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Clyde talks to Gerald Celente, Publisher of the Trends Journal, about the possibility of WWIII with Russia in ‘COLD WAR: ART OF BETRAYAL.’

Originally Broadcast On 11/10/2014

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Gerald Celente

Gerald Celente is a renowned American futurist, trend forecaster, and publisher of the Trends Journal. He is known for his accurate predictions and insightful analysis of current events, which he uses to identify and track trends that shape the future. Born in an Italian-American family in The Bronx, New York City, Celente has had a long career in politics, serving as executive assistant to the secretary of the New York State Senate and running a mayoral campaign in Yonkers, New York. Celente is the founder and director of the Trends Research Institute, which he established in 1980. He is also the publisher of the Trends Journal, a quarterly publication that provides in-depth analysis and forecasts of current trends and their implications for the future. Celente’s work is based on his proprietary methodology, known as Globalnomic, which he developed to identify, track, and forecast trends across a wide range of fields, including politics, economics, technology, and social issues. Celente has been recognized for his accuracy in predicting major trends and events, including the fall of the Soviet Union and the stock market crash of the late 1980s. He has also been a pioneer in using a multi-disciplinary approach to trend forecasting, combining insights from sociology, psychology, economics, and other fields to provide a comprehensive understanding of the trends shaping our world. Celente is a sought-after speaker and consultant, and has worked with individuals, organizations, and governments around the world to help them understand and prepare for the trends that will shape their futures. He is also a prolific author, having written several books on trend forecasting and the future, including “Trends 2000” and “Trend Tracking: Far Better than Megatrends”.

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