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A few weeks ago, speculation was in high gear over what exactly was happening in Antarctica. I was noticing news stories that reported high profile people were venturing to the South Pole for no apparent reason.Since that program aired, I received a mountain of messages via e-mail Facebook and Twitter requesting that I talk about airbrushed Google Earth images near Lake Vostok, crashed UFOs and secret Nazi bases like Base 211, portals to a hollow earth, an ice wall surrounding a flat Earth, even possible connections to CERN as a strangelet may have found its way to the end of the Earth.I did say during the last program about Antarctica that I believed a special announcement was going to be made about the South Pole and when it is revealed, I would update everyone.Reports have been coming in about a lot of peculiar activity in the southern hemisphere, from earthquakes to UFO activity. Many of these stories may or may not have connections to Antarctica, but the most southern regions of the planet have produced more questions than answers an it is anyone’s conspiracy du jour as to what may be happening there.

Originally Broadcast On 1/6/17

Ground Zero: Aftermath

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