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Ways of looking at the world are rarely wholly right or wrong; they are more or less useful, depending on the questions they conjure.
It is hard for the average American to care about the world when they have to care about how they are going to balance work, finances and family life. We have already determined that healthy functional families are the biggest threat to the globalist social model.

Originally Broadcast On 06/09/2016

Tonight's Guest

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Kris Millegan

Kris Millegan is a writer, researcher, and publisher who has spent over thirty years investigating the subjects of CIA-drugs, clandestine operations, secret societies, and conspiracy theory. His father, a former CIA officer, shared with him information about the agency’s involvement in drug trafficking and other clandestine activities, which sparked Millegan’s curiosity and led him to dedicate his life to uncovering the truth. Millegan is the publisher of TrineDay Books, a publishing house that has brought to light several influential books on conspiracy theory and secret societies. He has also produced a series of symposia on CIA-drugs and has hosted events on the JFK assassination and Lee Harvey Oswald. As an author, Millegan has written several books, including “Fleshing Out Skull & Bones” and “Expendable Elite”. He has also been a guest on various podcasts and radio shows, sharing his insights and research on a wide range of topics. Millegan’s work has been focused on exposing the truth about the CIA’s involvement in drug trafficking, the JFK assassination, and other conspiracy theories. He has also explored the connections between secret societies, such as the Skull and Bones Society, and their influence on world events. Overall, Kris Millegan is a prominent figure in the world of conspiracy theory and alternative history, known for his tireless research and dedication to uncovering the truth about the CIA’s clandestine activities and the secrets they have kept hidden for decades.

Ground Zero: Aftermath

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