Dr. John Hall
Ground Zero: Aftermath
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The recent case of Luigi Mangione, the alleged killer of United Health Care CEO Brian Thompson is again raising questions about MK-Ultra grooming and trauma which may have led the young man to kill. There appears to be a code or numeric sequence coincidentally multiplying like a psychic loop. The...
We are living in the age of electronic warfare whereby the enemy is unseen yet deadly. There have been incidents that are highly suspicious as things like computers or other electronic devices can be turned into weapons. Israel just conducted the most spectacular cyber-physical sabotage in histor...
There are those in the advertising and propaganda fields who see potential in hacking the brain during dream time by projecting ads and propaganda into the subconscious. Sleep scientists have expressed concern about this sort of intrusive dream advertising. What’s lying beneath the marketin...
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Last Friday at the Ft. Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, Esteban Santiago, a 26 year old Iraqi war veteran, allegedly opened fire on people at a baggage claim and killed 8 of them. Santiago had walked into an FBI field office weeks earlier in November with claims he was hearing voices and that the CIA was controlling his mind. Could this be another post MKULTRA programmed assassin or patsy?
Originally Broadcast On 1/9/17
The recent case of Luigi Mangione, the alleged killer of United Health Care CEO Brian Thompson is again raising questions about MK-Ultra grooming and trauma which may have led the young man to kill. A code or numeric sequence appears to be coincidentally multiplying like a psychic loop. The number 286 may have been part of a trigger sequence that activated this sleeper assassin. 286 is everywhere in this case which may be a strong indication the suspect had undergone a form of mind control conditioning. The theory comes from the idea that a single number ties together various elements of the murder, reflecting either deliberate symbolism or an unusual string of programmed synchronicities. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with mind control researcher and author, Dr. John Hall, and, the founder of gematriaeffect.news, Zachary K. Hubbard about DENIAL CODE 286.
Broadcast Originally On 12/16/24
The TV series, Wormwood, will be airing on Netflix and this will focus on the history of the MK-Ultra program and how it is more than just the grand dad of all conspiracies – it also exposes truly criminal activity being carried out by the CIA. With this controversial six part series about the ugliness of covert “brainwashing’ or mind control, it appears that ghosts of these experiments are showing up today with the same severity.
Originally Broadcast On 12/14/17
New domestic terror patsies are created almost like they are part of a stage play and the court of public opinion sees red – what they don’t see is the probability that recent shooters, Ahmad al Aliwi Alissa and Noah Green may have been mind controlled patsies who were targeted and programmed with advanced remote neurotechnology. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with mind control researcher and author, Dr. John Hall about FUTURIAN CANDIDATE.
Originally Broadcast On 4/5/21
In the case of mind control technology, the core issue is that it is even being used in the first place as it is against the UN and EU charters of human rights. It is quite frankly an atrocity and is pure psychological torture that violates cognitive liberty. Beneath the torture of citizens by microwave technology is a darker secret of beaming voices into targeted individuals’ heads. With this in mind, any citizen can become a target and be triggered to kill with these advanced weapons of electronic warfare. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with electronic mind control researcher, Dr. John Hall about NIGHTSTALKERS – DEATH WAITS IN THE DARK.
Originally Broadcast On 1/23/23
The so-called “Havana Syndrome” is back in the news with reports of about 200 Americans complaining of symptoms that may be associated from electromagnetic radiation. What is most disturbing is this type of electronic bombardment is now being weaponized and there have been several credible stories lately which are beginning to acknowledge the possibility that the voices people are hearing, the anxiety they are having, and the rage they are feeling, are quite possibly a result of directed energy warfare. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with Targeted Individual, Jesus Mendoza and electronic mind control researcher, Dr. John Hall about HAVANA SYNDROME – YOU WOULDN’T KNOW MIND CONTROL TIL IT HITS YOU IN THE HEAD.
Originally Broadcast On 7/22/21
The reality of so-called non-lethal, psychotronic weapons are being utilized by social engineers and master magicians in order to electronically manipulate minds and create significantly altered brainwave patterns. Are they being used at protests as a psychological warfare tool to incite and inflame violent and deadly riots?
Originally Broadcast On 8/14/17
In the midst of Mass Formation Psychosis, China is reportedly developing dizzying, ‘brain control weapons,’ that could paralyze enemies and even control them, a new report claims. They are currently developing a series of mind control weapons dubbed as ‘biotechnology.’ Is it all just some advanced form of Chinese Water Torture? Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with mind control researcher and author, Dr. John Hall about CHINESE WATER TORTURE – TRICKLE DOWN PSYCHOSIS.
Originally Broadcast On 1/10/22
Recently, Eric Hecker, a former contractor for Raytheon, blew the whistle about the U.S. government using “voice to skull” technology and “intrusive thought devices” upon the populace. Moreover, Dr. James Giordano has confirmed the use of “neuroweapons” while explaining its justification by the military and intelligence agencies. Although directed energy weapons may have practical applications for warfare, there have been alarming reports of their use against innocent people or unwitting subjects known as “targeted individuals” for several decades. Is there anything we can do to offset or mitigate the effects of this electronic harassment on the mind and body? Tonight on Ground Zero, David Masters talks with mind control technologies researcher and author, Dr. John Hall about THE MIND INTRUDERS.
Originally Broadcast On 7/24/23
Maine mass shooting suspect Robert Card opened fire at two locations in Lewiston, killing 18 people and injuring 13 others. Like other cases of a “lone nut gunman,” authorities were keeping an eye on him before the tragic event. Card, an Army Reservist spent two weeks in a psychiatric facility this past summer after reporting “hearing voices.” His sister said he started using high-powered hearing aids and was hearing people say bad things about him. Interestingly, a New York Times article was about soldiers seeing ghosts and hearing voices after the near-constant bombardment of war-torn countries they were stationed. Furthermore, we do know that DARPA has developed neuro technologies whereby they can electronically transmit audio and visual data directly into the brain. Could this have been another case? Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with mind control researcher and author, Dr. John Hall about BRAIN WAR DEAD – MILITARY MIND CONTROL COMPLEX.
Originally Broadcast On 11/6/23