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Ground Zero Classics Podcast

Welcome to the Ground Zero Classics Podcast! Here you will find all of our episodes, from the very first one to the most recent. We hope you enjoy listening to them as much as we enjoy making them.


Is anyone going to reveal that the zeitgeist has been hijacked by some demonic mindset? Are we are so caught up in anger at each other that we have no way of turning back? Clyde Lewis deciphers the ‘Grounds For The Baphomet‘!

Originally Broadcast On 01/07/2014


Clyde talks about the history of useful demons and diabolic architects in ‘THE HOUSE THE DEVIL BUILT.’

Originally Broadcast On 03/12/2015


Through advancements in neuroscience, we are on the brink of technological breakthroughs that could augment our mental powers beyond recognition. It will soon be possible to significantly boost human brainpower with electronic “plug-ins” or even by genetic enhancement. What will this mean for the future of humanity? Will most of us be able to manifest acute telepathic and remote viewing capabilities? Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with clairvoyant and parapsychologist, Debra Katz about HUSKER DU – DO YOU REMEMBER BEING A TELEPATH?

Episode 48 – Mental Hopscotch

It’s Friday night at Ground Zero and it’s been a rather strange week of secrets and transmissions. As the world seems on the brink of ‘unavoidable‘ war, the battle at home may have already been lost as our fellow man seems to be having an apocalypse of the soul. Tonight on Ground Zero, we’ll continue our analysis of last night’s electronic harassment as Clyde Lewis is joined by futurist Jason Silva of National Geographic’s “Brain Games” to wrap up this stunning week of ‘Mental Hopscotch‘! (Also featuring Elana Freeland of Paranoia Magazine!)

Originally Broadcast On 04/122013


Many people are skeptical about the claims of “targeted individuals” who believe they are being zapped with microwaves that embed voices directly into their heads. The fact is the technology exists. On this show, electronic warfare expert and author, Dr. Robert Duncan, and, activist and electronic harassment victim Peter Rosenholm talk about ‘VOICE 2 SKULL: THE TRUTH ABOUT ARTIFICIAL TELEPATHY!’

Originally Broadcast On 09/04/2015


Serious reports of aggressive Bigfoot are a terrifying thought as there have been campers and hikers who have unfortunately come too close, only to be chased out of an area, or forced to hide while producing recordings of the formidable cryptid’s bone-chilling screams and grunts. One thing is for sure – a murder by Bigfoot is something that cannot be proven to be a hoax and so the legend lives on in the dark forests of the Pacific Northwest. On this Ground Zero Classic, Clyde Lewis talks with field archaeologist and paranormal investigator, Jeff Davis about MURDER BY BIGFOOT.

Originally Broadcast on 01/28/2022


One of the great mysteries of the Pacific Northwest is the Legend of Bigfoot. Countless sighting of the elusive creature have yet to lead a confirmation of the existence of the Sasquatch, until now. On this Ground Zero Classic we take a look at new evidence gathered and begin ‘RUNNING WITH BIGFOOT‘!

Originally Broadcast On 07/03/2014


The still technically experimental COVID mRNA vaccines will soon be approved for children under the age of 5 – something Dr. Anthony Fauci has repeatedly warned was only a matter of time – as Pfizer has just confirmed that it has submitted data from its experimental trials on young children, toddlers and infants to the FDA for review.

The Washington Post reported that Pfizer expects jabs to be approved and made available for the youngest Americans by the end of the month and that the company is submitting its data to regulators on Tuesday. The data would cover patients between 6 months and five years of age.

The media is reporting that parents are overjoyed at hearing the news. I say that this is a creepy and terrible thing to hear.

The drug companies have pushed this at a rapid pace, much sooner than what was predicted.

Perhaps the rush is because this thing will be over soon… and along with it all the money-making opportunities?

Children are much less likely to die from COVID than even a healthy adult.

I feel so bad about this because as I have said — think of how the youth of this world have so much to do — so much they can accomplish and yet this is just one more thing that they must have injected into their bodies.

If your kids are young and healthy -why would you want to push them into a world where they have to face a lifetime of jabs and boosters against a disease that is almost exclusively dangerous to old people and people with comorbidities?

The Biden administration reportedly assured The Washington Post that there’s nothing to fear about speeding up the vaccine’s approval for children. After all, there is “a consensus” among health officials in “seeing this move forward.”

The political platform push for mandatory changes in the American lifestyle is the reason why there is so much irrationality and confusion around issues about the health and wellbeing of Americans. It’s not just about the scientific debate. Because no matter where you stand on the validity of these abusive social changes there are plenty of myths, and what the media is calling misinformation and its cousin disinformation.

It is a lesson in covering one’s own ass and in the process, the people become cheerleaders for their own demise because they opt not to pay attention to what has been peddled to them and how there has to be a sound debate about issues in order for us to process the pros and cons of any issue.

But of course, in the era of liberal piety, the issues that need vital debate are hijacked and dismissed. Anything uncomfortable or inconvenient for the narrative becomes conspiracy theory or misinformation.

This is a dangerous turn for the republic and this issue needs to be brought up especially as people are now eager to get on with their lives.

When anyone tries to speak about any issue and try to ascertain ethics they are told that they are anti-science and irresponsible or that if you don’t play ball you are a denier or a person who is ready to mount some sort of insurrection.

It is becoming tiresome, exhausting, because of the stress.

It is abusive behavior that has been mandated at the top and as they say a dead fish rots from the top down.

I am hoping that you are seeing this picture and understanding what abuse of power is and how it demeans other people’s dignity and their ability to have moral agency and the right to dignity.

Today I noticed that the media continues to report on the so-called sins of Joe Rogan. The attacks are relentless. We have seen this before with the likes of Alex Jones. While I have had my share of threats and advertisers pulling their support — I was forced into being independent and moving my material to my own digital playground to be safe.

Information is difficult to get out to people and so it must be privatized and paid for. If you answer to corporations — you have to curtail what you say and if you wind up on the radar of the media — you have to go on an apology tour or be the victim of a show trial and then it is not enough.

Also, it is interesting to see how selective all of this is.

It was announced that Rachel Maddow of MSNBC will be taking a hiatus from her prime time show until April to work on a new podcast and that a movie is being made of her first book and podcast about former Vice President Spiro Agnew.

Timing everything especially when the attacks on Joe Rogan have backfired and Maddow is now being grilled on how one of her comments in March of last year backfired when she made the claim that the vaccine will stop Covid dead in its tracks.


Well now we know that this is misinformation and yet she hopes that people forget –and they will have enough time to forget during her hiatus.

It is also interesting to uncover why Neil Young may have been so animate about removing his songs from Spotify. Could it be that Young answers indirectly to Pfizer?

There is a connection that should not be overlooked.

Neil young’s catalogue was bought by the drug and chemical company Merck. Merck owns Hipgosis group who is also owned by Blackstone which is a 1Billion dollar music venture. Blackstone’s chairman is former Pfizer CEO Jeffrey Kindler.

You may remember that Blackstone actually purchased Ancestry.com before the pandemic. The question is why did an investment company buy ancestry.com at the beginning of a pandemic.

Ancestry DNA kits were the best-selling non-Amazon-branded product sold through Amazon and were pushed as gifts prior to the COVID-19 outbreak from 2018 until 2019.

They have amassed millions of genetic profiles from customers who unwittingly consented to be studied, one of the biggest genetic research resources in the US. And because most of those people fill out lots of surveys, each genetic profile comes attached to about 300 phenotypic data points — like how many cigarettes you’ve smoked during your lifetime or if anyone in your family has ever been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment.

Many of these DNA sample companies have been under investigation ramping up their research collaborations with outside academics and they are expanding their DNA database worldwide.

Why are they expanding DNA databases? Well, there is the story that this is to improve treatments for emerging diseases but it can also be used to target certain individuals for Gain of Function research.

DNA and genotyping data — it is a big business and now Blackstone has a piece of the pie. Blackstone has interests in vaccine distribution and other DNA-based and Eugenics-based operations.

The value is in the process of extracting even more information from each customer’s genetic profile, association studies to power new consumer reports, basically, anything that will make the spit kit and database a tool for more genotype, biological weapons.

Neil Young pulling his music –is because the big dogs at Blackstone did not like what Joe Rogan said about the side effects of the vaccines.

Rogan said on his podcast “This is not a vaccine; this is essentially a gene therapy.” One of Rogan’s most controversial guests has been the virologist, Robert Malone.

Malone was banned from Twitter in December last year for violating its Covid misinformation policies. He appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast shortly afterward.

Malone suggested that people who are vaccinated after having Covid-19 are at greater risk of adverse side effects. Rogan stated that young people stand the risk of getting Myocarditis from the vaccine –this has been reported as a side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle–while doctors acknowledge the side effect, many report that it is rare.

But rare is subjective. Yes, it is rare if you look at per 100 million I think it was 12 per 100 million was the number. So technically that is rare, but some people are still going to be affected by this.

However, research has shown that this condition, which can lead to shortness of breath, chest pain, and heart failure is also rarely reported and we are now seeing young people, and even sports figures and celebrities dropping dead from strokes and heart failure after they receive a booster.

Coincidentally a new study that has been published in the U.K. is saying that there appears to be an uptick in cases of Aortic Stenosis. Now I want to clarify that this so far is not connected to the vaccine — it is highly coincidental that this may be the next wave of health problems following the use of these vaccines.

According to the report, almost 300,000 people in the UK could have a potentially deadly heart valve disease with close to 100,000 not even showing any symptoms.

Many who have the issue are only diagnosed when it is too late for treatment.

If it is caught early, the condition can be monitored by doctors. Surgery, including replacing the aortic valve in an open-heart procedure, can be necessary.

Again, the media has found another reason for you to have a heart attack. It has been reported that many of these heart problems that have been reported are not side effects from the jab but are related to Covid stress or that long haul Coves triggers atrial fibrillation and blood clots that can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Now we have to deal with the silent killer Aortic Stenosis. Even though the study was carried out in the U.K. you can bet that the condition will be diagnosed in many people here in the United States.

Just before Christmas, we did a show called  A GRINCH TO GROW AN INCH (HOW HIS HEART GREW THREE SIZES) with Dr. Kevin McCairn, a British Doctor and heart and blood disease specialist practicing in Japan. he has been very resourceful in giving us a balanced view of what we are up against.

Since the beginning of the mass vaccination campaign, there have been a number of anecdotal stories of heart complications resulting from the shot. These were passed off in the media as isolated incidents, coincidences, or just plain misinformation, as the public was continually gas-lit about the incredible safety of the COVID vaccines.

When the FDA announced that they would be adding a warning to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines of a rare heart inflammation side effect (myocarditis), many of us were surprised – not that the vaccines can cause heart inflammation, but that the FDA actually admitted it!

But if Dr. Malone or Joe Rogan says it — then it must be disinformation. If Doctors in Britain say that heart complications like Aortic stenosis become endemic then we may reach a point of capacity where health officials can’t treat it.

Convenient, isn’t it?

It is also chillingly biblical as it was predicted as a sign of the apocalypse. In the Book of Luke it says that in the times of the apocalypse “Men’s hearts will be failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.”

Those with Aortic Stenosis can suffer fatigue, chest pains, dizzy spells, and even sudden death. Known complications include blood clots, which can lead to strokes or heart attacks.

Now, you could argue this is just a coincidence, a routinely hysterical public health scare story that just happened to land in the middle of the pandemic.

NowI know that Aortic Stenosis is a well-known heart and valve disorder — but it isn’t one of those diseases that comes up like diabetes or breast cancer. It really hasn’t been a talking point until now.

There was scant mention of the condition in the media for the past ten years. Only a handful of articles about celebrities having the condition or academic papers about new treatments.

It has just been thrust into zeitgeist — and that is an interesting coincidence.

It should also not be forgotten that this is not the first time an explanation for future heart attacks has been predicted. We have been hearing about pre-emptive explanations of cardiac arrest for weeks.

Remember the reports of “post-pandemic stress disorder?” We are to believe that this was not totally made up — in order to cover up heart problems from the vaccines.

All the major Covid vaccines are known to have cardiac-related side effects, and yes, some doctors are now predicting a major spike in heart-related health problems, but they tell us that these are totally unrelated.

So, the programming by the media and big pharma runs so fundamentally deep. Even these people after having a loved one die of an event because of a vaccine, still recommend that everyone else should get it. It’s just bizarre really. It’s totally bizarre.

It’s very difficult to understand this kind of mindset I think but it seems as though they have so much faith that the authorities are doing their best to provide honest information and essentially look out for their health. They are exporting all of the responsibility that they should be taking for their own health and putting it in the hands of big pharma essentially. If that happens, we’re going to see parents and guardians’ hand over their children and run the risk of having them die.

But let’s say that they don’t die and that seems to be the majority as opposed to the rare cases, but what is to say that the vaccine doesn’t contribute to an enlarged heart at 30 — I am sure it never crosses the mind of a child who gets a vaccine that when they reach the age of 30, they could die of a heart attack brought in by a vaccine.

Of course, that is wild speculation but you never really know, especially when those who are behind the vaccines are Malthusian billionaires that want to reduce the population to 500 million.


He’s back! We talked about Bigfoot recently. Clyde Lewis recently experienced his very first Sasquatch sighting, and took photographs of the footprints. Now we’re going to interview Les Stroud from Survivor Man to get more eyewitness accounts of the mysterious giant. On this Ground Zero Classic, it’s ‘SASQUATCH SUMMER: THE BIG ONE THAT GOT AWAY’.

Originally Broadcast On 07/21/2014


Over the weekend I got a phone call from a friend who told me that someone he knew was in the emergency room. Apparently, his blood pressure went through the roof, and was rendered unconscious. While the doctors said that he had somehow jacked his sodium levels from eating a meal at McDonald’s — my friend had indicated that the guy got a booster last Friday.

Again, another story that hit close to home — the guy that wound up in the hospital was 46 and athletic.

He was told that he had to get a booster in order to be fully vaccinated for work.

I was angry when I heard this because these are stories that fail to be reported by the mainstream — and yet more and more people are having side effects from the jab that have done a lot of damage.

Being someone who is not vaccinated because of health reasons — I am sick to death being scapegoated and blamed for everything.  I feel that I did not cause this alleged spiking of the virus — and yet The President blames the unvaccinated.

Even Doctor Fauci has admitted that a “fully vaccinated” individual with a “breakthrough infection” has a similar viral load to an unvaccinated individual who contracts COVID-19.

The Omicron variant spreads so quickly and generally causes such a mild form of illness among vaccinated populations that countries are tolerating greater COVID-19 outbreaks, willingly letting infections balloon to levels that not long ago would have been treated as public-health crises.

From different starting points, authorities in North America, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific are moving in the same direction, offering a glimpse into a future in which Covid-19 becomes accepted as a fact of everyday life, like seasonal flu.

Health officials everywhere, many for the first time, are forgoing some of the sharpest tools they need to combat Omicron—even as infections soar. They are accepting the virus like never before to minimize disruptions to economies, education, and everyday life.

From “two weeks to stop the spread” to fully vaccinated people being shame/told to wear two masks a year later, this continuing impact is a perfect example of a “gain of function” experimental research principle being implemented not in a lab but in society at large.

This form of – or bastardization of – progress is in fact antithetical to the tenets of a free society.  By worshiping at the altar of security theater we denigrate, delay, and deny the myriad possibilities for human advancement that are inherent in the concept of risk.

But that isn’t stopping some governments from continuing their myopic views and still treating people like second-class citizens if they decide that they do not want to be ordered into getting a medical procedure against their will.

I hope that people are realizing that we can’t let this continue.

Despite the fabulous claims made by science on behalf of COVID-19 vaccines, we know now that they do not stop transmission.

Yet the vaccine certificate system remains in place, in many places with absolutely no justification for its existence other than to coerce people into getting inoculated.

In 2022, a person’s worth is now measured by one’s immunization status.

An American’s worth is now determined solely by one’s willingness to comply with the arbitrary and ever-changing demands made by the State.

And that, despite no evidence that the domestic use of vaccine certificates offers any kind of benefit to the wider community, the act of receiving a Covid-19 vaccine is considered in and of itself the noblest of civic acts.

Howard Stern said on his Sirius XM radio show “The Howard Stern Show” that hospitals across the U.S. should not admit patients who are unvaccinated against COVID.

He believes that they all should die.

Stern said “If it was up to me, anyone unvaccinated would not be admitted to a hospital. At this point, they have been given plenty of opportunity to get the vaccine. Now, if you don’t get it, in my America, all hospitals would be closed to you. You’re going to go home and die. That is what you should get. Absolutely.”

This type of ugly talk is not being censored or canceled. No one is removing their music or throwing a temper tantrum over these sick statements — in fact, free speech gives him the right to say what he says.

But no one is calling it toxic.

But apparently what Joe Rogan says about all of the security theater and misinformation in the media is considered misinformation by the mainstream and now Spotify is not only getting musical artists removing their music — but other people are canceling their Spotify memberships.

American liberals are obsessed with finding ways to silence and censor their adversaries. Every week, if not every day, they have new targets they want de-platformed, banned, silenced, and otherwise prevented from speaking or being heard.

This is fanatical if not psychotic.

For years, their preferred censorship tactic was to expand and distort the concept of “hate speech” to mean “views that make us uncomfortable,” and then demand that such “hateful” views be prohibited on that basis.

For that reason, it is now common to hear Democrats assert, falsely, that the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech does not protect “hate speech.” Their political culture has long inculcated them to believe that they can comfortably silence whatever views they arbitrarily place into this category without being guilty of censorship.

Constitutional illiteracy to the side, the “hate speech” framework for justifying censorship is now insufficient because liberals are eager to silence a much broader range of voices than those, they can credibly accuse of being hateful.

That is why the newest, and now most popular, censorship framework is to claim that their targets are guilty of spreading “misinformation” or “disinformation.” These terms, by design, have no clear or concise meaning. Like the term “terrorism,” it is their elasticity that makes them so useful.

Oh, and we most certainly can’t rule out that those who are spreading disinformation are being paid to do so by Russian propaganda agents.

Yes, they love to decry conspiracy theorists even though their conspiracy theories are loonier than John Kennedy Junior rising from the dead to support Donald Trump.

The Only reason Rogan is considered “controversial” is that he’s someone that – allows individuals to speak their opinions and listens to both sides of the story while presenting a spectrum of takes on political and social issues that runs the gamut and may not conform to the mainstream narrative or “the science”.

Why is it so hard for the mainstream media to allow debate? Because they are becoming state run media –and they don’t want anyone to mess with the framed narrative.

They are willing to redefine everything in their daily newspeak—speaking with an open mind is now a sin – punishable by being canceled.

Now that we’ve redefined “controversial” as “open minded discussion”, it’s also crucial we redefine “misinformation”. The mostly liberal mainstream definition of “misinformation” means any utterance of thoughts that weren’t handed down directly from Dr. Anthony Fauci, the CDC, the mainstream media or global elites and central planners.

Have you noticed that anymore – the news is mostly about maligning those who are fed up with all of the lies and hyperbole that the media is dishing out?

Some of the biggest examples of the mainstream media maligning those who are protesting against tyranny can be found in the Freedom Convoy that was organized over the weekend on the Canadian/ American border.

The ‘Freedom Convoy’ converging in Ottawa this weekend started in response to the federal government’s move to require that all Canadian truck drivers crossing the U.S. border be fully vaccinated. The Canadian Trucking Alliance, the main advocacy body for truckers, has disavowed the protest, saying the vast majority of its members are fully vaccinated and are continuing to work. The core organizers of the protest insist that they are not anti-vaccine but instead oppose mandates that require vaccination for people to work.

In Edmonton, there were so many people in cars and trucks converging on a support rally in front of the Alberta Legislature we had to turn back. It was going to be impossible to find parking. You could hear cars and trucks honking from across the city, many draped in Canadian flags.

Everyone is stressed. Stay away from provocateurs- be polite to law enforcement.

Churches are giving people places to stay and meals. Members of the community are also very supportive.

What began as a protest against border quarantines has swollen into a march for freedom in general, and a potential flagship event for the anti-lockdown, anti-vaccine mandate movement worldwide.

These truckers have shown everyone how you attack infrastructure without violence.

I think Gandhi would have been proud.

However, if you were to do a search on the freedom Convoy, you would hear that they are a toxic group of people being funded by governments who are enemies to the United States and Canada. President Trudeau calls them a fringe group.

Of course, the people with the money to lie to you will try and diminish the impact of this gathering — but their right to refuse is the God-given right that is given to everyone.

The word no should be used more often in the face of tyranny. We should learn to say it more often and make sure we tell our leaders who are supposed to be working for us that no means no.

The right to refuse is hard-wired into us, long before we develop a sense of self in fact one of the first words, we say is not mama or da da — but no-no usually is the first word that we say when we are two years old.

We also tend to use the word when we are teenagers. But when we are older, we seem to forget the power in this two-letter word. So, we have to organize and have other people work together to refuse blind consent especially in times where going along with the mainstream is doing absolutely nothing to promote our way of life.

When I say this — I mean at least we can find a modicum or normalcy and say no to these psychopaths that think they can rule our lives.

The right to refuse, to say ‘no,’ is the mark of a civilized, democratic society.

We had the Nuremberg trials and the civil rights movement. We said ‘no more’ and ‘never again’ to segregation, apartheid, eugenics, and forced medical experimentation.

However, somewhere along the way, there are a majority of fearful people that have forgotten history –and have decided to become oppressors and just follow orders even if they are wrong and counterintuitive.

We said ‘no’ to misogyny, sexism, ageism. We said ‘no’ and ‘never again’ to the horrific crimes perpetrated against children by those who chose to abuse their power and authority within the Catholic Church.

We have said no to racism –and yet there are those who wish to exploit it in order to politicize and rationalize fetishism, favoritism, and segregation.

The right to say ‘no’ to something you fundamentally disagree with or which you feel is threatening to your person or liberty or identity is absolutely sacrosanct.

That is until you decide to get in a Truck and convene at the border of Canada and the United States.

Justin Trudeau has handled the situation with his usual political deftness, blasting the convoy as a “fringe minority” holding “unacceptable views”.

The convoy has massive popular support, garnering over 240,000 followers on Facebook and raising over 5 million Canadian dollars on their GoFundMe page.

At first, Go Fund me froze the funds but it has now been lifted.

If you follow alternate media you likely knew this already, but if you read nothing but the mainstream you likely have this impression that these are fringe trump supporters being funded by Russia or some other hostile nation that is spreading horrible disinformation.

Some mainstream media outlets have reported that organizers are planning to “overthrow the federal government”. They say that they are quoting  “intelligence experts” who imply the GoFundMe donations are from foreign governments and compares the convoy to the January 6th, 2021 “riot” at Capitol Hill.

Global News is reporting that “far-right groups how freedom convoy will be Canada’s January 6th”, which is very revealing considering what a contrived piece of political theatre January 6th has become in the last year.

However, no matter what critic or pundit pushed that this gathering is toxic should understand that a global general strike against a government mandate or draconian policy is our right under the Nuremberg Code.

We need to unite on the broadest possible common front and even though those gathering is protesting the vaccine, there is a mountain of other policies that need to be out in check in order to somehow stall the efforts of the great reset.

If your intentions are only to seek out objective truths, why would you turn away anyone’s opinion before sifting away at all available information before trying to arrive at the facts?

The fact is you are either for politicians, elites, and large technology companies dictating what you can and cannot have the right to consider when making decisions, or you support the idea of being able to consider opinions from all ends of the spectrum in order to make your personal decisions.

You are either an advocate for stifling one entire half of an argument – which admittedly may contain the boogeyman disguised as some actual misinformation – or you are pro-freedom of speech and an individual’s right to decide for themselves.

And most importantly, you either have the wherewithal to understand that the official narrative has, and will, continue to get things wrong and that opinions labeled as “misinformation” and “conspiracy theories” can sometimes turn out to be the objective truth or you don’t.

In the meantime, if you want to see progress all you have to do is look north – and keep on Truckin’ Fudeau.


Psychopaths succeed because they use many tools of manipulation, charm, intimidation and sometimes violence in order to procure their position of power. We see this depicted in Hollywood horror movies but there are also psychopaths in our government and there are those that defend them and continue to vote for them. It is hard to see it when you are looking through the myopic lens of camera obscura. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with paranormal investigator and documentary film maker, Steve Shippy about CAMERA OBSCURA – LIVING THE SCREAM DREAM


Serious reports of aggressive Bigfoot are a terrifying thought as there have been campers and hikers who have unfortunately come too close, only to be chased out of an area, or forced to hide while producing recordings of the formidable cryptid’s bone-chilling screams and grunts. One thing is for sure – a murder by Bigfoot is something that cannot be proven to be a hoax and so the legend lives on in the dark forests of the Pacific Northwest. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with field archaeologist and paranormal investigator, Jeff Davis about MURDER BY BIGFOOT.