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In today’s episode of Ground Zero Classics, we dive into the world of predictive programming with the cancelled NBC series “The Event.” We explore the eerie coincidence between a scene in an episode where aliens threaten to attack using a machine that creates earthquakes and the recent real-life earthquake on the East Coast. We also delve into the idea of alien beings returning to Earth, as hinted at by limited disclosure content in “The Event.” We discuss the possibility of a celestial body orbiting our planet and the potential consequences for humanity. Our host shares their personal experiences with unexplained events on Earth and the connection between solar activity and natural disasters. They also touch on the ongoing debate surrounding ionospheric heaters as a possible cause of earthquakes, and how this topic has been underplayed or misrepresented by some environmental groups. Join us for an insightful discussion on the world of predictive programming and the potential implications for our future.

Originally Broadcast On 8/23/11

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