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Marianne Robb and Dave Rich

Marianne Robb and Dave Rich, retired Arizona police officers with a combined 59 years of law enforcement experience take center stage to shed light on a fascinating and lesser-known aspect of their profession: investigating Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), the paranormal and crypts. With an impressive collective experience, they offer unique insights into the challenges that have historically hindered UAP and paranormal investigations within law enforcement circles. Drawing from their own first-hand encounters and conversations with fellow officers, the duo courageously explores the enigmatic world of unexplained sightings (UAP’s, the paranormal) whether seen in the sky or on land. They also reveal a stunning truth – amidst the responsibilities of protecting the public, approximately 800,000 dedicated law enforcement officers in the United States have witnessed perplexing phenomena, choosing to remain silent about their experiences.

Ground Zero: Aftermath

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