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We all know that insomnia along with peaked curiosity is what fuels click bait websites and information black holes where you click and you click and suddenly you find yourself in a very strange place reading about some very peculiar ideas.

I never let a challenge of providing more proof of demonic activity go without doing more research and providing satisfying proof of paranormal activity.

After the show last night, I was of course intrigued by what Thomas Sheridan said about the Dybbuk and the Djinn and how easy it is to place a spirit into a jar, a box, or a doll.

Historical accounts of books, vases, boxes, automobiles and of course, houses, have been reported to become “possessed” with otherworldly spirits but one of the most common inanimate objects subject to demonic or ghostly possession are toys – particularly, children’s dolls.

I once had the opportunity to hold one of the dolls used in the movie, The Conjuring. It was a doll that was supposed to be based on the infamous Annabelle doll. The doll of course was nothing like the real Annabelle doll; the real doll is sealed in a case and is a Raggedy Anne doll that is said to have a spirit attached to it.

Originally Broadcast On 10/28/2016

Ground Zero: Aftermath

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