes that come with future shock.

Keep in mind that changes like these in the human genetics line were once science fiction and we have not realized what would happen if a mutant reproduced.

Altering the human germline; in effect, tinkering with the very make-up of our species is a technique shunned by the vast majority of the world’s scientists.

Some believe that doing so would bring about our virtual extinction. 

Others believe it is paving the way for a new planet, a new human that will be capable of fast learning and even withstanding radiation for space travel.

Some of us in the future will move to Mars, fly to Mars, colonize Mars, remake Earth on Mars, market Mars, dream of Mars, and immigrate to Mars.

However we still need to find a way to get back to the moon. That appears to be crippled by several nebulous reasons.

But the problem is these ideas take funds away from solutions here on earth. The very concept of millionaire actors and celebrities weighing in and then these billionaires looking to rocket profits into space, these conceptualizations are the pure definition of insanity and inhumanity.

These celebrities and billionaires, are experimenting with getting blood transfusions from children to find the fountain of youth, and with money permitting they can hire any one of many geneticists to make them genetically equal to 17 years old.

Plastic surgery is rendering the human face unrecognizable and it is said that it is leading to sylphlike conformity.

The shapes of people’s eyes all tilting up in the same way towards their hairline? Pouts that pucker up with perfect uniformity? Cheekbones that protrude almost violently through the skin? Perhaps you don’t notice any of these things, in which case you’re already too far gone. 

Beauty is becoming homogeneous thanks to Artificial intelligence -- we reported that there will be a Miss A.I. beauty pageant in the not-too-distant future -- but if you take notice you will see that homogenous A.I. Faces are all over Hollywood. 

Over the weekend my On Demand queue on my TV recorded a Saturday night live episode with Kim Kardashian. I don't follow her all that much -- but I realized something about her -- Her looks are no different than the girls I see on The Bachelor, or The Housewives of New Jersey-- they are all blending together with the same facial features. In the film, the familiar movie star bombshells are all starting to look like they have phone filters covering their faces.

Same with female pop stars-- do they all have to look like strippers to get the attention of the masses?

It is the new likeness of some of the most popular women in our digital realm,

It is the beauty industrial complex brought to you by Disney. It is a single facial aesthetic that is popularized and idealized for the mass market,

Even Drag Queens have these same facial features.

The result is a culture of homogeneous beauty, in which women covet each other’s features and strive for ideals that can only be achieved through augmentation – normalizing injectable procedures, cosmetic surgery, photo editing and filter use to achieve the same look.

It is like back in the 1970's girls had that Farah Fawcett look -- but hairstyles change -- but the homogenizing facial features cannot be changed unless women go back under the knife or inject Botox (Botulism) into their faces.

But actors do it too -- I saw something the other day where Mickie Roark was unrecognizable because of all his facial surgeries.

I guess you can call it the "Instagram face " or the "Instagram Mutant look ."

It’s a young face, with poreless skin and plump, high cheekbones It has catlike eyes and long, cartoonish lashes; a small, neat nose and full, lush lips.

This is like that Twilight Zone episode, "Eye of the Beholder" where the state requires a beautiful blonde woman to go under the knife for her eleventh treatment to make her look "Normal." 

Her head is completely bandaged so that her face is entirely covered, and her face is described as a "pitiful twisted lump of flesh" by the nurses and doctor, lurking in the shadows of the darkened hospital room. 

The doctor removes the bandages and announces that the procedure has failed, her face has not changed.

We then learn that hospital staff all possess monstrous faces with drooping features, large, thick brows, sunken-in eyes, swollen and twisted lips, and wrinkled noses with pig-snout-like nostrils. 

They all look the same -- hideous and terrifying.

They look like mutants.

Do we see the trend? Do we see the future?

Take a good look in the mirror and be happy with what you see -- because mutant science is going to render everyone into conformity with molecules not of this earth -- creating a new germ line of humans that will identify as something other than male or female.

Oh - we are already there -- it ls like the Twilight Zone.