Eric Freeman Sims
Eric Freeman Sims: A Paranormal Researcher and Investigator
Eric Freeman Sims is a seasoned paranormal researcher and investigator with over 20 years of experience. He has had numerous paranormal experiences, including seeing a full-body apparition at the age of 8, and has continued to investigate the unexplained throughout his life and 20 years in the medical field.
Notable Works
Host of The Unseen Paranormal Podcast, where he explores various paranormal topics and shares his own experiences.
Author of an upcoming book, scheduled for release next year.
Featured guest on Ground Zero Radio with Clyde Lewis, discussing DEMON SCREENING and the concept of demonic forces corrupting the young.
Paranormal investigation and research
Author and podcaster
Notable Quotes
“An electronic form of Tulpamancy appears to manifest exponentially through our digital highway.”
“Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram take just a bit of your soul and sell it back to you as a product – all it asks of you is your estrangement.”
Ground Zero: Aftermath
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