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Super Bowl 56 sent us the message that in the real world, politics are the new religion and war is how we spread the gospel. By constructing a direct analogy between ‘combat’ on the gridiron and combat on the battlefield while only showing the details of the former, the media’s presentation of American football encourages spectators to ignore the horrific reality of a possible world war by making it a sexy bread and circus escape. So what is the underlying purpose of the Super Bowl? To flaunt greed and power and send the clear message that those in power think you are stupid and will fall for anything. The propaganda in the commercials and half-time show were entrenched in scarcity and the technology we can use to escape it. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with esoteric researcher and author, Ryan Gable about UNNECESSARY SUPERBOWL EVIL.

Originally Broadcast On 02/14/2022

Ground Zero: Aftermath

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