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Posted on January 12th, 2021 by Clyde Lewis



Someone sent me an e-mail today asking me why in my first show of 2021 I used a graphic on my website that had the number 666 on it. What I did was merely alter the album cover from The Police – the rock band whose undefinedGhost in the Machine” album cover appeared to have a digital 666 hidden in it. I called the show “Ghosting the Machine” because it was about genomics and nanotech and how it would be used in 2021 to introduce all of us into the so called “Beast” system foretold in the Bible.

I know that many people are preoccupied with politics, and while I have some concern is well, I cannot stop the world from spinning and while everyday distractions like COVID-19 and civil upheaval have captured our attention there are still major moves being made to push people into surrendering their sovereignty for initiation into a new system of dots and numbers.

The value of the human being is about to be diminished as we move into a more transhuman existence.

Becoming a pawn in the new empire is all but guaranteed with the technocracy’s plan to use “the science” to change the way we live – it will even make us question what it truly means to be human.

Because so much of what’s being discussed has become part of everyday, normal life for many people, they fail to notice what it all means and where it is leading. But it’s important to step outside of the box and to become aware, if only not to aid unknowingly in the propagation of what is to come and what is currently happening and to protect the next generation in any way we can.

 In recent decades, many people love to combine idiosyncratic interpretations of the Bible with fears that evil governmental or religious forces are overtaking society and have variously interpreted 666 as a reference to the United Nations, some presidents of the United States, the Washington Monument, and the European Union. Given the commercial associations with 666 in Revelation, such interpreters also commonly identify the flexible symbol with the modern barcode system, the “www” of the Internet’s prefix for the World Wide Web, RFID seals used for tracking and identification, and smart cards used for cashless swiping.

WWW = 666 - YouTube

I must admit that through the years I have heard some pretty remarkable arguments that all of these apply – but it is becoming quite clear that the whole 666 idea is based on altering and controlling your carbon footprint of the basic 6 protons 6 neutrons and 6 electrons in the human body.

The mark of the beast must be willfully accepted and you cannot be tricked into getting it – but it can be said that there are ways for people to be compliant as choice is removed and alternatives are dangerous.

There is also the gradual process of developing what can be called an organic singularity where our relationship with a machine is symbiotic and has commonality where we eventually surrender our humanity to an uncaring godlike machine.

With legacy systems being replaced during the time of reset becoming one with an all encompassing network of minds is inevitable – we already made the choice to participate when we became part of the internet – and have now depended on our cell phones for instant gratification and information – the next phase will be offered and you will then have to make a choice. There is no trick, there is no accident in participating either you become part of the network or you choose not to.

Or, it may not be your choice at all because there are ways the technocracy can make desperate humans join in the internet of a global cyber plantation. It will not be the same internet as you are used to but an interlocking hive mind that feeds upon a blockchain which some believe is the closes thing we have at the moment to a thinking artificial intelligence operation.

The mind is a nut that can be cracked, and it has been proven time and again how this can be accomplished.

In the 1960’s a scientist named Jose Delgado conducted an experiment that stopped a bull dead in its tracks. The experiment was simply a bull fight with an unarmed matador standing in the stadium. The bull started charging at the matador, its horns poised to puncture the poor man’s chest. Delgado, pressed a button on a small radio transmitter in his hand and the bull braked to a halt. Then he pressed another button on the transmitter, and the bull obediently turned to the right and trotted away.

The bull was obeying commands that were being called forth in his brain by electrical stimulation – by the radio signals – of certain regions in which the fine wires had been painlessly implanted the day before. It was the first example of the deliberate modification of animal behavior through external control of the brain. 

Delgado believed that with knowledge of the brain and how to control it, we may transform, direct, and roboticize man. He then stated that he thought the greatest danger of all was that in the future there will be roboticized human beings who are not aware that they have been roboticized.

Despite continued research in the neurosciences, the complexity of the human brain is far from being understood; however, through a number of defense department experiments and through various mind control studies carried out by the Nazis and the CIA people’s minds can be controlled in various ways.

However. to go bridge the science of mere programming, genomics and nanotech is being used to actually roboticize individuals as Dr. Delgado feared.

Last year the roll out for useful model cellular culture systems for laboratory investigations were discussed and how they can be used for not only the Internet of things – but for the internet of bodies.

While the hype has referred to these aggregates of neurons as ‘brains-in-a dish’ or ‘mini-brains – we are still very far from being able to create systems that mimic brain function, but there is an objective to all of this that is hardly spoken of and that is the “organic singularity.”

Many of us have heard of the “Technological Singularity” predicted by Ray Kurzweil — the hypothetical future emergence of greater-than-human-intelligence based on computer systems. Kurzweil looked at the famous “Moore’s Law,” which predicts the ever-increasing power of computers based on ever-increasing chip density, and concluded such power inevitably would exceed that of the human brain.

Kurzweil, relied on a straightforward projection of improvements in computing and software technology and didn’t envision any radical transformation in computing techniques themselves.

While others have argued that Kurzweil understated the technical challenges, especially regarding the software needed to replicate human cognition—even today we see systems and networks of systems that far exceed the communications powers of any single human being. Google is one example, not to mention the Internet itself. Although these systems don’t fulfill Kurzweil’s prediction, they certainly do demonstrate that many human intellectual abilities can be exceeded through technical means.

We have discussed in the past that in order for us to preserve any type of cognitive spirit units able to activate a computer that exceeds our process of cognition we would have to replicate the 86 billion neurons that our nervous system sends to the brain, and each of these neurons contacts an average of 10,000 other neurons, representing a grand total of approximately 860 billion connections.

This is why Kurzweil has said that this may take another 30 years to accomplish the task of transference of intelligence within systems both organic and non organic.

If you consider just the number of neurons, we would reach a figure in the zetta domain (for your information, the order is kilo, mega, giga, tera, peta, exa and zetta, multiplying by 1,000 at each step.

The emergence of greater-than-human-intelligence computers is a foregone conclusion, notwithstanding the fact that at this point we don’t understand what intelligence really entails, how the brain actually performs many functions, or if a software analogue of neural processing is possible.

However, Kurzweil’s fantasy about neural nanobots capable of hooking us directly into the web is now being turned into reality by the senior author of a new study, Robert Freitas Jr.

Writing in Frontiers in Neuroscience, the team said that a Brain Cloud Interface would connect neurons and synapses in the brain to vast cloud computing networks in real time.


An international team of scientists led by members of UC Berkeley and the US Institute for Molecular Manufacturing predicts that exponential progress in nanotechnology,

This new concept proposes using neural nanobots to connect to the human brain’s neocortex – the newest, smartest, ‘conscious’ part of the brain – to the ‘synthetic neocortex’ in the cloud. The nanobots would then provide direct, real-time monitoring and control of signals to and from brain cells. nanomedicine, artificial intelligence and computation will lead this century to the development of a human ‘brain-cloud interface’

These devices would navigate the human vasculature, cross the blood-brain barrier and precisely auto-position themselves among, or even within, brain cells,” explained Freitas. “They would then wirelessly transmit encoded information to and from a cloud-based supercomputer network for real-time brain-state monitoring and data extraction.”

Things get even wilder when you consider the fact that this could allow for a Matrix-style ability to download reams of information into the brain. The B-CI could even enable us to create a future ‘global superbrain’, according to the team, connecting networks of human brains and AI to form a hive mind.

Meanwhile, The RAND Corporation, the think tank behind some of the world’s most influential and frightening ideas and technologies, has released a report titled The Internet of Bodies: Opportunities, Risks, and Governance.

According to the introduction of their report:

RAND defines the Internet of Bodies as “a growing industry of devices that monitor the human body, collect health and other personal information, and transmit that data over the Internet.” In order to qualify as an IoB device, the technology must:

Contain software or computing capabilities, and be able to communicate with an Internet-connected device or network.

An Internet of Body device must also satisfy one or both of the following: collect person-generated health or biometric data, and be able to alter the human body’s function.

The technology that Hollywood has presented over the years in dystopian sci-fi fantasies is now a reality. In the very near future, the technocratic overlords of science, health, finance, and Big Tech desire humanity to go from wearable devices to devices embedded within our bodies.

Furthermore we read in the report that:

Internet-connected undefinedsmartundefined devices are increasingly available in the marketplace, promising consumers and businesses improved convenience and efficiency. Within this broader Internet of Things ) lies a growing industry of devices that monitor the human body and transmit the data collected via the internet. This development, which some have called the Internet of Bodies ), includes an expanding array of devices that combine software, hardware, and communication capabilities to track personal health data, provide vital medical treatment, or enhance bodily comfort, function, health, or well-being.

However, these devices also complicate a field already fraught with legal, regulatory, and ethical risks. The authors of this report examine this emerging collection of human body–centric and internet-connected technologies; explore benefits, security and privacy risks, and ethical implications; survey the nascent regulatory landscape for these devices and the data they collect; and make recommendations to balance Internet of Bodies risks and rewards.

Internet of Things devices such as smart meters, smart watches, virtual assistants, and self-driving cars connect directly to the Internet or through a local network. As Internet of things devices become more commonplace, experts predict that acceptance of and desire for Internet of body devices will also increase. The RAND report predicts:

By 2025, there will be more than 41 billion active Internet of Things devices, generating 2.5 quintillion bytes of data daily on environment, transportation, geolocation, diet, exercise, biometrics, social interactions, and everyday human lives. This explosion in Internet of Things devices will result in further popularity of Internet of Body devices.

Internet of Bodies: The Privacy and Security Implications - CPO Magazine

Not even babies will be able to escape this nightmare where every bodily function is constantly tracked and monitored. The sad part is that many people will welcome these intrusive technologies because they’re convenient and time-saving.

However, exchanging bodily sovereignty for convenience is never a fair transaction. It almost always serves to benefit those who desire more control over our lives. Through adoption of technological advancement, humans are consenting to allow technocrats to dictate every facet of life. Soon doctors will be able to know if you are taking prescribed medication appropriately and will have tools to report you if you aren’t. Digital pills will be used to record your medical compliance as the RAND report signals:

In 2017, the FDA approved the first digital pill: an aripiprazole tablet with an ingestible sensor embedded in the pill that records that the medication was taken. The product is approved for the treatment of schizophrenia, acute treatment of manic and mixed episodes associated with bipolar I disorder, and for use as an add-on treatment for depression in adults… The system works by sending a message from the pill’s sensor to a wearable patch. The patch transmits the information to a mobile application so that patients can track the ingestion of the medication on their smartphone. Patients can also permit their caregivers and physician to access the information through a web-based portal.

If you’re wondering what will power all of this forthcoming technology, the answer lies in a combination of 5G, next generation Wi-Fi, and satellite Internet. These advanced systems will increase data transfer speeds and offer extra-low latency so that those audio and visual dropouts on Zoom calls will be relegated to the dust bin of history. Combined, these systems will provide the power and resources necessary to create a control and surveillance grid that can be monitored in real time. RAND confirms this purpose, illustrating that:

These advancements will enable consumer IoT technologies, such as smart home systems, to connect to Internet of Body devices so that, for example, one’s smart thermostat will be linked to her smart clothing and automatically can regulate the temperature in her home. Greater connectivity and the widespread packaging of Internet of body applications in smartphones and appliances—some of which might collect data unbeknownst to the user—will increase digital tracking of users across a range of behaviors.

As 5G is widely being rolled out in the U.S. and other parts of the globe, plans are already being made to perfect and implement 6G. According to author Thomas S. Rappaport, 6G technology “will usher in the ability to send wireless signals at the rate of human computation” … and “could mean that human intelligence could eventually be sent over the air instantaneously.” Experts predict 6G will be widely available by 2030.

Global race is on for 6G technology research, commercial use - Chinadaily.com.cn

To top it off, nanobiotechnology is being used to manipulate cells and interconnect human bodies to the Internet. Scientists, researchers, and tech geniuses are attempting to play God by reengineering our cell structures, causing them to communicate with Iinternet of body devices. According to an article in News Medical, nanotechnology has “enabled several types of next-generation vaccines” such as the mRNA coronavirus vaccine being developed by Moderna.

But we are being told that this is all conspiracy theory.

We are constantly being conditioned to readily accept invasive technology. 

You see that the Mark of the Beast is simply anything that is placed in the body that would infringe upon body autonomy. First the technocracy imperium takes your sovereignty. employs full spectrum control, and encourages the surrender of body autonomy—merely what Dr. Jose Delgado called undefinedrobiticizingundefined the human being.