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Scientists are now claiming they found the elusive Planet X or Nibiru while doubting astronomers are in an uproar. Is this a foreshadowing of an eminent celestial event? Clyde Lewis talks with science writer and producer, Marshall Masters in ‘WALKING IN NIBIRU WONDERLAND!’

Originally Broadcast On 12/14/2015

Tonight's Guest

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Marshall Masters

Marshall Masters is a well-known researcher and author who has been studying the topic of Nibiru, also known as Planet X, for many years. He is the publisher of YOWUSA.COM, an alternative science website that focuses on leading-edge research and awareness about Nibiru and related topics. Masters has written several books on the subject, including “Godschild Covenant: The Return Of Nibiru” and “The Kolbrin Bible”. He has also been a guest on various radio shows and podcasts, sharing his insights and research on the topic. According to Masters, Nibiru is a large planetary object that is believed to be on a collision course with Earth, and he has been warning about the potential consequences of this event for many years. He has also spoken about the importance of preparing for the event and building sustainable survival communities. Some of the key points that Masters has made about Nibiru include: Nibiru is a real and tangible threat to humanity, and its approach is imminent. The object is believed to be a planetary body, possibly a brown dwarf star, that is on a collision course with Earth. The impact of Nibiru’s passage will cause widespread destruction and chaos, including earthquakes, tsunamis, and massive storms. The event will also trigger a pole shift, which will cause the Earth’s magnetic poles to flip, leading to extreme weather patterns and environmental disasters. Masters believes that the only way to survive the event is to build sustainable survival communities that are equipped to withstand the coming catastrophe. It’s worth noting that while Masters’ theories about Nibiru have garnered a significant following, they are not widely accepted by the scientific community and are considered to be a form of pseudoscience.

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