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Doc Marquis

Doc Marquis is a Christian author, speaker, and former member of the Illuminati. He was raised in an occult group called the Illuminati but severed ties when he became a Christian in 1979. He now devotes his life to traveling across the country, using public forums to educate the public on corruption in government and the occult, as well as teaching about the end times. Marquis has written several books, including “The Final Rapture”, “Secrets of the Illuminati”, and “Memoirs of a Former Illuminati Witch”, which detail his experiences as a member of the Illuminati and his conversion to Christianity. He has also appeared on various TV shows and has spoken at conferences and events. According to his biography, Marquis uses information from the Book of Revelation to alert people who are in danger of missing the final rapture to what they must live through if they are still on Earth during the Tribulation Period. He is known for his prophetic insights and his ability to dissect specific prophecies to show how close we truly are to the final rapture.

Ground Zero: Aftermath

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